similar to: Okay one last question...(again)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Okay one last question...(again)"

2003 Nov 26
Okay one last question...
(for now, anyway :) I have a panel, and I want to be able to adjust the size programatically. I don''t have any sub windows, all I am doing is drawing a bitmap into the DC. I''ve tried set_size, but nothing seems to happen... Do I need to go to all the bother of creating a sizer, blah, blah, blah, or is there some kind of event I need to trigger to force a resize, or...?
2006 Dec 12
[785] trunk/wxruby2/doc/textile/window.txtl: Remove set_constraints, correct docs for set_dimensions and set_size
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2005 May 03
Hello, wxruby-users. This is an addition which implement wrapper for overloading wxHtmlWindow::OnLinkClicked method. Unfortunately, it was impossible to make it correctly without ugly hack to wxpp.rb, but i`m hope it does not broke it. Please look at attachment for a patch for htmlwindow.t and wxpp.rb and additional file htmllinkinfo.t (need to be added to $objs array in extconf.rb). Sample
2007 Jan 06
[840] trunk/wxruby2/doc/textile/boxsizer.txtl: Add methods listing, remove one bad link and not-for-user method descriptions
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2007 Apr 16
[969] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/doc/textile/window.txtl: Cleanup and fixing of broken links.
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2007 Jan 22
Adding sizers to other sizers doesn''t work
Hello all, Running this on an Intel Mac OSX 10.4.8 ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i686-darwin] wxruby2-preview (0.0.37) using zshell I''m having a heck of a time setting up a GUI with a differing number of widgets per row, resulting in a differing number or widgets per column. At first I tried to simply do something like the following: class CharacterInfoPanel < Wx::Panel def
2006 Oct 19
[691] trunk/wxruby2/samples/calendar/calendar.rb: Placed controls within a panel so they appear on the correct themed background
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2007 Apr 30
[997] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282: Window - 2.6 -> 2.8 API, new methods and deprecations; update doc
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2004 Oct 21
Re: wxRuby: How to add a scrollbar to a Wx::Notebook tab
I''m going to cross-post this to the wxRuby ML because I know of at least one wxRuby expert who does not subscribe to ruby-talk. Curt Stephan Kämper [] > > Hi all, > > having just started to work with wxRuby, I would like to > - display a Wx::Notebook > - with several widgets in each row > - where the text field in the row
2007 Feb 19
Sizer question
First, Thank you, thank you, thank you for those who put wxRuby together. I''m thrilled to be able to write GUI code in Ruby! I''m hitting some confusion about how Sizers work. I''ve read the tutorials and the section in the wxWidgets book but I still can''t seem to figure this out. Here''s an example of my code: parent =, -1,
2007 Jul 21
[1139] trunk/wxruby2/samples/text/textctrl.rb: Place TextCtrl sample in a panel so gets correct bg color on MSW
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2006 Oct 19
[690] trunk/wxruby2/samples/text/unicode.rb: Placed controls within a panel so they appear on the correct themed background
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2007 Jul 21
[1138] trunk/wxruby2/samples/html/html.rb: Place HTMLWindow in a panel so gets correct bg color on MSW
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2010 Mar 30
My first wxRuby app doesn't work, please help!
Hi, I'm trying to learn wxRuby. This is program: require 'wx' include Wx class MyFrame < Frame def initialize super(nil,-1,"Mi primera ventana Wx!") @panel = @lbl1 =,-1,"Label") @text1 =,-1,"Text Value") @combo,-1,"Combo Text") @button
2004 Jun 19
FlexGridSizer question
=begin I am trying to understand how FlexGridSizer works and I have written a small test application using the latest wxRuby 0.4.0 on Win XP (Home). I cannot get static text ''Week'', ''Day'' and ''Date'' line up above the OK button. I have tried all combinations of ALIGN flags, but I either got the text sticking far too close to the left edge of
2008 Feb 01
[ wxruby-Bugs-17697 ] "puts" crashes application
Bugs item #17697, was opened at 01-02-2008 09:07 You can respond by visiting: Category: Incorrect behavior Group: current Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Nobody (None) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: "puts" crashes application Initial Comment: I know that nobody
2006 Dec 30
[809] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/layout.rb: Fix default sizers to arrange_vertically, add padding on specified sides
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2008 May 11
Choosing a Sizer
Following alex advices, i''ve used both "text/textctrl.rb" and "etc/threaded.rb" to build my first wxApp. I''ve changed the Sizer type mainly (from "Wx::BoxSizer" to "Wx::FlexGridSizer"). I didn''t find the way to let @log (Wx::TextCtrl) span 2 columns. At the time of writing it''s growing only vertically. And also how to get
2003 Nov 25
Does wxRuby have event masks or something similar?
I''m trying to capture character events on a frame, using the following piece of code (adapted from samples/etc/test.rb): def initialize(title) super(nil, -1, title,,-1),,590), Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | Wx::FRAME_SHAPED) evt_paint { onPaint } evt_char { | evt | puts "Got char evt: "+evt.to_s if evt.get_key_code.chr =~
2006 Dec 30
[811] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/layout.rb: Yield the sizer rather than the underlying parent to an ''arrange'' block
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