similar to: wxruby & wxWindows site

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "wxruby & wxWindows site"

2003 Nov 11
wxRuby is now linked from the wxWindows site
I sent a message to Julian (the primary author of wxWindows), and he immediately added wxRuby to the list of "Related Projects" on the "Community" page of the wxWindows site: Thanks to Gour for suggesting this. We are also listed in the Ruby RAA, under Library, GUI. If anyone knows of other places we should be linked, let me know. Or better yet,
2003 Dec 29
Font support, MS Windows binaries, Mac status (?)
Wx::Font now supports almost all the methods of wxFont, which should be good news for anyone interested in rich text editing (FreeRIDE anyone?). These changes are checked in to CVS and my darcs repository. Thanks to Nobuaki Arima for submitting font support code. Although I didn''t actually use that font code, I did directly use the included sample file, and the changes to const.cpp.
2003 Aug 22
Hello to all! Since nobody replied and expressed desire to take over README.mingw32, I wrote short instructions how to build wxruby with MinGW compiler in MSYS environment. Considering that wxruby can be of interest to some Ruby users not so familiar with C++ and/or wxWindows (I''m one of them :-), I included some notes on installing MinGW & MSYS, building wxWindows library, Ruby ..
2003 Nov 06
Gentoo ebuild
Hi! Since I switched from SuSE to Gentoo (before Novell era :-) I wrote a simple ebuild script for building wxruby on Gentoo. Few notes: a) in order to work, wxruby-0.1.0.tgz should contain wxruby-0.1.0 folder since it is a Gentoo policy and I hope it''s not a problem to change that for 0.2.0 b) I assumed that one needs Ruby >= 1.8.0 and wx >= 2.4.1. Is it OK? Please inspect
2003 Nov 06
MinGW build (static linking) problem
Hi! I am trying to build wxruby with statically linked wxWindows library, but so far - no luck - bunch of unresolved references during the linking phase. I''ve seen on the list that Curt was being able to build it, so any hint would be helpful. gcc 3.2.3 (MinGW 3.1.0) & MSYS 1.0.10rc2. Sincerely, Gour -- Gour Registered Linux User #278493
2003 Dec 31
Whoo Hoo! I got a working Windows Build of wxRuby
I finally got a working native windows build of wxRuby (using a static build of wxWindows so everything is in a single dll --! Two things contributed to my success: 1) building wxWindows with the vc++ makefiles (instead of the vc++ projects), and 2) very careful attention to compiler/linker flags specified in extconf.rb. Kevin, I had to modify app.cpp, depend, extconf.rb, and wx.h. I
2003 Aug 28
Problem Running Samples (Mingw, Ruby 1.8.0)
I believe I have followed Gour''s instructions to the letter for compiling wxwindows, ruby and wxruby. Indeed all of the compilation stages have worked flawlessly, however when I try to ruby any of the samples I get an error dialog "This application has failed to start because wxmsw241d.dll was not found ...." Looking in the c:/mingw/lib directory robertm@PC126 /mingw/lib $
2003 Dec 13
Getting ready for 0.2 release
As I mentioned in October (wow, time moves quickly!), there are two big items I would like to have in a 0.2 release of wxRuby: 1. Binary builds for as many platforms as possible 2. A document describing how to use the standard wxWindows/wxPython documentation to develop wxRuby apps In order for this to happen in any reasonable time frame, I will need help. For those of you here who are not
2003 Aug 25
Re: ANN: wxRuby 0.1.0 Alpha has been released!
I''m not a Linux user. I suggest you subscribe to the wxRuby ML and get advice there from other Linux users. For the time being, I''ll cross-post this message to the wxRuby ML. Curt Markus Jais wrote: > > Curt Hibbs wrote: > > > > > > > The code itself has been quite stable for
2003 Oct 22
Survey results
Many thanks to the 23 people who took the time to respond to the survey. It really will help me spend my time more effectively. As promised, here are the results. I have inserted some comments inside [brackets]. 1. Have you downloaded wxRuby? YES 19 NO 4 2. Have you successfully built wxRuby? YES 14 NO 8 [We really need binary downloads so people don''t have to build anything.
2003 Dec 12
I hate make
Does anyone else here think that it might be a good idea to shift wxruby to use rake ( or perhaps one of the other "modern" build systems? One example of a task that would be trivial with rake, but seem to be really painful with make: Define a tclean target that deletes all the .h and .cpp files that are built from .t files. I''m not sure
2004 Mar 12
ANN: wxRuby 0.2.1 has been released!
This long-awaited version is available from rubyforge: The big news, of course, is that it includes binary builds for MS Windows and Mac OS X Panther. I may add one or more Linux binaries later, or they may have to wait for 0.3. This is still an early beta release, so it still has a number of known problems. If you find a problem that is not mentioned
2003 Nov 13
Submitting patches
I''m a bit new to working on a rubyforge/sourceforge/open source project, so excuse my obliviousness. What is the preferred way of submitting a patch to wxruby? Thanks, Nick
2003 Aug 24
wxRuby 0.1.0 Alpha has been released! The code itself has been quite stable for several weeks. This release includes Gour''s excellent MinGW README notes, along with various updates to the README, and clarification of the LICENSE. Thanks to everyone for your help in putting this together. It was definitely a team project. I look forward to getting lots
2003 Oct 20
wxruby - ruby-gtk2
Hi! Can anybody tell me basic differences using wxwindows and gtk2 GUI with ruby? Gergo -- +-[ Kontra, Gergely<> PhD student Room IB113 ]---------+ | "Olyan langesz vagyok, hogy | | Mobil:(+36 20) 356 9656 ICQ: 175564914 poroltoval kellene jarnom" | +-- Magyar php mirror es magyar php dokumentacio: --+
2003 Oct 25
Windows Compile Error
I''ve gotten a lot farther building wxRuby than I did a few months ago. But its getting late here and I''m going to bed. In the meantime, does anyone know why I''m getting this compile error: Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved. cl -MD -Zi -O2b2xg- -G6
2003 Aug 21
Ready for a release?
Greetings to everyone on our new list! As I mentioned before, I will be traveling from 8/27 through 9/8. I will be almost completely disconnected from the internet, so don''t be offended if you don''t hear from me during that time. Before I go, I would like to release wxRuby 0.1. I know we still have several problems, but we can always fix those in 0.2. Therefore, I propose
2004 Jan 04
wxRuby Windows installer available for testing
I have a first cut of a windows installer for wxRuby available for testing. It can be downloaded with this URL: This installer currently assumes that you have installed Ruby from Andy Hunt''s one-click Ruby Installer for Windows, *and* that you have installed it in the default directory (C:\ruby). I still need to figure out how to read
2003 Nov 10
picture organizer -- need a bit of help
While trying to develop a little wxruby program, I have some difficulties, namely: 1. I want to read all kind of graphic files, (mainly jpg, png and tiff is enough...) But, the current implementation seems to deal only with bmps and currently there is no way to call ::wxInitAllImageHandlers. 2. I think DnD is required in my case: I want to drop filenames on a TreeCtrl. I will try to add
2004 Jan 05
Updated - wxRuby Windows installer available for
Curt, I just downloaded and tried your installer and the installation went fine. There are problems with the samples not finding their images files, but only when I try to run the samples from their Start menu shortcuts. When I edit the properties of a shortcut, and change the "Start in" folder to match the folder where the sample resides, then the problems go away. (As-installed,