similar to: bug and fix : using panel.first with plot() in (PR#457)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "bug and fix : using panel.first with plot() in (PR#457)"

2000 Jul 27
problem using ts after tapply
here is a distillation of a problem encountered in transfering some working code from R-0.63 to R-1.1.0 a1 <- 1:10 b1 <- tapply(a1,a1, sum) c1 <- ts(b1) c1 Error in if (NCOL(x) == 1) { : missing value where logical needed note that the error is returned as the value of calling ts() and is not automatically displayed problem seems to be that is.array(b1) returns TRUE yet dim(b1)
2000 Jul 28
gremlin in rep()
the following occurred inadvertently and brought R-1.1.0 down rep(1:3, c(4,2,-6)) Segmentation Fault (core dumped) platform i686-pc-linux-gnu arch i686 os linux-gnu system i686, linux-gnu status major 1 minor 1.0 year 2000 month June day 15 language R
2000 Feb 25
bug and fix : using panel.first with plot() in (PR#458)
On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 wrote: > The following works as expected > plot(1:5, panel.first=grid(2,2)) > and if > my.panel<-function() grid(2,2) > then > plot(1:5, panel.first=my.panel() ) > is also OK > > but, >"plot", list(x=1:5, panel.first=grid(2,2)) >
2006 Mar 09
Festival tts
Hi I have installed Festival on the same box as asterisk and followed the instructions to integrate it with asterisk. Festival seems to work fine on its own performing text to speech from the command line or via a file. Asterisk answers the call but there is no speech. I can see no errors in the Festival log file The asterisk console shows --Executing Answer("SIP/81801-c091",
2003 Jun 25
No field 'Via' present to copy
Hi I wonder if anyone can throw some light on the * console message. This only occurs when I register a phone on the end of a BT ADSL line, with a Draytec router/modem. The phone registers okay but cannot dial out. Console message: Notice[1125329600]: File chan_sip.c, Line 1759 (copy_via_headers): No field 'Via' present to copy Thanks Steven *****************************************
1997 Dec 03
R-alpha: Two buglets and a difference
I have come across three problems in the past few days, in spell of heavy R ( version R0.50-a4/Sun Solaris2.5.1 ) use. 1. I was using lwd=2 to get thicker lines on plots for printing, but although the 'lwd' parameter works fine with x11(), the thickened lines do not print with print.plot, or by using postscript() directly. 2. Try the following, plot(1:10, -(1:10))
1997 Apr 10
R-beta: Compiling R-0.16.1 on Solaris 2.5.1
Setup: Sparcstation 4 with Solaris 2.5.1 and Sun compilers After downloading R-0.16.1 and runnning configure, make fails as follows cd main; make cc -o R.binary arithmetic.o array.o attrib.o bind.o builtin.o character.o coerce.o colors.o context.o cov.o cum.o dataframe.o debug.o deparse.o dotcode.o dstruct.o duplicate.o edit.o envir.o errors.o eval.o format.o gram.o
1998 Jun 19
problem with sub in graphs
Use of the graphical parameter 'sub' in a high level graphics function is inconsistent, and incompatible with the blue book > plot(1:10, main="test", sub="demo") Warning: parameter "sub" couldn't be set in high-level plot() function Warning: parameter "sub" couldn't be set in high-level plot() function Warning: parameter "sub"
2001 Mar 19
Ternary plots
********************************************************** ** Dr. David Lucy ** ** Centre for Forensic Statistics and Legal Reasoning ** ** Department of Mathematics and Statistics ** ** The University of Edinburgh ** ** James Clerk Maxwell Building ** ** King's Buildings
1998 Apr 23
NT 4.0 Small Probs
We have a fairly large Samba/Win95 installation. We are currently putting some NT 4.0 Workstation Machines. However we seem to be having a few small problems. First of all printing on some machines comes up with an error about the wrong syntax when you try to print even though the printer setup goes 'smoothly'. Second, sometimes connecting persistent shares fails with a
2003 Apr 28
qr(x,LAPACK=TRUE) (PR#2867)
Hi, I think there is a problem with the LAPACK version of qr() in version 1.7.0. (version below). 1. The documentation states that LAPACK=TRUE is the default, but the code has LAPACK=FALSE. 2. With LAPACK=TRUE qr() is never pivoting, even in cases where it very clearly should be. e.g. set.seed(0) X<-matrix(rnorm(40),10,4);X[,1]<-X[,2] qrx<-qr(X,LAPACK=TRUE) qrx$pivot # note, no
2004 Mar 16
mgcv 1.0
mgcv 1.0 (package providing gams etc) will be released with R 1.9.0. (R 1.8.x compatible versions can be found at: There are quite a few changes from mgcv 0.9: hence this message. The main new features are: * A generalized additive mixed modelling function `gamm' (which uses lme from the nlme library of glmmPQL from the MASS library for
2004 Mar 16
mgcv 1.0
mgcv 1.0 (package providing gams etc) will be released with R 1.9.0. (R 1.8.x compatible versions can be found at: There are quite a few changes from mgcv 0.9: hence this message. The main new features are: * A generalized additive mixed modelling function `gamm' (which uses lme from the nlme library of glmmPQL from the MASS library for
2006 Aug 29
The rpanel package
The rpanel package builds on the tcltk package to provide simple interactive controls for R functions, in particular to provide simple forms of dynamic graphics. The intention is to make this form of control particularly easy for R users to implement, with full documentation. The necessary tcltk variables are managed behind the scenes so that users need not be concerned with any
2008 Jun 12
as.numeric(".") returns 0
In R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22) as.numeric(".") returns zero. > as.numeric(".") [1] 0 This must be a bug. Splus and previous versions of R (<= 2.6.0) return NA, as you might expect. I'm running R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22) on Windows XP. Paul _____________________________________________________ Paul Johnson Robertson Centre for Biostatistics University of
2006 Feb 09
nice log-log plots
Dear All, I am trying to produce log-log plots in R and I was wondering if any of you have a 'template' for generating these with 'nice' labels and log-log grids? I know I can set up axes individually and use the intervals I want, however, I will be producing a large number of these plots and would not like to do this manually for each of them + I am very new to R and at the
2005 Mar 11
mgcv 1.2-0
mgcv version 1.2 is on CRAN now. mgcv provides generalized additive models and generalized additive mixed models with automatic estimation of the smoothness of model components. Changes in this version are: * A new gam fitting method is implemented for the generalized case. It provides more reliable convergence than the previous default, but can be a little slower. See ?gam.method,
2005 Mar 11
mgcv 1.2-0
mgcv version 1.2 is on CRAN now. mgcv provides generalized additive models and generalized additive mixed models with automatic estimation of the smoothness of model components. Changes in this version are: * A new gam fitting method is implemented for the generalized case. It provides more reliable convergence than the previous default, but can be a little slower. See ?gam.method,
2017 Jun 06
PROPOSAL: addition to SecuringSSH HowTo
Hi, I propose to add a Q and A to the FAQ section of the SecuringSSH HowTo<> documenting the business of setting setsebool -P use_nfs_home_dirs 1 to allow public key authentication between machines that share nfs home directories as per could I get editing rights to that page? Thanks
2006 Oct 09
Installing Rmpi on 64-bit Linux Athlon
Hello, We have recently added a 64-bit 2 x Dual-Core Athlon server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 to allow for processing of large data sets (>4GB) in R. To integrate this server into our Linux cluster, I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to use Rmpi/lam-mpi to parallel process some of our scripts. While I have successfully compiled R 2.4.0 and lam-mpi 7.1.2 on this server using