similar to: Gem testing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Gem testing"

2007 Jan 03
instalation problem
Hi Im testing wxRuby. I have a problem when ruby try to load the load wx. Im newbie to ruby, maybe a make a simple mistake : Best regards. Install wxRuby-------------------------------------------------------------- pedro@la-vaca-azul:~$ sudo gem install wxruby2-preview Need to update 2 gems from .. complete Select which gem to install for your platform (i486-linux)
2009 Oct 30
wxRuby on Ubuntu 9.10
Installing the gem from rubygems, along with the available wxwidgets packages from synaptic, I'd recieve this error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-2.0.1-x86-linux/lib/ /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-2.0.1-x86-linux/lib/ symbol _ZN13wxAuiNotebook14ShowWindowMenuEv, version WXU_2.8.5 not defined in file with link time reference -
2006 Sep 02
One step forward, one step back
Doing some comparison to older builds of wxRuby2 I see that some things work better now and some worse. I wish I could pin down exactly where things went wrong in one case. I will try doing some comparison to recent changes to see if I can find a solution to those problems. I''d really like to get this alpha release done ASAP. Roy
2006 Sep 27
Installation success, execution failed
Hello, after I wasn''t able to install wxruby via gem (404) I downloaded the file from rubyforge and installed it on my intel mac. No failure the so I tried to start the minimal.rb with ruby -r/r?/ ubegems <path>... This didn''t work so I tried to do it in irb but the same error occured: irb(main):001:0> require ''rubygems'' => true
2007 Jan 04
grid control example doesn''t work on osx.4
Hi, I am trying to use wxruby2-preview (0.0.38) on my intel macbook running os10.4.8. I am having a beast of a time running the examples in the tutorials. The super basic frame example worked but the simple grid tutorial bombs with the following message: ------ [WhiteGhost:~/tmp/wxStff] hjw$ ruby ./grid.rb /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby2-preview-0.0.38-i686-
2005 Jul 20
Plans to rename wxruby-swig to wxruby2
Greetings all, Over the last few months, while I have been busy on other projects, Nick and other folks have built wxruby-swig up to where it now supports about 120 classes, compared to the 139 in wxruby 0.6. When you include the fact that wxruby 0.6 had a few classes that really weren''t needed (because non-wx ruby versions work fine), it looks like wxruby-swig is actually very
2007 Jan 17
Fedora 6 -- can''t load wx
Hi, I''ve installed and used wxRuby on Win32, and am trying to install it on Linux for the first time. I''m running Fedora Core 6. Here is what I have installed, but as shown below, when I try to load wx, I''m told it cannot be loaded. I get the same error when trying to run some of the sample wxruby scripts. Sorry for the newbie question, but am I missing something
2007 Oct 13
Newbie can''t get sample/etc/wizard.rb to work
Hello, I''ve downloaded wxruby onto windows (ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i386-mswin32]). All samples are working fine, except for wizard.rb, which gets: C:/Program Files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-1.9.1-i386-mswin32/lib/wx/keyword_ctors.rb:201:in `initialize'': Error initializing #<Wx::Wizard:0x2f3fed8> (ArgumentError) Sent parameters:
2006 Aug 23
building wxruby2 from cvs (gentoo)
Hello, I am a newbie to wx and wxruby, I just built wxruby2 on my gentoo box. At first it did not work. So I post a little message,it might help others. At first a cryptic message was shown SWIG Version 1.3.21 Copyright (c) 1995-1998 University of Utah and the Regents of the University of California Copyright (c) 1998-2003 University of Chicago Compiled with i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++
2007 Jun 27
Splitting into multiple libraries
Hey Alex and fellow developers, I figured I''d split this off into a seperate discussion, to get an idea of what to look at with this. Ofcourse, with every first step, there needs to be some kind of outline set forth to split up wxRuby2 into multiple libraries, to ensure coherance amongst the developers, and future development, so people will know, this goes to this, this goes to
2007 Dec 30
Drawing thread not getting enough time from scheduler?
Need some assistance with animation again... When I run the drawing code in a separate thread, it''s slow as heck. I think it may be because the drawing thread isn''t getting enough time from the thread scheduler. I was able to reproduce the problem in my little sample program simply by increasing the number of lines it draws per update. I''m lucky to get one frame
2006 Apr 23
Wx::Window#get_text_extent patch
Here''s a patch to fix Wx::Window#get_text_extent - it requires that the patches from teh last message are applied, to enable *INPUT etc typemaps. Roy - though the function works correctly when called from Ruby, it still causes a crash when called internally when clicking on a Wx::Grid cell. Saw your message on SWIG mailing list, hopefully someone there can help out. alex
2005 Aug 04
wxruby2 retooling
I finally gave up on swig 1.3.22, since it seems to be causing too many problems. Ubuntu breezy will have 1.3.24, so I''m retargeting wxruby2 to swig 1.3.24+. At the moment, I have 1.3.25 on my system, since that''s the current release. I''m finding all kinds of problems with the post-processors we have that clean up the .cpp files that swig creates. The
2007 Mar 21
Bug in TextCtrl constructor
Howdy, I''ve uncovered a bug in the constructor for TextCtrl (originally uncovered while using WxSugar but it appears to apply to WxRuby itself as well). Here''s the output from irb: # ------ irb(main):001:0> require ''wx''; irb(main):002:0* ctl =
2005 Jul 30
Can''t compile the cvs-tree
Hi folks, Let me start off by saying I''ve just been following wxruby development for two or three days now and have read up on alot on what has been going on. I must say I''m impressed and happy about all the things being developed and created by you guys! You got me all excited and I know I''m not the only one. If I have an opportunity to spend more time investigating
2007 Jan 30
error finding library when running test program
I''m new to Ruby and wxRuby, and I just installed Ruby 185-21 (I run WinXP), then used gem to install wxRuby2. When I try to run a short test program (included below), I get this error: C:\Documents and Settings\Mike\Desktop>ruby test.rb c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- wxruby (LoadError)
2008 Jan 19
No joy from Wx::App.dispatch, Wx::App.yield...
OK, back with another iteration of the same problem... I updated my game demo, but the Close button failed to respond when (and only when) there were too many objects onscreen. The drawing loop is probably lasting longer than my drawing timer interval. I was able to reproduce the problem in my (probably familiar by now) test script just by boosting the number of lines drawn per frame. After
2007 Apr 05
Re: how to use Chinese Characters in wxRuby?
yes,I'm using wxruby2 When I change "samples/text/unicode.rb" 's content: require 'wx' into begin require 'wx' rescue LoadError => no_wx_err begin require 'rubygems' require 'wx' rescue LoadError raise no_wx_err end end and run unicode.rb in this way: ruby -Ku unicode.rb I got the error message like this: unicode.rb:119:
2012 Feb 10
Installing from source missing -lruby18 in linking.
I am trying to build wxruby from source, but I have encounter an error. For some reason the ''rake'' command fail when it tries to link lib/ because it is missing missing -lruby18 resulting in errors like wx.cpp:(.text+0x1618): undefined reference to `rb_intern'' wx.cpp:(.text+0x165c): undefined reference to `rb_eNotImpError'' wx.cpp:(.text+0x1666):
2007 Oct 04
wxRuby: MemoryDC problems...
I''m trying to put together a quick test of buffered animation with WxRuby, but I''m encountering a fair amount of trouble... I''m drawing to a Wx::Bitmap first, then using Wx::DC#draw_bitmap to copy it to a Wx::Window. But I get the following error: C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-1.9.1-i386-mswin32/lib/wx/classes/bitmap.rb:18:in `draw'': uninitialized