Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "bug in glm (PR#397)"
2000 Jan 05
bug in glm.fit (PR#395)
Dear R-team
There seems to be a bug in glm.fit - I got the following error message:
> > > + Error in names<-.default(*tmp*, value = ynames) : names attribute must be the same length as the vector
In addition: Warning messages:
1: fitted probabilities of 0 or 1 occurred in: (if (is.empty.model(mt)) glm.fit.null else glm.fit)(x = X, y = Y,
2: fitted probabilities of 0 or 1 occurred
2000 Jan 13
problems with understanding behaviour of glm
Dear R users,
I don't understand, what happens in glm in the following example (note that
in S-Plus this example finishes with an almost perfect fit, but also 49
> fit.small <- glm(SKR.ein.aus ~ ., family = binomial, data = daten, maxit=100)
Error in (if (is.empty.model(mt)) glm.fit.null else glm.fit)(x = X, y = Y, : inner loop 2; can't correct step size
In addition:
2002 Feb 27
Bug in glm.fit? (PR#1331)
G'day all,
I had a look at the GLM code of R (1.4.1) and I believe that there are
problems with the function "glm.fit" that may bite in rare
circumstances. Note, I have no data set with which I ran into
trouble. This report is solely based on having a look at the code.
Below I append a listing of the glm.fit function as produced by my
system. I have added line numbers so that I
1999 Oct 07
I have been trying to get Xgobi to work with the function xgobi( ), but
I keep on getting the message ""Xgobi requires a filename or some data
from stdin" in the DOS-shell. My Xgobi.bat file is :
@echo off
set XGOBIDIR=c:/Xgobi3
In R I get:
> xgobi(D1)
C:\RW0642/library/xgobi/scripts/xgobi.bat -vtitle
2009 Sep 28
model.matrix troubles with AlgDesign
Dear DevelopeRs,
in continuing with my suite of packages on experimental design, I am stuck
with an issue that appears to be related to package AlgDesign - I have tried
to get it solved by Bob Wheeler, but he seems to be stuck as well.
Whenever AlgDesign is loaded, some of my code does not work any more. For
example, in a fresh R session:
2000 Sep 04
problems with R COMPILE in make
Dear R helpers
I have a problem with R COMPILE. While the Makefile consisting of the lines
SOURCES = imageio.c procbase.c readargs.c regSegs.c goodiesPH.c \
generalAnalysis.c edgeAggregation.c utilities.alga.c \
tst.so: $(SOURCES)
works fine, the Makefile with the target replaced by
imageio.o: imageio.c
R COMPILE imageio.c
results in
2000 Sep 04
problems with R COMPILE in make
Dear R helpers
I have a problem with R COMPILE. While the Makefile consisting of the lines
SOURCES = imageio.c procbase.c readargs.c regSegs.c goodiesPH.c \
generalAnalysis.c edgeAggregation.c utilities.alga.c \
tst.so: $(SOURCES)
works fine, the Makefile with the target replaced by
imageio.o: imageio.c
R COMPILE imageio.c
results in
2010 Dec 08
Formatting 'names.arg' in barplot
I've been looking through ?phantom and ?expression and this forum for
examples of how I might be able to manipulate some of the names that appear
on the y-axis of the barplot below. For example, the "gw" in "ECgw" would
appear as a subscript...or "qr" would be the theta symbol followed by
subscript "r". My attempts haven't even come close
2006 Jun 23
malloc small pieces of memory
I have a Problem with wine. I have one Program, that allogaces many
small pieces with "malloc()" in the memory. "many" means over 2 Mio,
"small" means "from 8 to 128 bytes" in size.
Running this Program on Windows gives me ~300MB Memory Usage (according
to one of the values in the Tast manager). In Linux, "top" shows me a
physical Usage of
1999 Jul 12
how to find index of maximum?
Dear R-users,
Is there a simple way to find the index of the maximum of a vector?
1 3 6 2
result: 3
Thanks for any help, Peter
Peter Holzer phone: + 41 1 632 46 34
Seminar fuer Statistik, SOL F7 fax: + 41 1 632 10 86
(Sonneggstr. 33) <holzer at stat.math.ethz.ch>
ETH (Federal
2008 Aug 02
Bubble plots
Is there a way to create a 'bubble plot' in R?
For example, if we define the following data frame containing the level of y observed for 5 patients at three time points:
time<-c(rep('time 1',5),rep('time 2',5),rep('time 3',5))
2008 Oct 28
Source code for ppr (Projection Pursuit Regression)
Dear R users,
I am looking for the source code of the implementation of ppr (Projection
Pursuit Regression) in R.
It will be great if citations of the source papers on which the
implementation is based, are also provided.
Thank you,
Arvind Iyer,
Grad student, Deptt. of Biomedical Engineering
Viterbi School of Engineering
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
[[alternative HTML
2007 Jul 25
using contrasts on matrix regressions (using gmodels, perhaps)
I want to test for a contrast from a regression where I am regressing the columns of a matrix. In short, the following.
X <- matrix(rnorm(50),10,5)
Y <- matrix(rnorm(50),10,5)
lm(formula = Y ~ X)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
(Intercept) 0.3350 -0.1989 -0.1932 0.7528 0.0727
X1 0.2007 -0.8505 0.0520
2005 May 13
Hi All,
I am using rsync to backup our office server to our Internet server (RHE).
As an association for doctors we are looking at providing a backup service
for their practices using rsync. As it would be patient data it would need
to be encrypted. I have found a few options, namely
Does anyone have experience with the above and perhaps like to recommend
one? On the
2016 Mar 01
Dsync induces redundant mail after rapid append/expunge repeatedly
?I meet the problem about dsync with ?expunge. The problems is expunged
mail would reappear after dsyncing and it is easily to reproduce.
?Environment Settings:
- Two servers(serverA, serverB) both enabled plugin "*replication"*
- And more detail get by "dovecot -n" show below
?Reproduce flow:
?- ?Run two processes pA and pB both would run in while loop
?- pA?(All behavior is
1999 Nov 09
Question on function "glm.fit"
I have a code that contains function "glm.fit" and it works in S-PLUS. But
this same code (with some minor changes) does not work in R. I am supplying
the part of the code. Can somebody help with this problem?
The code
x1 <- seq(from=-1,to=2, length=20)
x2 <- (rep(1:5,4))/4
x <- cbind(1,x1,x2)
y <-
2005 Aug 04
Where the error message comes from?
Hi all:
I get the following error message that I am not able to resolve.
Error in if (const(t, min(1e-08, mean(t)/1e+06))) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
It appears right before the last data.frame statement.
Below is the program that simulates data from one way random effects
model and then computes normality and bootstrap confidence interval for
2006 Jul 03
xlab, ylab in balloonplot(tab)?
I'm not understanding something.
I'm trying to add xlab & ylab to a balloon plot of a table object. From docs
I thought following should work:
# From balloonplot example:
# Create an example using table
xnames <- sample( letters[1:3], 50, replace=2)
ynames <- sample( 1:5, 50, replace=2)
tab <- table(xnames, ynames)
2012 May 29
GAM interactions, by example
Dear all,
I'm using the mgcv library by Simon Wood to fit gam models with interactions and I have been reading (and running) the "factor 'by' variable example" given on the gam.models help page (see below, output from the two first models b, and b1).
The example explains that both b and b1 fits are similar: "note that the preceding fit (here b) is the same as
2000 Jan 17
How to change several elements of an array simultaneously?
I have a matrix `m' and two vectors `rs' and `cs'. I want to change m at the
positions (rs[1], cs[1]), (rs[2], cs[2]), ... to 1. Obviously I can do that by
> m[rs + (cs-1) * dim(m)[1]] <- 1
but I would just be interested whether I am missing a more "intuitive" way
of doing that.
Thanks in advance, Peter