similar to: list of operations that preserve attributes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "list of operations that preserve attributes"

2010 Nov 05
Keep a copy of email.
Can dovecot-lda, keep a copy of any email that it receives in a diferente folder ? Like if user at get an email. It goes to user at inbox and goes to other folder..diferente that his mailboxes ? I want this with all users. Can it be done ? If not, does any one have any ideia how could it be done ? We are having serius problems with backups, with this we gona be able to
2009 Jan 27
optim() and ARIMA
dhabby wrote: Last week I run in to a lot a problems triyng to fit an ARIMA model to a time series. The problem is that the internal process of the arima function call function "optim" to estimate the model parameters, so far so good... but my data presents a problem with the default method "BFGS" of the optim function, the output error looks like this:
2009 Dec 06
optim with constraints
Hi, dear R users I am a newbie in R and I wantto use the method of meximum likelihood to fit a Weibull distribution to my survival data. I use "optim" as follows: optim(c(1, 0.25),,mydata=mydata,method="L-BFGS-B",hessian = TRUE) My question is: how do I setup the constraints so that the two parametrs of Weibull to be pisotive? Or should I use other function
2010 Apr 03
Restricting optimisation algorithm's parameter space
> I have a problem. I am using the NLME library to fit a non-linear model. There is a linear component to the model that has a couple parameter values that can only be positive (the coefficients are embedded in a sqrt). When I try and fit the model to data the search algorithm tries to see if a negative value for one of these parameter values will produce an optimal fit. When it does so,
2011 Nov 22
help to setting a multiple (linear) regression model with a 5% significance level (threshold) for the inclusion of the model variables.
Dear Researchers, someone know the right syntax to chose a 5% significance level (threshold) for the inclusion of the model variables in a multiple (linear) regression in backward way? I set the formula in this way, but I don't know to choose the 5% significance? lmodelV <- step(lm(formula=MyFormula[[1]],data=LR.train),direction="backward") thanks in advance gianni
2011 Jun 14
Using MLE Method to Estimate Regression Coefficients
Good Afternoon, I am relatively new to R and have been trying to figure out how to estimate regression coefficients using the MLE method. Some background: I am trying to examine scenarios in which certain estimators might be preferred to others, starting with MLE. I understand that MLE will (should) produce the same results as Ordinary Least Squares if the assumption of normality holds. That
2008 Apr 17
Samba 3: bad read performance
??Hi all! We use Samba 3 server for some video stuff (editing, rendering, and so on) -- that's why performance is critical. We've tried a lot smb.conf options, but Samba can't satisfy our requirements. Our server configuration is as following: * Hard drive: RAID5 (8 x Seagate 7200.10), 3ware 9550SX-8LP controller * NICs (trunked): 2 x Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5704 * Processor: Opteron
2011 Sep 13
estimating Fstats in strucchange
Hi, I am new to R. It would be kind if I could get some help on this. I am using R to estimate Fstats but I am getting following error. a3 is annual GDP data from 1951 to 2010. > fs<- Fstats(ecm.model, from=1954, to = 1975,data=a3) Error in Fstats(ecm.model, from = 1954, to = 1975, data = a3) : inadmissable change points: 'from' is larger than 'to' In addition: Warning
2013 Oct 20
nlminb() - how do I constrain the parameter vector properly?
Greets, I'm trying to use nlminb() to estimate the parameters of a bivariate normal sample and during one of the iterations it passes a parameter vector to the likelihood function resulting in an invalid covariance matrix that causes dmvnorm() to throw an error. Thus, it seems I need to somehow communicate to nlminb() that the final three parameters in my parameter vector are used to
2007 Feb 07
some megatec-usb issues
Hi All, I've finally found solutions for my previous problems. But since this includes changes in the shared files, I'd like to discuss them here. 1. Driver restart problem. When I start the driver for the first time, everything is ok. But when I want to restart it, problems begin. The driver fails to read Report descriptor for the second time (libusb_open is used to open the device).
2011 Aug 29
gradient function in OPTIMX
Dear R users When I use OPTIM with BFGS, I've got a significant result without an error message. However, when I use OPTIMX with BFGS( or spg), I've got the following an error message. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > optimx(par=theta0, fn=obj.fy, gr=gr.fy, method="BFGS", >
2010 Sep 07
question on "optim"
Hey, R users I do not know how to describe my question. I am a new user for R and write the following?code for a dynamic labor economics?model and use OPTIM to get optimizations and parameter values. the following code does not work due to the?equation: ?? wden[,i]<-dnorm((1-regw[,i])/w[5])/w[5] where w[5]?is one of the parameters (together with vector a, b and other elements in vector
2009 Aug 20
optimization free software
Hi i´m starting to work with free software (with free as in freedom) i've been working with GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) to solve static and dynamic optimization problems and non-linear large systems of equations i'm wondering if there is any free software and documentation on the subject, wether in R, Maxima, or something else i will appreciate any help and any references
2006 Jul 15
find() with id array - can i preserve the ordering?
Sort of a newbie question - sorry if it''s been asked before and I missed it in my search. I have an id_array of Author ids, and I want to retrieve the associated Author models as quickly as possible, but also preserve the ordering of the id_array. Using Author.find(id_array) returns the records, but not in the same order. Is there some flag I can pass to find() to preserve the order? I
2007 Jun 02
tidy dir recursive, but preserve itself
Hi all, I''d like to clean up a temp. directory (files and subdirs within), but even the directory should be preserved, e.g.: tidy { "/var/trash": age => ''1m'', recurse => true, type => atime, rmdirs => true } This does not only remove the content of /var/trash with an atime greater 1m, but also /var/trash . How
2006 Jan 08
Migration doesn''t seem to preserve create_table options in schema
Hi, I have the following migration (abbreviated): class Initial < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :messages, :options => ''ENGINE=MyISAM'', :force => true do |t| t.column :id, :integer, :null => false t.column :external_id, :string, :null => false t.column :recipients_count, :integer, :default => 0
2006 Jun 05
preserve owner when owner is the only change
Hello, I'm trying to make incremental backups with rsync (I'm reading ) But I can't backup a file with old owner when the change on the file is only the owner (content is unchanged). rsync -av -e ssh --link-dest=$PWD/backup.1/ --numeric-ids --delete backup.0 If I look at the owner of
2005 Sep 13
How to preserve capital letter
Hi all, I'm not sure whether it is samba related, but I've got this situation: I'm sharing a clipper program with samba, and then user access it using dosemu installed in each workstation. The program runs fine, except, when it creates a temporary file, it creates the filename in small letter (not in capital letter when run in DOS). Seems that the program is having trouble with
2005 Apr 05
short preserve case = no
Hi It appears that short preserve case = no is not working. I?m using (samba 3.0.13 on fedora 3): mangled names = yes case sensitive = auto default case = lower preserve case = yes short preserve case = no That should, as I understood from man pages, create newer (8.3 names) files in lower case. So ROB.TXT should be saved as rob.txt at the samba server. But this is not
2010 Oct 21
Samba Move preserve ACL
Hello, we had some trouble with moving files on a Samba share. We have one share with many subfolders and acl on each folder, when i move a file into another subfolder the file keeps the permissions of the first folder. I as a network administrator know that this is a normal behavior but our users don't get it :( So i need a solution. I heard that there is the possibility to bypass this