Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "symbols: xlim and ylim cannot be specified (PR#639)"
2015 Jul 01
cut-off time for rsync ?
> If your goal is to reduce storage, and scanning inodes doesnt matter,
> use --link-dest for targets. However, that'll keep a backup for every
> time that you run it, by link-desting yesterday's copy.
The goal was not to reduce storage, it was to reduce work. A full
rsync takes more than the whole night, and the destination server is
almost unusable for anything else when it
2015 Jun 30
cut-off time for rsync ?
I used to rsync a /home with thousands of home directories every
night, although only a hundred or so would be used on a typical day,
and many of them have not been used for ages. This became too large a
burden on the poor old destination server, so I switched to a script
that uses "find -ctime -7" on the source to select recently used homes
first, and then rsyncs only those. (A
2000 Mar 13
problem with plot(...., xlim=c(5,0)) (PR#480)
shows axis labels as:
| | | | | |
rather than
| | | | | |
5 4 3 2 1 0
as I believe it used to do in some earlier version.
Thank you for R.
Rashid Nassar
--please do not edit the information below--
platform = i586-unknown-linux
arch = i586
2015 Jul 02
cut-off time for rsync ?
> What is taking time, scanning inodes on the destination, or recopying the entire
> backup because of either source read speed, target write speed or a slow interconnect
> between them?
It takes hours to traverse all these directories with loads of small
files on the backup server. That is the limiting factor. Not
even copying: just checking the timestamp and size of the old copies.
2015 Jan 15
Problems with permissions
I have a Debian Wheezy machine with a standard samba configured as domain
controller. (security = user)
On the Windows clients a programm shall be installed that needs full access to
all files on a network drive
I have set the Unix permissions to 777 for all files and subdirectories of the
according directory.
The share entry is:
path = /home/shareddirectory
admin users =
2008 Jul 24
plot.dendrogram xlim/ylim
I would like to zoom in to the leaves of large trees in a dendrogram
plot. The playwith package allows zooming by passing xlim and ylim
arguments to the plot call (Hmisc does this too I think). But
currently stats:::plot.dendrogram does not accept xlim or ylim. So I
would like to enable that. In place of the existing code chunk:
xlim <- c(x1 - 1/2, x2 + 1/2)
ylim <- c(0,
2010 May 26
xlim/ylim and actual axis length
Dear plotting wizards,
when plotting in R, the actual lengths of the axes are slightly
greater than the ranges of the x/y variables or xlim/ylim values.
how do I control the amount by which the axes are enlarged? Is
there a way to enforce that the lengths of the axes equal
it can be observed, that the x- and y-axis join at approx.
2010 Feb 06
Why does smoothScatter clip when xlim and ylim increased?
Is there a way to get smoothScatter to not clip when I increase the xlim and
ylim parameters?
Consider the following example:
#Now if I increase xlim and ylim notice that the plot seems to be clipped at
the former xlim, and ylim boundaries:
smoothScatter(x1,x2, xlim=c(-5,5), ylim=c(-5,5))
2003 Aug 25
setting xlim and ylim with asp=1
In plot(), when using option asp=1 the xlim and ylim have no effect because
they are changed
changed in order to fill the whole plot region. Is there a way to
automatically set
xlim and ylim when asp has been set to 1?
For example:
#This is a box of the plot ranges I want:
#Without asp=1 I get what I want (i.e. I can't see the box because it
2009 Apr 22
reversing xlim, ylim in smoothScatter
I have found that in smoothScatter it is not possible to reverse the axes plotted (R version 2.9.0) . It appears that this arises from the hard coding of xlim and ylim in smoothscatter.R in the lines :
x <- x[ xlim[1] <= x[,1] & x[,1] <=xlim[2], ] (line number 25)
x <- x[ ylim[1] <= x[,2] & x[,2] <= ylim[2], ] (line number 31)
This results in a x
2004 Sep 22
pairs, panel.functions, xlim and ylim
I have the following problem.
I wanted to get a matrix of scatterplots and I used pairs.
