Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "portfolio.optim.default, Packages tseries quadprog (PR#348)"
2006 Apr 26
MacOSX package install problem: pkgs quadprog & tseries
I upgraded to R-2.2.1 on two PPC G5 computers today. Further I want
to work with the tseries package for the first time.
As root with
R CMD INSTALL tseries_0.10-0.tar.gz
I get the following
gcc-3.3 -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -L/usr/local/lib -
o tseries.so arma.o bdstest.o boot.o dsumsl.o garch.o ppsum.o
tsutils.o -framework vecLib -L/usr/local/lib/gcc/powerpc-apple-
2008 Sep 03
portfolio.optim and assets with weigth equals to zero...
I don't understand a particular output of portfolio.optim (tseries).
I have 4 assets and the portfolio.optim returns an asset with weight equals
to zero.
If I do a portfolio.optim with 3 assets, without the asset with weight
equals to zero,
it returns a completely different result.
That's I would expected the same weights as the run with 4 assets.
Below the code.
Thanks in
2000 Dec 22
TSERIES package dependencies
Hello All:
In the package "tseries" I observed a dependency with pacakge "mva". But, I can't find this package on CRAN. Is this package actually required and if so, where can I locate it?
P.S. I am using R 1.2.0 on linux mandrake 7.1 platform.
P.P.S. the info on tseries follows from CRAn below:
2011 Sep 15
portfolio, portfolio.optim function not found
After installing and loading the package "portfolio", I tried to run the
example code provided, and it would not run.
this is the link:
this is the example code, as found at the link:
x <- rnorm(1000)
dim(x) <- c(500,2)
res <- portfolio.optim(x)
the error I get is:
Error: could not find
2005 Mar 02
Problems with the "tseries" package
Dear Sirs,
I am trying to perform a garch analysis to some data time series.Therefore, I've downloaded the package "tseries", as the garch analysis is not available in the main R program.When I try to load the "tseries package" from the R-Console screen, the following message appears:
local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE)))
+ if(nchar(pkg))
2008 May 07
Problem installing tseries under FC7 x86_64
I have just installed the 64 bit version of R, using yum. The version
is: 2.6.2-1.fc7.1.x86_64.
I installed zoo without any major problem and the same with quadprog (a
few warnings). However, when I came to install tseries I get the
Warning in install.packages() :
argument 'lib' is missing: using
2007 Sep 03
The quadprog package
Hi everybody,
I'm using Windows XP Prof, R 2.5.1 and a Pentium 4 Processor.
Now, I want to solve a quadratic optimization program (Portfolio Selection) with the quadprog package
I want to minimize (\omega'%*%\Sigma%*%\omega)
Subject to
(1) \iota' %*% \omega = 1 (full investment)
(2) R'%*%\omega = \mu (predefined expectation value)
(3) \omega \ge 0 (no short sales).
2005 Aug 19
Problem with get.hist.quote() in tseries
When using get.hist.quote(), I find the dates are broken. This is with
R 2.1.1 on Mac OS X `panther'.
> library(tseries)
Loading required package: quadprog
'tseries' version: 0.9-27
'tseries' is a package for time series analysis and computational
See 'library(help="tseries")' for details.
> x <-
1999 Sep 20
Updated tseries package
Fritz just put the updated tseries package to CRAN. I mainly removed
(and corrected) code such that tseries fits together with package ts.
New code is White's and Teraesvirta's tests for neglected non-linearity
(also for the regression case). From the INDEX file:
NelPlo Nelson-Plosser Macroeconomic Time Series
adf.test Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
1999 Sep 20
Updated tseries package
Fritz just put the updated tseries package to CRAN. I mainly removed
(and corrected) code such that tseries fits together with package ts.
