similar to: Total novice

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Total novice"

2003 Aug 04
Novice question
Hello. I am new R user, so this question is probably quite stupid, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get predications using multivariate linear regression analysis. Single variable predictions work fine. I am trying the following: -- Known y's for known x's1 and x's2 ys <- c(133890, 135000, 135790, 137300, 138130, 139100, 139900, 141120, 141890, 143230, 144000,
2012 Feb 09
passing an extra argument to an S3 generic
I'm trying to write some functions extending influence measures to multivariate linear models and also allow subsets of size m>=1 to be considered for deletion diagnostics. I'd like these to work roughly parallel to those functions for the univariate lm where only single case deletion (m=1) diagnostics are considered. Corresponding to stats::hatvalues.lm, the S3 method for class
2010 Apr 16
Multiple comparisons on Anova.mlm object
I would like to perform multiple comparisons or post-hoc testing on the independent variable in an Anova.mlm object generated by the Anova function of the car package. I have defined a multivariate linear model and subsequently performed a repeated measures ANOVA as per the instructions in section #3 of the following comprehensive tutorial on the subject from the Gribble lab at UWO:
2006 Jul 18
Test for equality of coefficients in multivariate multiple regression
Hello, suppose I have a multivariate multiple regression model such as the following: > DF<-data.frame(x1=rep(c(0,1),each=50),x2=rep(c(0,1),50)) > tmp<-rnorm(100) > DF$y1<-tmp+DF$x1*.5+DF$x2*.3+rnorm(100,0,.5) > DF$y2<-tmp+DF$x1*.5+DF$x2*.7+rnorm(100,0,.5) > x.mlm<-lm(cbind(y1,y2)~x1+x2,data=DF) > coef(x.mlm) y1 y2 (Intercept)
2010 Feb 23
how to assess the significance of regression between a set of response and predictor variables
Dear list, I have been using multivariate multiple regression (MMR) in the form lm(Y~X) where Y and X are matrices of response and predictor variables. I know that summary(mlm.object) would give the usual lm statistics for each response variable separately and that anova.mlm(mlm.object) will give the analysis of variance table of the mlm object. However, anova.mlm (also manova(mlm.object))
2011 Oct 26
Error in summary.mlm: formula not subsettable
When I fit a multivariate linear model, and the formula is defined outside the call to lm(), the method summary.mlm() fails. This works well: > y <- matrix(rnorm(20),nrow=10) > x <- matrix(rnorm(10)) > mod1 <- lm(y~x) > summary(mod1) ... But this does not: > f <- y~x > mod2 <- lm(f) > summary(mod2) Error en object$call$formula[[2L]] <- object$terms[[2L]]
2018 Jul 20
Should there be a confint.mlm ?
It seems that confint.default returns an empty data.frame for objects of class mlm. For example: ``` nobs <- 20 set.seed(1234) # some fake data datf <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(nobs),x2=runif(nobs),y1=rnorm(nobs),y2=rnorm(nobs)) fitm <- lm(cbind(y1,y2) ~ x1 + x2,data=datf) confint(fitm) # returns: 2.5 % 97.5 % ``` I have seen proposed workarounds on stackoverflow and elsewhere, but
2008 Apr 03
summary(object, test=c("Roy", "Wilks", "Pillai", ....) AND ellipse(object, center=....)
