similar to: Licensing issues

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Licensing issues"

2010 May 18
gem for snow leopard?
Does anybody plan to post binary rem for SL? Id''love to rely on its availability in the installation script... As wx included in installation package makes it huge... Sergey Chernov
2011 Jul 06
[LLVMdev] Licensing requirements
On Jul 5, 2011, at 7:37 AM, Tor Gunnar Houeland wrote: > My impression from reading > is that it's intended to be possible to compile programs using llvm and > distribute the resulting binaries freely. This does not seem to be the case. > > I'm assuming no portion of LLVM is included in the compiled binaries, > only the
2004 Jul 12
Windows compilation problems
Last week I was struggling to get xrc built into wxRuby and finally got it to compile. The problem I am now having is that the normal samples are not working at all (have not even tried any xrc stuff yet). So to test if it is a problem with xrc or my build process I tried compiling wxRuby without XRC, this caused the same error to be printed out as the failed XRC build. The output (in both
2007 Sep 26
development status, 1.9.2
Hi all Just a quick update on recent SVN activity: * added Sound and CollapsiblePane classes * added the XRC tool to wxSugar * fixed some XRC bugs in Window * added syntax sugar for event handlers and list-like controls * added some missing methods in Sizer Sean - I''m away for about 10 days from this weekend, and I''m thinking of doing a 1.9.2 release in the next day or two.
2006 Oct 03
Compiling on Ubuntu
I see several shortcomings in our current method of compiling on linux. Some things I ran in to which might need to be documented on the wiki: 1) Compiling wx properly. A little discussion of the proper flags would be helpful. 2) The use of system libraries for jpeg, tiff and png. The rake file assumes you''ll need these, even if you''re using the builtins from wx. We
2006 Dec 02
Gauge Problem with XRC?
Hi I''ve just started using wxruby2-preview-0.0.36-i386-mswin32 outsourcing layout part to the external XRC file. Almost everything seems to be fine. Only that I can never retrieve Gauge objects in the main script. What I''ve been trying is something like this: class MainFrame < Wx::Frame include Wx def initialize(parent) super(nil,-1, "")
2011 Jul 05
[LLVMdev] Licensing requirements
My impression from reading is that it's intended to be possible to compile programs using llvm and distribute the resulting binaries freely. This does not seem to be the case. I'm assuming no portion of LLVM is included in the compiled binaries, only the runtime library components, so that the compiled binaries are not derived from LLVM.
2005 Aug 16
Patch and files to add Listbook
I added the Listbook class (basically the same as the Notebook class with some name changes). I also took the time to write a sample that uses it. The sample interface uses XRC and is slightly more advanced than the current XRC sample. Sean _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2004 Apr 22
Rake and VC++ 6
Has anybody tried the new wxruby-swig from the msvc++ command line compiler using ''rake''? The rakefile seems to depend on the wx_config method, which doesn''t exist for msw because it doesn''t have BASH to execute the shell script. Has anyone hacked the rakefile to fix this? Nick
2007 Sep 12
XRC Tool
Hi Attached is a rough draft of a tool that parses XRC files and creates skeleton ruby class files from them. ruby xrc-tool.rb my_frame.xrc > my_frame.rb At the moment it only deals with Frame/Dialog/Panel subclasses, for which it creates a constructor that loads from the XML, and binds the named controls in the XML to ruby variables and accessors. THe idea is that this would make
2004 Oct 06
find_window_by_xxx doesn''t find Gauge or BitmapButton
I''m fairly new to the Ruby world, particularly WxRuby, so please forgive me if this is ground that''s been covered in the past. I''m trying to load a frame from an XRC file (created using DialogBlocks), and I''m having trouble getting an instance of the Gauge object using the Wx::Window.find_window_by_xxx methods. I''m trying this on Windows XP,
2009 Mar 19
xrc file and WxGrid
Has anyone any experience with using a XRC file that setsup a Wx::Grid? I''m using wxFormBuilder, in which I setup a grid in a boxsizer, with column names and all. But when I render it via Ruby the grid is just a small empty gray box, and I can''t seem to manipulate it at all. I tried adding columns, resizing columns, populating it with data, etc. but still nothing. I look at the
2005 May 02
where is destructors?
Hello, wxruby-users. I`m noticed huge GDI resources leakage when working with my programs (on windows). Fortunately, i simple fix this by calling ''delete'' on wxBitmap object (patch bellow). But i`m wondering -- why there are no calls to destructors of wrapped wxwidgets objects in wxruby? Is there some problems? This is a patch:
2009 Nov 05
installing wxruby 2.0.1. missing lwx_gtk2u_media-2.8
Hi, i tried too install wxruby-2.0.1 on opensuse 11.2 from the rake command I get the following error: ... usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.4/../../../../i586-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lwx_gtk2u_media-2.8 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status rake aborted! Command failed with status (1): [g++ -shared -fPIC -o -L. -rdynamic -Wl,-...] /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:995:in
2007 Aug 13
Anvil: an application framework
Hi everyone! I have been working on idea for an application framework in ruby the wraps around the wx ruby gem. The goal is to make a framework that is as easy as rails create applications using concise and dry ruby code. We are in need of some experienced help! If you are interested checkout the project on ruby forge. and the irc channel is #rubyanvil on irc . My buck on irc
2004 Nov 13
wxRuby and XRC via wxGlade
Hello, I need to finish a small GUI program till friday and I am somewhat stuck. First of all, wxRuby seems to ignore the size request of the frame as defined via XRC (or I''m completly doing the wrong thing!) Second, it complains about the statusbar and doesn''t display it. What am I doing wrong? The files are attached Thank you Ulrich Spoerlein -- PGP Key ID: F0DB9F44
2009 Aug 10
xrcise -o test.rb ui.xrc
I built a small form in wxFormBuilder. In cmd i wrote xrcise -o test.rb ui.xrc output was C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/wx_sugar-0.1.22/lib/wx_sugar/xrc/outputter.rb:4 6:in `clean_id_attr_readers'': undefined method `each'' for #<String:0xba5850> (No MethodError) from (erb):16:in `output'' from C:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/erb.rb:753:in `eval''
2009 Oct 24
How to make XML support Expat?
Hi, How can I make the result of the following lines "TRUE"? > install.packages("XML") > library(XML) > supportsExpat() [1] FALSE I'm on linux, looked into the actual package, but don't seem to be able to wrap my head around how to compile this in ... Any pointers are welcome, Thanks Joh
2008 Jun 13
Rubyscript2exe undefined ''run'' method
After I ran my program through Rubyscript2exe, the Random.exe file that it created is causing the following error: D:\Ruby projects>random.exe C:\DOCUME~1\JEDELS~1\eee\eee.Random.exe.2\app\Random.rb:59: undefined method ''ru n'' for Wxruby2::App (NoMethodError) from C:\DOCUME~1\JEDELS~1\eee\eee.Random.exe.2\bootstrap.rb:77:in `load'' from
2004 Jul 06
XRC Resources
I currently use DialogBlocks to generate my dialogs for wxWidgets apps I write in C++. DialogBlocks has the ability to generate XRC resources which I would like to use with wxRuby, is this possible? I am very new to Ruby and it looks like a great language and with wxRuby it looks like a great solution for quick in house applications. Thanks Sean Long