I wanted to add the line y=x in each plot and I created a panel
function for this scope.
I used points and abline in the following way:
## put y=x in each plot
panel.lin<- function(x, y)
points(x,y, pch=21, bg=par("bg"), col = "black",cex=2)
2001 Oct 18
seq (PR#1133)
In the following special case, seq fails to give the right answer
(which is 0 )
> seq(0,0,1)
Error in if (dd < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) return(from) :
missing value where logical needed
For any other equal from and to , it works:
> seq(1,1,1)
[1] 1
The error occurs in the statement
dd <- abs(del)/max(abs(to), abs(from))
of seq.default -- for obvious reasons.
2010 Aug 31
"pairs" with same xlim and ylim scale
Hi list,
I have a function which basically is a wrapper of pairs with some useful panel
functions. However, I'm having trouble to pass the "xlim" and "ylim" into the
function so the x and y axes are in the same scale and 45 degree lines are
exactly diagonal. I've looked at some old posts, they didn't help much. I
think this is b/c I have multiple panel
2010 Nov 10
plot & xlim/ylim & range of axis
Dear mailing list readers!
Using R and the plot function I stumbled over this little issue:
produces an plot empty plot, where the y-axis is in the specified range.
Changing ylim to
creates an y-axis in the range of 1e-12 to 1e-6. This appearance of the
y-axis is a
2002 Mar 19
plot with the axes at xlim and ylim
I'd like to make a plot with the axes drawn at the values of xlim and
ylim. The default plot draws the axes slightly outside these values. I
have been experimenting with the par(mgp) setting, but specifying
par(mgp=c(2,0,-1)) gives me
"invalid value specified for graphics parameter "mgp".".
A more complicated mathod that almost seems to work is doing the plot
2009 Jul 21
How to extract the upper xlim and ylim of my plot?
Dear R-helpers,
I wish to place some text in a plot, at approx 10% of my upper xlim and
approx 90% of my upper ylim, i.e.
> plot(log(all$SR,10)~log(all$AREA,10))
> text(.1*max(xlim),.9*max(ylim),"text to be placed")
(I know how to give absolute coordinates for text location, but I wish to
use relative coordinates).
My code (above) doesn't work because I don't know how
2007 Sep 20
ggplot and xlim/ylim
Hello everyone,
I am (happily) using ggplot2 for all my plotting now and I wondered
is there is an easy way to specify xlim and ylim somewhere when using
the ggplot syntax, as opposed to the qplot syntax. Eg.
qplot(data=mtcars,y=wt, x=qsec,xlim=c(0,30))
ggplot(mtcars, aes(y=wt, x=qsec)) + geom_point() + ???
Indeed the ggplot syntax is in general more flexible and powerful and
2009 Jul 23
Antw: How to extract the upper xlim and ylim of my plot?
You may want to use the function corner.label from the plotrix-package.
>>> Mark Na <mtb954@gmail.com> 21.07.2009 23:03 >>>
Dear R-helpers,
I wish to place some text in a plot, at approx 10% of my upper xlim
approx 90% of my upper ylim, i.e.
> plot(log(all$SR,10)~log(all$AREA,10))
> text(.1*max(xlim),.9*max(ylim),"text to be placed")
(I know
2007 Jul 10
Plot SpatialLinesDataFrame with xlim & ylim
I'm running windows xp, R 2.3.1 with maptools 0.6-6, I guess.
When plotting from a large SpatialLinesDataFrame and using xlim & ylim to reduce the area, the plot axes automatically have the same scale size, even if xlim and ylim ranges differ.
tmp <- readShapeLines(filepath)
The y-axis range is actually 47-54, same range as the x-axis.
1999 Nov 15
xlim, ylim problem in barplot (PR#325)
Hi, all.
The lower bound in a barplot (or the left bound if you're making a
horizontal barplot) is -0.01 no matter what. This causes problems if
you're making a barplot of small values (say, < .001), as most of the plot
is taken up with blank space beneath the axis, and the bars are squeezed
in at the top. The fix seems to be simple: replace lines
41: xlim <- range(-0.01,