Dear All, I would be very appreciative of your help with the following 1). I am running multivariate multiple regression through the manova() function (kindly suggested by Professor Venables) and getting two different answers for test=c("Wilks","Roy","Pillai") and tests=c("Wilks","Roy",'"Pillai") as shown below. In the
2003 Sep 19
predict for mlm does not work properly
Hello, I've just fitted a model with multi-responses, and I get an object of class "lm" "mlm". My problem is that as soon as I invoke the predict method for a dataframe "newdata", the methods runs and give me back prediction at the fitting points but not for newdata. Does someone has an explanation for this behavior, and some ideas to make predict.mlm work
2006 Mar 13
anova.mlm (single-model case) does not handle factors? (PR#8679)
Full_Name: Yves Rosseel Version: 2.2.1 OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu Submission from: (NULL) ( Dear developers, For the single-model case, the anova.mlm() function does not seem to handle multi-parameter predictors (eg factors) correctly. A toy example illustrates the problem: Y <- cbind(rnorm(100),rnorm(100),rnorm(100)) A <- factor(rep(c(1,2,3,4), each=25)) fit <- lm(Y ~ A)
2011 Jun 21
Stepwise Manova
Hello all, I have a question on manova in R: I'm using the function "manova()" from the stats package. Is there anything like a stepwise (backward or forward) manova in R (like there is for regression and anova). When I enter: step(Model1, data=Mydata) R returns the message: Error in drop1.mlm(fit, scope$drop, scale = scale, trace = trace, k = k, : no 'drop1'
2012 Oct 30
error in lm
Hi everybody I am trying to run the next code but I have the next problem Y1<-cbind(score.sol,, score.pur) > vol.lm<-lm(Y1~1, data=vol14.df) > library(MASS) > stepAIC(vol.lm,~fsex+fjob+fage+fstudies,data=vol14.df) Start: AIC=504.83 Y1 ~ 1 Error in addterm.mlm(fit, scope$add, scale = scale, trace = max(0, trace - : no addterm method implemented for
2007 May 27
Problem with installing a package for R 2.5.0
Hi All, I developed a package which did pass all the tests for R 2.4.1. When I tried to re-compile it for R 2.5.0 it kept giving me the following message: ******************* C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0\bin>R CMD install mlmmm_0.1-1.tar.gz installing to 'c:/PROGRA~1/R/R-25~1.0/library' ---------- Making package mlmmm ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION installing
2011 Dec 23
Long jobs completing without output
I've been running a glmer logit on a very large data set (600k obs). Running on a 10% subset works correctly, but for the complete data set, R completes apparently without error, but does not display the results. Given these jobs take about 200 hours, it's very hard to make progress by trial and error. I append the code and the sample and complete output. As is apparent, I upgraded R
2006 Nov 21
means over factors in mlm terms
I'm trying to write a function to find the means over factors of the responses in a mlm (something I would do easily in SAS with PROC SUMMARY). The not-working stub of a function to do what I want is below, and my problem is that I don't know how to call aggregate (or some other function) in the context of terms in a linear model extracted from a lm/mlm object. means.mlm <-
2009 Jan 30
Q about how to use Anova.mlm
Hi, Am newish to stats and R, so I certainly appreciate any help. Basically I have 50 inidividuals whom I have 6 photos each of their optic nerve head. I want to check that the orientation of the nerve head is consistent, ie the 6 replicates show minimal or preferably no rotation differences. I'll draw an arbitrary line between some blood vessels (same reference in each set of replicates) and
2007 May 13
Some questions on repeated measures (M)ANOVA & mixed models with lme4
Dear R Masters, I'm an anesthesiology resident trying to make his way through basic statistics. Recently I have been confronted with longitudinal data in a treatment vs. control analysis. My dataframe is in the form of: subj | group | baseline | time | outcome (long) or subj | group | baseline | time1 |...| time6 | (wide) The measured variable is a continuous one. The null hypothesis in
2008 May 30
robust mlm in R?
I'm looking for something in R to fit a multivariate linear model robustly, using an M-estimator or any of the myriad of other robust methods for linear models implemented in robustbase or methods based on MCD or MVE covariance estimation (package rrcov). E.g., one can fit an mlm for the iris data as: iris.mod <- lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width) ~ Species,
2012 Feb 10
stepwise variable selection with multiple dependent variables
Good Day, I fit a multivariate linear regression model with 3 dependent variables and several predictors using the lm function. I would like to use stepwise variable selection to produce a set of candidate models. However, when I pass the fitted lm object to step() I get the following error: Error from R: Error in drop1.mlm(fit, scope$drop, scale = scale, trace = trace, k = k, : no
2005 Nov 15
Repeates Measures MANOVA for Time*Treatment Interactions
Dear R folk, First off I want to thank those of you who responded with comments for my R quick and dirty stats tutorial. They've been quite helpful, and I'm in the process of revising them. When it comes to repeated measures MANOVA, I'm in a bit of a bind, however. I'm beginning to see that all of the documentation is written for psychologists, who have a slightly