Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "New code -- genetic algorithm curve fitting (supports complex numbers)"
2005 Feb 04
genetic algorithm
I am doing some research on feature selection for classfication
problem using genetic algorithm in a wrapper approach. I am wondering
if there is some package which is already built for this purpose. I
was advised before about dprep package but I don't think it used GA
there (if I am wrong, please correct me!)
2007 Dec 19
Genetic algorithm for feature selection
I'm looking for a R-package that does feature selection for PLS using a
genetic optimization algorithm.
I couldn't find one on CRAN and I wonder whether there is a free one. I
would be very appreciative for any help.
2011 Feb 07
can I use the output of a neural network as the fitness function of genetic algorithm?
Hi Everyone,
I need to use genetic algorithm to find the minimum. The problem is, I
cannot define the fitness function, but I can build a neural network from
the input data and use
the output as a fitness function. Can this be done?
The other problem is, I know there are a few package in R related to GA.
So far I know all of them take a specific function as fitness function, is
2003 Oct 10
general genetic algorithm / simulated annealing framework
we have some code that does variable selection with a genetic
algorithm or simulated annealing, using a linear regression routine or
neural network as the objective function. This code is a mixture of
fortran and C.
The code is more than 15 years old and I am planning to rework it.
Though a C rewrite would be good for efficiency, I would like to
protoype it quickly in R and see how it
2008 Apr 20
representing binary data for Genetic Algorithm in R
Hello all,
I am trying to implement a simple Genetic Algorithm. I am doing this
in R since I want access to the statistical functions (eg lm) it
I'm not new to programming, or GAs, but I am totally new to R (the
package and the language), and I am hoping someone could help with
these questions:
1. I am going to use a binary representation, it seems that vectors of
Factors would
2012 Sep 02
glmulti runs indefinitely when using genetic algorithm with lme4
Dear List,
I'm using glmulti for model averaging in R. There are ~10 variables in my
model, making exhaustive screening impractical - I therefore need to use
the genetic algorithm (GA) (call: method = "g").
I need to include random effects so I'm using glmulti as a wrapper for
lme4. Methods for doing this are available here
2001 Jan 26
[fwd] Ogg123 crash report on EV4 Multia
----- Forwarded message from Telford Tendys <telford@triode.net.au> -----
Delivery-Date: Thu Jan 25 22:22:57 2001
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 16:26:27 +1100
From: Telford Tendys <telford@triode.net.au>
To: feedback@vorbis.com
Subject: Comments on your code
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i
Dear Vorbis,
I didn't even know about ogg or vorbis until I was at a conference
and someone said, ``if
1998 Nov 21
Genetic Algorithms
Hello, I'm new to R, I have two questions:
Is there some implementation og Genetic Algorithms in R?
Is there a pre-dvi'd manual of R?
thanks. E. Crespi.
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe"
(in the
2010 Dec 24
mcga 1.1 (machine coded genetic algorithms) package released
mcga 1.1 (machine coded genetic algorithms) package implements a genetic
algorithm optimisation tool with machine coded chromosomes.
The machine coded chromosomes stand for chromosomes that are not decoded and
encoded. The byte representation of 'double' type variables are crossed-over and
mutated. This is different from the binary coded and real coded genetic
algorithms. Linux and
2010 Dec 24
mcga 1.1 (machine coded genetic algorithms) package released
mcga 1.1 (machine coded genetic algorithms) package implements a genetic
algorithm optimisation tool with machine coded chromosomes.
The machine coded chromosomes stand for chromosomes that are not decoded and
encoded. The byte representation of 'double' type variables are crossed-over and
mutated. This is different from the binary coded and real coded genetic
algorithms. Linux and
2002 Sep 17
ga: genetic algorithms package
Dear all,
at the following address
you can download a package to build simple genetic algorithms. I wrote
this package to introduce genetic algorithms to student in labs, which
means, the package emphasize "how a ga works" instead of "how
fast it could be".
Please, let me know any comments or suggestions,
2009 Nov 10
Implementation of the "Shuffled Complex Evolution" (SCE-UA) Algorithm
Good evening list,
I'm looking for an R implementation of the "Shuffled Complex
Evolution??? (SCE-UA) algorithm after Duan et al. (1993). Does anybody
know if there is an extension/ package existing that contains it?
Thanks very much for your help! Cheers, Simon
Duan QY, Gupta KV, Sorooshian S (1993) Shuffled Complex Evolution
Approach for Effective and Efficient Global Minimization. In
2005 Dec 08
Genetic Algorithms with rbga.bin using AIC as the evalFunc
Hi all.
I would like to use the rbga.bin function (from the "genalg" package) as
part of a model selection process to whittle down a list of ~40
potential explanatory variables to only the most important ones.
Unfortunately, despite my working knowledge of R for linear modeling and
basic statistics, I cannot understand the two examples provided with the
documentation for rbga.bin
2010 Feb 19
"tsne" package for t-SNE dimensionality reduction
I'd like to announce the availability of the "tsne" package.
It provides the T distributed Stocastic Neighbor Embedding algorithm by van
der Maaten and Hinton:
1. http://ict.ewi.tudelft.nl/~lvandermaaten/t-SNE.html
L.J.P. van der Maaten and G.E. Hinton. Visualizing High-Dimensional Data
Using t-SNE. Journal of Machine Learning Research 9(Nov):2579-2605, 2008.
2010 Feb 19
"tsne" package for t-SNE dimensionality reduction
I'd like to announce the availability of the "tsne" package.
It provides the T distributed Stocastic Neighbor Embedding algorithm by van
der Maaten and Hinton:
1. http://ict.ewi.tudelft.nl/~lvandermaaten/t-SNE.html
L.J.P. van der Maaten and G.E. Hinton. Visualizing High-Dimensional Data
Using t-SNE. Journal of Machine Learning Research 9(Nov):2579-2605, 2008.
2009 Feb 25
R, joint scaling test, quantitative genetic analysis & sensitivity to model violations
Hi all, This is really a stats question as much as an R question. I'm
trying to do a joint scaling test (JST - see below) on some very
oddly-distributed data and was wondering if anyone can suggest a good way of
dealing with model violations and/or using R to evaluate how sensitive the
model is to violations of the normality assumption.
Here's a quick explanation of the analysis, the
2011 Dec 02
Error in Genetic Matching
Dear R Users,
I am a novice learner of R software. I am working with Genetic Matching - GenMatch(), but I am getting an Error message as follows:
Error in GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X = X.binarynp, BalanceMatrix = BalanceMatrix.binarynp, :
GenMatch(): input includes NAs
Could you please suggest me correcting the above problem?
My GenMatch command is,
> gen1 <- GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X =
2010 May 28
how to use GenABEL genetic information??
Does anyone use the R library GenABEL? I am using it to calculate SNP
I have a list of 100 SNPs, I need to look at the interaction between each of
two SNPs among the list. my question is how to perform this in GenABEL. I
want to use the "lm" function, but don't know how to use the SNP
for example:
result <- (lm(y~SNP1+SNP2+SNP1*SNP2))
the problem here
2006 Jun 20
How large a genetic analysis will you be able to do in R...
>From: "john hickey" <jmwhickey@hotmail.com>
>To: fries@fcav.unesp.br
>Subject: R genetic parameters
>Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 11:20:45 +0000
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 20 Jun 2006 11:20:48.0892 (UTC)
>X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at fcav.unesp.br
>How large a genetic analysis will you be able to do in R,
2010 Jan 14
Is it possible to create the genetic code circle graph ?
Hello dear R help group,
Can any one suggest me of a way of making this:
Using R ?
Contact me: Tal.Galili@gmail.com |