New code is White's and Teraesvirta's tests for neglected non-linearity
(also for the regression case). From the INDEX file:
NelPlo Nelson-Plosser Macroeconomic Time Series
adf.test Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
2002 Nov 17
Package tseries: crash for Windows version (PR#2302)
Platform: Windows 98
R version: Version 1.6.1 (2002-11-01)
Package 'tseries' version: 0.9-4 Built: R 1.6.0; Win32; Mon Oct 7 14:02:38 2002)
(dependanted packages 'quadprog': Built: R 1.5.1; Win32; 2002-07-03 12:20:50)
I've just upgraded to R 1.6.1. By typing
=> I've got a crash with the following message:
"RGUI a causé une
2002 Nov 17
Package tseries: crash for Windows version (PR#2302)
Platform: Windows 98
R version: Version 1.6.1 (2002-11-01)
Package 'tseries' version: 0.9-4 Built: R 1.6.0; Win32; Mon Oct 7 14:02:38 2002)
(dependanted packages 'quadprog': Built: R 1.5.1; Win32; 2002-07-03 12:20:50)
I've just upgraded to R 1.6.1. By typing
=> I've got a crash with the following message:
"RGUI a causé une
2011 Nov 20
install.package tseries
I have not been successfull in downloading tseries package in the R in my macbook air.
The message sent is:Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
imposs?vel carregar objeto compartilhado '/Library/Frameworks/
Do you have any clue?
2005 Jan 13
how to use solve.QP
At the risk of ridicule for my deficient linear algebra skills, I ask
for help using the solve.QP function to do portfolio optimization. I
am trying to following a textbook example and need help converting the
problem into the format required by solve.QP. Below is my sample code
if anyone is willing to go through it. This problem will not solve
because it is not set up properly. I hope I
2002 Apr 29
tseries package segmentation fault (PR#1497)
Full_Name: Gang Liang
Version: 1.4.1
OS: mandrake-8.2
Submission from: (NULL) (
tseries version: 0.9-1
quadprog version: 1.4-4
mva version: 1.4.1
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
arch i686
os linux-gnu
system i686, linux-gnu
major 1
minor 4.1
year 2002
month 01
1999 Oct 29
No subject
Dear friends. I just downloaded tseries dated 27.10.99 (from Aalborg, Denmark) and it seems it lacked something, library ts was not available ? What to do ?
> library(tseries)
Loading required package: ts
Warning: There is no package called `ts'
Best wishes
Troels Ring, M.D
Department of Nephrology
Aalborg, Denmark
tring at mail1.stofanet.dk
2012 Mar 16
quadprog error?
I forgot to attach the problem data, 'quadprog.Rdata' file, in my prior
I want to report a following error with quadprog. The solve.QP function
finds a solution to the problem below that violates the last equality
constraint. I tried to solve the same problem using ipop from kernlab
package and get the solution in which all equality constraints are
enforced. I also tried an old
2002 May 30
problem installing quadprog
When I try to build/install the quadprog package under R1.50 and NT4
it seems to have trouble finding blas routines. I'm currently using the
generic blas routines, rather than ATLAS or some other tuned implementation:
> Rcmd INSTALL d:/temp/quadrprog
gcc --shared -s -o quadprog.dll quadprog.def quadprog.a quadprog_res.o -Lc:/a
pps/rw1050/src/gnuwin32 -lg2c -lR
2004 Sep 01
not positive definite D matrix in quadprog
Hello to everybody,
I have a quadratic programming problem that I am trying to solve by various
methods. One of them is to use the quadprog package in R.
When I check positive definiteness of the D matrix, I get that one of the
eigenvalues is negative of order 10^(-8). All the others are positive. When
I set this particular eigenvalue to 0.0 and I recheck the eigenvalues in R,
the last
2005 Nov 29
Constraints in Quadprog
I'm having difficulty figuring out how to implement the
following set of constraints in Quadprog:
1). x1+x2+x3+x4=a1
2). x1+x2+x5+x6=a2
3). x1+x3+x5+x7=a3
4). x1+x2=b1
5). x1+x3=b2
6). x1+x5=b3
for the problem: MIN (x1-c1)2+(x2-c2)2+...+(x8-c8)2.
As far a I understand, "solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec, meq=0,
factorized=FALSE)" reads contraints using an element-by-element