Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "R checks links broken"
2011 May 10
Time-machine typo
Just noticed this in R 2.13.0, it is also still present in R-devel in SVN:
%%% Rd.sty ... Style for printing the R manual
%%% Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org
%%% Copyright (C) 2003-20010 The R Foundation
Very forward-looking ...
Gauss once played himself in a zero-sum game and won $50.
-- #11 at
2011 Jun 02
Export a function from RCPP in R of type double
Hello to everyone
I have written a small c++ function of type double function(double,double);
and i want to export it in R using RCPP. After some trials i have realized
that the only way i could do it working is to declare the function as void
function (double x, double y, double result) and pass the result with RCPP
Can you please tell me if this is the only way out?
And if this is the case how
2011 May 06
Create and access several instances of a C++ class from R
We have a C++ class with several methods that manipulate an object. How is it possible to create several instances of that class *from R* in the C++ realm, which can then be accessed via a given name character? Symbolic example (we hope this illustrates our problem):
// C++ side:
class Foo{
// perhaps:
void my_new_instance_wrapper("the_character") // plain to see that I am
2011 Jun 21
Error using RcppGSL
Hi, I get an error using RcppGSL: fatal error: gsl/gsl_vector.h:No such file
or directory. What is the best way to install these files as they seem to
be missing?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Error-using-RcppGSL-tp3613535p3613535.html
Sent from the R devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2011 Jul 24
inline/Rcpp: Problem with space in path under Windows
I am trying to run inline/Rcpp under Windows 64. The RTools are installed on
a spaceless path D:\rtools.
Inlining pure c-code works perfectly. When I try the sample code for cpp in
the cxx Documentation, I get:
x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe: C:/Program: No such file or directory
The path to the compiler is correct. Obviously there is some problem with
the space in C:/Program (Files).
Any ideas
2011 Apr 23
Could I use R function lm or nlm in C code?
Dear R,
I'm doing some simulation work and it takes me a lot of time to do it
in R. So I try to implement it in C code, but I want to use some R
functions directly for my lazy and the robustness of code. For
example, I will use lm and nlm in my program. How could I use R's lm
and nlm function directly? I thinks these functions are not included
in the R's include directory. Do I need
2011 Jun 16
Controlling stdin and stdout in an embedded R instance
I am very new to R but my question is with respect to the C API for
working with an embedded R console. I have been able to start and stop
an embedded R console from within a C program as well as use the API to
execute commands in it. I am seeking a mechanism to individually send
native R commands to an embedded console and then consume the output of
these commands. Specifically, I
2011 Dec 22
adding packages R 2.14.0
Well, I was able to build R 2.14.0 on my Solaris x86 machine, with a lot of
work and some help. Thanks!
At first the update.packages() would not work because some of the .so files
that came with R were 32 - not 64 bit. I was able to install them and so
now the update.packages() works. I still have a couple of issues:
1) a lot of packages are not available for R 2.14.0.
2) When compiling I
2011 Mar 06
Plot and curve inside C++
Dear All,
I would like to use
- plot,
- curve
inside a C++ program. What R package do you recommend? Rcpp?
Thanks in advance,
2011 May 17
Rscript hangs on exit with ubuntu 11.04
I have run into a strange issue with Rscript and plyr. When running
the following Rscript:
d = ddply(data.frame(a=1:101,b=1:101), .(a,b), nrow)
the script does not terminate. It prints out the results from head(d),
but does not return to the shell. By changing the a and b to 1:100,
the script returns. The same code running within the R shell works
2011 Jun 06
Lapack or Blas crashing R when using "large" matrices (Ubuntu 11.04)
This simple SVD calculation (commands are copied immediately below) crashes on my Ubuntu machine (R 2.13.0). However it
worked fine with R.12 and Ubuntu 10.04, and it also works fine on my Windows 7 machine with R 2.13, so I suspect there's a problem with (my?) Ubuntu and / or R.
I'm using the R distribution that is accessible with Ubuntu's repositories manager, I am not
2011 Jul 28
download/install R in Ubuntu for new users
For someone who is transitioning away from Windows to Ubuntu for the sake of
R, can anyone point me to fail-safe, step-by-step instructions on how to
install/upgrade R? I've followed the instructions from other threads here
but still get 2.12.1 when I launch R.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 16
cannot install Rcmdr on ubuntu 11.4
For one reason or another, I cannot install Rcmdr on my R 2.12.2 ubuntu 11.4 system.
I run R as root When I try to install Rcmdr, then whatever mirror I select, I get the message:
Installing package(s) into ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Loading Tcl/Tk
2011 Jul 13
A question on the GCC toolchain compiled for ARM
We are security researchers at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. We have a
scenario where we need to be able to compile a C source on the Android
device itself. Hence, I came upon the R project's Android port:
I could not find who created the "android gcc", so I guess R porting for
Debian is the closest
2011 Apr 25
Problem installing XML in Ubuntu 10.10
Hello folks,
Here's is info on what system I'm working on.
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13)
Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)
I'm trying to install the XML package. However, I end up with the following
error message.
> install.packages("XML")
checking for xml2-config... no
Cannot find xml2-config
ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘XML’
2008 Sep 27
Double integration - Gauss Quadrature
I would like to solve a double integral of the form
\int_0^1 \int_0^1 x*y dx dy
using Gauss Quadrature.
I know that I can use R's integrate function to calculate it:
integrate(function(y) {
sapply(y, function(y) {
integrate(function(x) x*y, 0, 1)$value
}, 0, 1)
but I would like to use Gauss Quadrature to do it.
I have written the following code (using R's statmod package)
2001 Apr 05
Using Gauss with R
Dear All,
I am a long time S user and now a convert to R. As part of my general work
in time series I occasionally assist groups of econometricians and others in
the finance fraternity. In particular, that community has invested a large
amount of time and effort in writing specialised code in Gauss. I am
unfamiliar with Gauss (although I have used Matlab which is, I understand, a
2013 Dec 04
option hide unreadable not work
Hi all.
I thying settings the option "hide unreadable" but not work. I tested
in global section and share section, follow my settings now. after
various tests.
# Global parameters
workgroup = BATLAB
netbios name = GAUSS
server role = active directory domain controller
server services = s3fs, rpc, nbt, wrepl,
2011 May 06
cerr and cout not working calling c++ from R
Sorry, I just tried posting this but I had it in the wrong format of text,
so this is a cleared format repost:
I?m trying to call some of my c++ code from R and seem to be having an issue
with streams, although that?s just one obvious sign of something different
in performance between calling the same function from main in c++ vs.
calling the same function from R. I?m not getting any signs
2011 Aug 06
rJava on Debian squeeze (or other versions of Linux)?
Has anyone successfully installed rJava on Debian squeeze (or any other
version of linux)?
I keep getting the
... (JDK) is missing or not registered in R
error message when installing the package.
I've tried running 'R CMD javareconf', setting JAVA_HOME and editing
/etc/R/ldpaths by hand, but to no avail.
The problem might be related to the R_JAVA_LD_LIBRARY_PATH that's