similar to: Progress on crashing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Progress on crashing"

2008 May 11
Choosing a Sizer
Following alex advices, i''ve used both "text/textctrl.rb" and "etc/threaded.rb" to build my first wxApp. I''ve changed the Sizer type mainly (from "Wx::BoxSizer" to "Wx::FlexGridSizer"). I didn''t find the way to let @log (Wx::TextCtrl) span 2 columns. At the time of writing it''s growing only vertically. And also how to get
2007 Jul 21
[1129] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/Window.i: Add DISOWN typemap for ToolTip so it isn''t double-deleted
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2007 Mar 18
[897] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/swig/classes/Window.i: DISOWN typemap to prevent crash on GC/exit when caret has been set (bug #9093)
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2007 Jan 05
[828] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/Sizer.i: Ensure that nested Sizers are disowned and not GC''d (fixes segfault at exit)
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2007 May 28
[1033] trunk/wxruby2/swig: GC fixes for nested sizers; fix crashes in html.rb demo
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2007 Jan 22
Adding sizers to other sizers doesn''t work
Hello all, Running this on an Intel Mac OSX 10.4.8 ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i686-darwin] wxruby2-preview (0.0.37) using zshell I''m having a heck of a time setting up a GUI with a differing number of widgets per row, resulting in a differing number or widgets per column. At first I tried to simply do something like the following: class CharacterInfoPanel < Wx::Panel def
2005 Jul 30
Can''t compile the cvs-tree
Hi folks, Let me start off by saying I''ve just been following wxruby development for two or three days now and have read up on alot on what has been going on. I must say I''m impressed and happy about all the things being developed and created by you guys! You got me all excited and I know I''m not the only one. If I have an opportunity to spend more time investigating
2005 May 03
Hello, wxruby-users. This is an addition which implement wrapper for overloading wxHtmlWindow::OnLinkClicked method. Unfortunately, it was impossible to make it correctly without ugly hack to wxpp.rb, but i`m hope it does not broke it. Please look at attachment for a patch for htmlwindow.t and wxpp.rb and additional file htmllinkinfo.t (need to be added to $objs array in extconf.rb). Sample
2005 Aug 09
Some patches.
Hi, in my path of getting the controls sample to work nicely, I fixed some classes on the way, see the attached diffs. I had some difficulties, but could track down all stupid bugs and am now almost happy with the code :) (I had the complete ImageHandler hieracy implemented at some time, but than I discovered the error was not in unloaded ImageHandlers but in the controls-program which does not
2007 Jul 04
[1108] trunk/wxruby2/swig: Revised mem mgmt for Sizers to address more GC crashes in Sizers demo
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2008 Jan 08
1.9.3 release, rakefile
Hi I''d like to put out a 1.9.3 release perhaps later this week/weekend. If you have a chance to test the build and samples esp with latest rubygems, please do. There are still some bugs on the list, and samples to do, but this should address all the build/install probs that have come up. And it would be good to get some testing and feedback on some of the new classes. A note on the
2007 Feb 19
Sizer question
First, Thank you, thank you, thank you for those who put wxRuby together. I''m thrilled to be able to write GUI code in Ruby! I''m hitting some confusion about how Sizers work. I''ve read the tutorials and the section in the wxWidgets book but I still can''t seem to figure this out. Here''s an example of my code: parent =, -1,
2006 Apr 23
Patches for some object tracking
The following two patches (theoretically) tell Ruby that it no longer owns menu items after they have been attached to a frame. We''ll need several more of these DISOWN typemaps as we get further into this. _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2006 Aug 21
gem version numbering
Hi all, I am concerned about the version number for our gem. Currently, we have it set to 1.9, indicating that it is "before the upcoming 2.0 release". However, there is nothing in the version number that indicates this is a "preview" "alpha" "buggy" release. The gem version numbering scheme does not allow things like 2.0-pre. It also requires each public
2006 Aug 24
TreeCtrl background?
On my windows build, I just noticed that the background of my TextCtrl''s is grey by default, and when I try to set the default style I get the error: TestTextCtrl.rb:15:in `set_default_style'': undefined method `'' for #<Wxruby2::TextCtrl:0x360a0c4> (NoMethodError) from TestTextCtrl.rb:15:in `initialize'' from TestTextCtrl.rb:24:in
2008 Jun 12
Background thread - entension code - switch contexts
Hi, I am using wxRuby 1.9.7 and Ruby 1.8.6. I have built an extension in C++ and used swig to load it into Ruby interpreter, which works great. The extension is an often long executing algorithm, and I''ve noticed that if I fork a new Ruby thread in button clicked event, and in this thread run the algorithm the application freezes for the time of execution. I have looked through the
2006 Aug 13
wxruby2 alpha status
Hi all, How soon can we do our alpha (binary gem) release? 1. I would like to get the samples working a bit better, but am ok simply documenting most of the current problems. Do the samples crash every few minutes for other people? Or is it just me? I would like to have a copyright/license comment at the top of every sample file before the alpha release. 2. I would like to receive and merge a
2007 Mar 18
[896] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/swig/classes/Grid.i: Added DISOWN typemap to prevent free_GridCellRenderer crash on GC/exit
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2006 Dec 13
0.0.38 tag and release
Hi I tagged 0.0.38 and started a release on rubyforge. I''ll do the doc packages & upload plus gems for OS X ppc and Linux; TIA for gems for Windows and OS X Intel - please upload whenever convenient. Once we have a set of binary gems, I suggest we do an announce to wxruby-users and c.l.r, inc explaining this is still alpha, summarising the new features, and that people should
2007 Jul 21
[1127] trunk/wxruby2: Move shared C++ GC functions into separate file included into wx.i
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding: