similar to: wxruby-swig: Converting to REXML

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "wxruby-swig: Converting to REXML"

2004 Aug 20
Any plans to switch wxruby-swig to using rexml?
since also recommends that we switch to use rexml which is shipped with ruby? If there are plans for it but no developers, I might take it up as an exercise to learn the internals of wxruby-swig. Cheers, Phuah Yee Keat
2004 Aug 27
In trying to add wxTextCtrl to wxruby-swig, I''ve been running into a problem with the argument conversion that appears to be a SWIG director bug. It is tied to multiple inheritance, and is related to SWIG specifically making director''s ''initialize'' take a first argument, but because ''initialize'' is static there isn''t a self value
2004 Aug 20
wxruby-swig: where does wxclasses-2.4.2.xml comes from?
Was trying to understand more about the internals of wxruby-swig, where does the big chunk of XML comes from? I saw something similiar in Python, is that massaged out of there? The codes produced by extractxml.rb and wxclasses-2.4.2.xml is quite different from the original header files. Just for example the WxDialog class. OnXXX are non-virtual in WxWidgets, but virtual in wxruby-swig
2005 Feb 24
New Docs - One and Three Quarter Look
Ok, the link: (try ,it does not work for me, although this is the actual directory, could you email me privately if this does/doesn''t work for you, thx) Updates in this preview of the new docs: - a new RDOC template courtesty of Nick - fixed paragraph jumping and monospace text where it
2004 Apr 17
wxruby-swig progress report
Tonight, I generated a full set of almost 400 swiggable .h files, one for each wxWidgets class. I used the big xml file that I mentioned earlier, which itself was (apparently) scraped from the wxWidgets html help files. Several interesting notes: 1. REXML took forever to parse the 2.5 meg xml file. I didn''t want to do stream processing, and hoped to stay with a pure-ruby solution,
2004 Sep 18
wxruby-swig problem: MDIChildFrame::Maximize
I just grabbed the latest wxruby-swig from cvs and tried to compile it (without enabling the SWIG step) on my gentoo Linux box. I get: g++ -c -I/usr/lib/wx/include/gtk2-2.4 -DGTK_NO_CHECK_CASTS -D__WXGTK__ -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES -O2 -march=athlon-xp -fPIC -I /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.4.8/bin -I /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.4.8/lib -I
2005 Feb 07
New Docs - First Look
Ok, my first complete swipe for the new docs (but still with old rdoc default output templates) can be seen at: Most of the classes/methods documentation came out fine, but I still need finetune because some methods don''t get documented at all, like methods in the classes Bitmap and Frame. Once I can get it so all things get documented
2007 Dec 28
Cannot install wxruby on Leopard
I''d like to try wxruby on my MacBook Pro with Leopard (10.5.1) But I have troubles with gem. I can see the gem is in rubyforge: $ gem list wxruby -r *** REMOTE GEMS *** wxruby (1.9.2, 1.9.1, 1.9.0) wxrubylayouts (0.0.3, 0.0.2, 0.0.1) but when I try to install it: $ sudo gem install wxruby -r Password: ERROR: could not find wxruby locally or in a repository Any suggestion? Thanks
2004 Apr 23
Building wxruby-swig for Mac
0.0.5 sure gets the Mac build a lot further. There''s a bug in the wxMac-2.4.2 distribution that I''m running into: wx-config wants to invoke a program in the source directory at link time. That''s ugly in itself, but it tries to use a variable ${top_srcdir} to accomplish this, and it''s apparently empty. It tries to invoke
2004 Aug 25
I couldn''t find the original tex document that the author of the xml file converted from. Anyone knows where it is? I am toying with the idea of _not using_ the xml file. Either getting the wx header files thru SWIG (I assume you guys have thought about this before already, any specific problems?), or continue with the template generator in the current wxruby-4.0. The RUBY port of
2005 Feb 08
New Docs - One Look and a Partial Glance
Ok, same url as before: We aren''t at the second look yet (because i dont'' have arguments in the docs yet), but that is coming. This fixes the bug where classes after Image didn''t have any docs, and this fixes the issue where many methods weren''t documented (like the class Frame). Now the only methods that are not
2007 Jun 07
Undefined method `register'' for REXML::Encoding:Module
Has anyone seen the below error before? It appears to only occur when Puppet runs automatically (i.e. a "puppetd --test" doesn''t cause it). I have recently installed new Ruby rpms on the server and I''m guessing that I may have left out something when I built the RPMS (based on FC7 SRPM). > -----Original Message----- > From: report@melrhweb1.nmh-au
2006 Jan 08
Hi all. I''m having trouble getting REXML to play nicely with an RSS feed that uses an encoding type called WINDOWS-1250. My application works when I comment out the references to the lines that utilize the REXML library. After visiting my app and being told that Rails could not start properly, my server.log file says: FastCGI: comm with server
2006 Jan 25
screenscraping using htmltools and rexml
Hi, I need to do some screen scraping and I''ve spent a couple hour getting htmltools and rexml do the right thing. Here''s the code: parser =, false) parser.feed(res.body) tree = parser.tree.html_node.as_rexml_document I works for one page, but for another I get "undefined method `add'' for #<HTMLTree::Element:0x37f9cc8>" in
2007 Sep 29
REXML - XML query only returning one (last) result
I''m really new to Ruby on Rails, and I''m trying to read an XML file with REXML. No matter what I try, I am only getting the last result returned from my query. I should be getting 365 results. Here is the code: include REXML require ''rexml/document'' require ''rexml/xpath'' class MakeFootprintController < ApplicationController def index
2008 Jan 02
I have this field in my app where a logged in user can enter a comment, but when I click on the link bringing me to that page I get the following error message: undefined method `table_name'' for REXML::Comment:Class I am doing some encrypting that has an ''include REXML'' statement but when I comment that out I still get this error. Does anyone know where this is coming
2006 Feb 01
REXML::ParseException - but the feed IS valid
I am using Ruby feedparser and when I try to parse this feed: I get an error: REXML::ParseException: Declarations can only occur in the doctype declaration. This feed does validate at Any idea why it would raise an exception? Thanks, eduard -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Jul 14
Very basic question about REXML
Hello Everybody, I have pretty basic question abut REXML. I want to put the String "John doe" in titles array, if attribute name is equal to "93". Please see the code below. I could not find how to do it.. any help would be very appriciated. Here is the XML i am trying to parse <entrydata columnnumber="2" name="93"> <text>John
2007 Jun 07
Why does REXML run significantly slower in Rails
We have some code that uses REXML, that when executed outside of Rails as a standalone rb file, runs fine. Once we run the code inside of Rails, it is dog slow. I know REXML is slow, buggy, sucks, etc., but my question is what cause the performance to degrade like that. Thanks. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
2007 Feb 07
Quick XPath question (REXML)
All, If I have the following (assume that xml contains a valid REXML Document and that the root of the xml is way above any <tr> elements in the document): just_rows = xml.elements["//tr[starts_with(@id, ''xdgDataRow_grid_container_'')]"] shouldn''t just_rows contain _all_ of the <tr> elements whose id attributes start_with