similar to: Does wxRuby have event masks or something similar?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Does wxRuby have event masks or something similar?"

2008 Jan 14
Focus on TextCtrl
Hello. I have a problem with set focus on a TextCtrl in wxRuby. I must do something like Login TextCtrl and set focus on a next TextCtrl by clicking Tab key. -- Posted via
2004 May 22
Tabbing between Notebook pages
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: wxTony.rbw Type: application/octet-stream Size: 10436 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2003 Dec 13
widget hierarchy - program variables
Hi! During developing my little program, I''ve noticed, that the objects have a hierarchy, but now I don''t know what to do, if a widget initiates an event which has an effect to the parent, grandfather/brother/other relatives. Is there a tutorial for this aspect? Gergo -- +-[ Kontra, Gergely<> PhD student Room IB113 ]---------+ |
2010 Mar 20
Tab key traversal
Below is my attempt at changing the focus from one text control to the next control after a person presses the tab key. The wxTE_PROCESS_TAB style property has been selected for each of the controls. What corrections do I have to make? Thanks. #!/usr/bin/env ruby require ''rubygems'' require ''wx'' require ''tp1.rb'' class MainFrame < TPSC
2006 Aug 25
Patch to wxComboBox.rbw
This patch fixes the sample so it works correctly. You''ll need to patches in the previous e-mail. Roy _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2007 Apr 14
how to simulate key_down event(when event.get_key_code()==Wx::K_DOWN) in ListCtrl or TreeCtrl?
I want to simulate vi(vim) like operations in ListCtrl or TreeCtrl, that is, for example, when user pressed a ''j'' on keyboard,the selected item change into the next one item, just like user press a Wx::K_DOWN(arrow key down on keyboard) . but not jump to some item started with a "J" charater. evt_tree_key_down(TreeTest_Ctrl) { | e | on_tree_key_down(e) } ... def
2006 Aug 01
additions to wxKeyEvent
Added the public variables like m_KeyCode and m_controlDown, these are needed it you want to create your own EVT_CHAR message to send a widget. I am including the whole .h file instead of a diff since it is small. Sean _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2003 Nov 26
Okay one last question...(again)
[Arrg this might show up twice, I sent from the wrong account] (for now, anyway :) I have a panel, and I want to be able to adjust the size programatically. I don''t have any sub windows, all I am doing is drawing a bitmap into the DC. I''ve tried set_size, but nothing seems to happen... Do I need to go to all the bother of creating a sizer, blah, blah, blah, or is there some
2010 Jan 24
Where can I find a list of events for each widget?
I''ve searched the documentation like crazy but I can''t seem to find the events for each of the widgets. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. -- Posted via
2007 Jul 04
[1107] trunk/wxruby2: Add the 2.8 get_modifiers method to KeyEvent; remove some deprecated
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2006 Sep 17
This is a first stab at a run.rb file that will let you run a sample in the bigdemo directory by itself. You have to add the following to the bottom of every sample file: if __FILE__ == $0 load "run.rb" run(File.basename($0)) end Roy _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2010 Aug 03
Making a Text Control selected once user hits a button
I want it so that when a user hits a button, that a text control is selected and they can just start typing away and update the text control. Is there anyway to do this? -- Posted via
2006 Dec 18
unit testing wxruby GUIs
paul.allton at wrote: > I''m a big fan of automated UI testing (i.e. driving the UI from some robot API). I appreciate this > is potentially a whole new project, but does wxwidgets provide a method of clicking buttons, > typing into components ... if so, would it be technically possible to expose this in wxruby. I like automated UI testing too, but
2012 Oct 23
How to remove data from hiera programtically
Hello Everybody, Is it possible to store and remove data from hiera(the yaml files) programatically ??? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this group, send email to
2006 Oct 19
[ wxruby-Bugs-6235 ] KeyEvent#get_key_code not working properly on OS X
Bugs item #6235, was opened at 2006-10-19 12:43 You can respond by visiting: Category: Incorrect behavior Group: current Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 4 Submitted By: Alex Fenton (brokentoy) Assigned to: Kevin Smith (qualitycode) Summary: KeyEvent#get_key_code not working properly on OS X Initial
2011 Mar 01
Bonsoir Alex, en utilisant "event.get_key_code" avec les touches du pavé numérique(clavier azerty) j''obtient les résultats suivants: par exemple: 1 = 324 2 = 325 3 = 326 Est-ce que j''obtient les mêmes résultats avec les mêmes touches avec un clavier querty? merci. _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2007 Jan 08
[ wxruby-Bugs-7658 ] Window#set_focus method not working on OS X
Bugs item #7658, was opened at 2007-01-08 01:12 You can respond by visiting: Category: Incorrect behavior Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Alex Fenton (brokentoy) Assigned to: Alex Fenton (brokentoy) Summary: Window#set_focus method not working on OS X Initial Comment: The
2005 Aug 15
Tracing down some things to add in validators and I''ve run across something that kinda bothers me... In order to implement validators you have to override the clone method. The directors seems to be set up to specifically handle this situation. However, whenever C++ calls back to the object''s methods the swig_get_up function is returning false. It seems like swig_up
2012 Mar 01
How to colorize the panel backgrounds of pairs()?
Dear expeRts, I would like to colorize the backgrounds of a pairs plot according to the respective panel number. Here is what I tried (without success): count <- 0 mypanel <- function(x, y, ...){ count <<- count+1 bg. <- if(count %in% c(1,4,9,12)) "#FDFF65" else NA points(x, y, cex=0.5, bg=bg) } U <- matrix(runif(4*500), ncol=4) pairs(U, panel=mypanel) I
2010 Mar 05
conditioning variable in panel.xyplot?
I wish to create a multipanel plot (map) from several datasets ("d" and "q" in the example below). I can condition the main xyplot statement on the "site" variable, but I don't know how to pass a conditioning variable to panel.xyplot plot so that the x-y coordinates from dataset q are only plotted at the appropriate site. library(lattice) d <-