similar to: ScrUITools for Mac OS X

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "ScrUITools for Mac OS X"

2004 Jan 06
Another Updated - wxRuby Windows installeravailable for
Hmm everything installed fine but when I try to run the samples I get an error dialog stating: "rubyw.exe - unable to Locate Component This application has failed to start because MSVCRTD.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." Which unless you are supplying the debug microsoft dll''s, re-installing will have no effect :) This was on WinXP
2004 Jan 19
wxruby Mac Release
My apologies for the delay. My contractor life picked up while I was researching how to make the release. I''m going to build two releases - one for Jaguar (ruby 1.6.7), and one for Panther (ruby 1.6.8) using the ruby installations that come with the system.. If I''m *really* inspired, I''ll put in a ''bundle maker ruby script'', but I''ll
2004 Feb 08
wxruby 0.2 for osx panther release
A first draft of the wxruby binary release for the macintosh is now available at: Install the metapackage (mpkg). You will need to choose a folder for the sample apps. wxruby.bundle is installed in /usr/lib/ruby/1.6/powerpc-darwin7.0 A few questions: 1) Should I just leave the samples in a folder instead of making the user
2011 Apr 25
Unicorn / Daemontools
Hi - I tried to get Daemontools and Unicorn working together a while back - there are issues on USR2 restart because of the pid change - I''m hoping someone in the community will have some understanding of this issue I documented my experience and eventual defeat here : Any help would be received
2006 Jan 17
lme model specification
I have been asked to analyse the results of (what is to me) a very complicated experiment. The dependent measure is the estimated distance, which is measured as a function of the actual distance. There are also several other IVs. The plot of log estimated distance as a function of log distance is linear. So in the rest of the analysis I will use logestimate and logdistance. My plan is to see
2006 Mar 01
Form helpers and overloaded methods - help!
Can someone explain why form helpers appear to bypass any model methods I override for fields that are bound to database fields? It would be great if someone could tell me how to force the form field, etc to call the method instead of looking at the database / attributes collection. Let''s say I have a column called ''price'' in my database table "books"
2007 Nov 07
Adding submenus to existing consol GUI menu
If possible I would like to add two sub-menus to the R Console under Windows. For example, I would like to add: winMenuAddItem("File", "Load CSV...", "loadCSV()") winMenuAddItem("File", "Save CSV...", "saveCSV()") and have them appear under the initial 'File' item rather than add a new 'File' menu item. I seem to
2007 Dec 13
OpenSSL binary compatibility between CentOS 4 and 5
[Re-sending ...] I would like to ask why upstream and CentOS provide no compat-openssl packages like Novell does in SUSE. We are trying to install binaries for gLite (a huge toolkit for grid computing linked against upstream v4 libraries) on CentOS 5. I was under the impression that this would be possible because v5 is "binary-compatible" with v4. But it seems this "binary
2009 May 04
Spree 0.8.0 Released (Rails eCommerce Project)
Spree is an open source ecommerce solution for Ruby on Rails. I''ll also be leading a BOF at RailsConf where we will be chatting about Rails commerce so hopefully I''ll see you there! Sean Schofield Twitter: @railsdog
2006 Feb 28
File_column, RMagick, and watermarking
I''m working on a photo gallery and I''m using File_column to handle the uploads of the files and create my thumbnails, but does anyone here have any idea how to have a watermark (opaque text maybe) placed over one of the versions? Any ideas on how to go about this would be great. Even if it''s just straight RMagick code, that would be fine too. Thanks in advance for the
2004 Sep 10
chan_agent and SIP UA transfers fail
I am beating my head against a problem where queue calls offered by Agent channel to a SIP UA cannot be REFER transferred if the target UA/extension hasn't accepted the call. If the members of the queue are SIP channels, this is not a problem. I suspect chan_agent isn't flagging the bridge from Zap/n -> SIP/n properly, or this is by design. The following line is what is spoken before
2013 Apr 25
Reading data from a text file conditionally skipping lines
Hi, It would be better to give an example. If your dataset is like the one attached: con<-file("Trial1.txt") ?Lines1<- readLines(con) ?close(con) #If the data you wanted to extract is numeric and the header and footer are characters, dat1<-read.table(text=Lines1[-grep("[A-Za-z]",Lines1)],sep="\t",header=FALSE) dat1 #?? V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 #1? 38 43 39 44 45 #2? 39
1998 Mar 03
SMBlib: status? My mod's
Is anyone actively maintaining/working-on the SMBlib? I saw a post that hinted that there might be, but that was three months ago, and not a whisper since. I just added the LanMan1 (as I recall...) locking_andx function to SMBlib, and built a (trivial) Perl xs interface for the SMBlib. I'm not likely to do a whole lot more unless I pick up more business in that area -- not something I
2007 Apr 18
[Bridge] Update OSDL/Linux-Foundation maintainer addresses
Hi, I'm not sure if this is apprriate or not, but here goes anyway. The patch below updates MAINTAIER address Individuals (Only Andrew :): -> Lists: -> I assume the latter will change at some stage, but at least with this change the osdl/linux-foundation lists are consistent. Signed-off-by: Simon Horman
2004 Mar 18
Minor update to wxRuby 0.2.1 for Mac
I just uploaded a slightly revised version of the Mac wxRuby 0.2.1, named 0.2.1b. which is "slightly" smaller than the first copy. It''s about 88% smaller, but has the same contents, so it seemed worth updating. Thanks to Nick for figuring out the setting to shrink it, and for building a new version for us. The statistics no longer show how many people downloaded the
2013 Apr 29
checking puppet run status of node A during puppet run of node B
I have some middleware where the successful configuration of node B is dependent on the successful configuration of node A. Node B must pull additional information from node A during its configuration. Is there any built in functionality in puppet for checking the completion status of other nodes? Right now my intent is to write a custom function to query the puppetdb which is storing
2023 Jul 12
[Bridge] llc needs namespace awareness asap, was Re: Patch fixing STP if bridge in non-default namespace.
(CC'ing bridge maintainers.) Kuniyuki Iwashima <kuniyu at> writes: > From: Harry Coin <hcoin at> > Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:40:03 -0500 >> On 7/11/23 15:44, Andrew Lunn wrote: >> >>>>>> The current llc_rcv.c around line 166 in net/llc/llc_input.c has >> >>>>>> >>
2006 Mar 06
Dreamhost subscription?
I''m thinking about signing up with DreamHost for the base Level 1 $9.95 plan. Does anyone think that''s a bad idea? I''d like to know others thoughts, and who they recommend for RoR hosting? Thanks! -- Posted via
2000 Dec 17
functions for subsets: a minor R programming challenge
Neils Waller asks > -----Original Message----- > From: niels Waller [mailto:niels.waller at] > Sent: Sunday, 17 December 2000 8:31 > To: r-help at > Subject: > > Does anyone know of an R (or S-PLUS) function for delineating > all possible combinations and permutations? > > That is, for set (1,2,3) 3_C_2 = {1,2} {1,3} {2,3} >
2013 Jan 07
How manage xml elements as resources?
I would like to use puppet classes to inject and/or replace xml elements into an existing xml configuration file. This seems to me to be a common problem already solved. Can anyone suggest the easiest way to do this? An example use case would look like something like this. Given xml file: <host> <server name="one"/> <server name="two"/>