similar to: suppressing stderr output from system() calls

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "suppressing stderr output from system() calls"

2011 Oct 11
R CMD INSTALL writes to stderr
Dear list, (this is a follow up from a previous query) Why does R CMD INSTALL write most of its messages to stderr? If it wrote to stdout, then we could capture its output within an R session when calling sink("stdout.txt", type="output") install.packages("MASS", type="source") sink() As it stands, the stderr messages can't be captured via
2012 Jan 27
Unable to reload Rdoc
Dear list, I'm hoping the R guru's can help with an error i've been getting for at least a year during active package development. I have a package loaded & spot a documentation bug, so I: edit the Rd file (or in the roxygen header + roxygenize); then R CMD BUILD, R CMD INSTALL then in the same R session, reload the library & lookup a man page, I always get this error: Error
2012 Oct 20
R-2.15.1 CMD CHECK output: "Call Sequence"
Hi guRus, i'm running R-2.15.1 and the R CMD CHECK output appears to have changed substantially, in that instead of pointing me to the offending functions or files, I get lots of 'call sequence' traces as below. I've been using R CMD CHECK for years & never seen anything like this before. This is on a pretty fresh OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion installation, where I installed R from
2009 Apr 30
plot scaling bug when using par(mfg)
Dear list, I've noticed a width/height scaling bug in multi-panel plots when you change the active plot using par mfg The underlying par setting that maps the full plot width (or height) to the numerical axis labels does not get updated when you change plots with par(mfg=...). Thus plotting a point at c(10,10) in the first plot will only be in the correct place IF the most recently
2009 Oct 13
gee: suppress printout
I'm using the function gee from the library(gee) gee(Y~X,,corstr="exchangeable",b=tmc$coef,family=binomial(link=logit),silent=T) Every time it runs, it dutifully prints out Beginning Cgee S-function, @(#) geeformula.q 4.13 98/01/27 user's initial regression estimate [,1] [1,] -4.5278335 [2,] -0.2737999 [3,] -0.9528306 [4,] 0.9393861 [5,]
2012 Nov 19
tcltk freezing using MS Windows for R-2.14+
I am the maintainer of a Bioconductor package (affylmGUI) which uses tcltk. It freezes inconsistently on MS Windows, but not Mac or Unix. see details below. After considerable testing I have reduced the problem from a few thousand lines of code to 30 lines! If you paste the following lines of code into an R window: testGUI <- function(){ require(tcltk) MainWindow <-
2014 May 29
mcmapply Core Usage
Hello, I have a minimal example that shows a problem I'm having with parallel processing. library(parallel) mcmapply(function(x, y) { print("Running") Sys.sleep(10) }, as.list(1:10), as.list(10:1), mc.cores = 16, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) I see "Running" printed once every ten seconds. I read the documentation for mcmapply, but I don't understand why it wouldn't
2008 Jan 25
Using bquote: question
Hi all Observe: x <- c(1,2) y <- c(1,-1) phi <- 1 p <- 2 par( mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(x , y, main=bquote( paste( p==.(p)," and ",phi==.(phi)) ) ) plot(y ~ x, main=bquote( paste( p==.(p)," and ",phi==.(phi)) ) ) par( mfrow=c(1,2)) On my system (details below), the first plot is correct (in my understanding), and produces a title reading "p=2 and phi=1"
2014 Feb 23
Random Count Generation with rnbinom
The documentation states : An alternative parametrization (often used in ecology) is by the mean ?mu?, and ?size?, the dispersion parameter. However, this fails : > rnbinom(10, mu = 100, size = 0) [1] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Warning message: In rnbinom(10, mu = 100, size = 0) : NAs produced For dispersion set to 0, it should work like drawing from a Poisson distribution.
2020 Jul 10
Strange behaviour of methods::slot() when returning a tibble
I have an S4 object class defined in a Bioconductor package which contains multiple slots, some of which are tibbles, whilst others are vectors. If I call slot(object, name) where 'name' is an slot that contains a vector, everything works as expected. However, when I call slot(object, name) where 'name' is an slot that contains a tibble I get the following warning: Warning
2008 Apr 03
Lapack error in Design:::ols
Hi, I'm trying to use Frank Harrell's Design:::ols function to do regression of y (numeric) on the interaction of two factors (x1 and x2), but Lapack throws an error: > library(Design) ... > load(url("")) > ols(y ~ x1 * x2, data=x) Error in chol2inv(fit$qr$qr) : 'size' cannot exceed nrow(x) = 20 > traceback()
2007 Jun 15
sma package, and MouseArray data set
Hi all I have just downloaded the sma package from CRAN. On installing on my linux machine, I get the message > library(sma) > data(MouseArray) Warning message: file 'MouseArray.RData' has magic number 'RDX1' Use of save versions prior to 2 is deprecated Hereafter, MouseArray is not found: > MouseArray Error: object "MouseArray" not found We were
2007 Jan 25
Error in loadNamespace(name) (PR#9464)
Full_Name: Ross Darnell Version: 2.4.1 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( rdarnell at pc:~/Data$ ls -al .RData -rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 13551 2006-12-06 08:58 .RData rdarnell at pc:~/Data$ R R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18) Copyright (C) 2006 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to
2013 Oct 04
Tab Separated File Reading Error
Hello, I have a seemingly simple problem that a tab-delimited file can't be read in. > annoTranscripts <- read.table("matched.txt", sep = '\t', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : line 5933 did not have 12 elements However, all lines do have 12 columns. > lines <-
2009 Dec 17
segfault in (PR#14154)
Bug summary: glm() causes a segfault if the argument 'data' is a data frame with more than 16384 rows. Bug demonstration: -------input --------------- N <- 16400 df <- data.frame(x=runif(N, min=1,max=2),y=rpois(N, 2)) glm(y ~ x, family=poisson, data=df) ------ output --------------- *** caught segfault *** address (nil),
2006 Oct 26
Error: invalid multibyte string
I'm observing the following on different platforms: > parse(text='"\\x7F"') expression("\177") > parse(text='"\\x80"') Error: invalid multibyte string ... > parse(text='"\\xFF"') Error: invalid multibyte string However, cat("\x7F\n\x80\n...\xFF\n") works. Using R --vanilla. SYSTEMS GIVING THE ERROR: >
2007 Mar 07
Sweave issue: quotes in verbatim-like output print incorrectly
Hi all I love Sweave; use it all the time. But I recently received a new computer, and ever since I have had a problem I've never seen before. For example, I place the following in my Snw file: <<>>= sms <- read.table("", header=TRUE) attach(sms) sms.lm <- lm( Time ~ Age*Phone,
2014 Jun 12
1 Error for Function Not Present When Manually Called
Hello, The e1071 function naiveBayes gives an error when called by, although it doesn't give any error if I call it manually. Browse[1]> trainParams at classifier function (x, ...) UseMethod("naiveBayes") <environment: namespace:e1071> Browse[1]> trained <- at classifier, paramList) Error in names(dimnames(tables[[i]])) <- c(Yname,
2014 Mar 12
Lectura de texto
Hola a todos, Me gustaria leer el texto que se encuentra en He intentado txt <- '' r <- scan(txt) #Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : # invalid multibyte string at '<ff><fe>M' r <- read.table(txt, header = FALSE)
2007 Sep 13
Problem using xtable on an array
Hi all I know about producing a minimal example to show my problem. But I'm having trouble producing a minimal example that displays this behaviour, so please bear with me to begin with. Observe: I create an array called model.mat. Some details on this: > str(model.mat) num [1:18, 1:4] -0.170 -0.304 -2.617 2.025 -1.610 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ : chr