similar to: diag

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "diag"

1999 Oct 31
bugs in scan() (PR#304)
System: Sun Solaris 2.5.1 There seem to be at least 2 bugs associated with the use of flush=T in the scan function. 1) If flush=T is used, scan() will only ask for 1 line from standard input. Repeat by: > R R : Copyright 1999, The R Development Core Team Version 0.65.1 Release (October 07, 1999) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it
1999 Aug 02
zero replacement
AARRGGHH! Sometimes it's the simple things that are particularly frustrating, especially late at night.... Can anyone suggest a simple means for replacing all of the zero values in a matrix with NANs? I ended up writing an awk script to massage the input file, which works, of course, but is rather an inelegant blunt instrument. I'd prefer an R operation. I'm certain that
2017 Dec 29
Random delivery
Howdy, I?d like to achieve something that i don?t know if it?s possible. I have account info at domain.tld and when an email is received, I want to forward it to several accounts, always in this order: ? Email1 at domain.tlf ? Email2 at domain.tld ? Email3 at domain.tld And when it reached email3 at domain.tld it starts again with email1 at domain.tld Would something like
2019 Feb 24
Linking mailboxes
Hi, I am new to Dovecot and I am trying to link an email account folder to another Maildir(its a backup of the older email). I want the email account to be able to access the older emails. I am assuming this is done by creating a symlink? Currently reading instructions on this page:- At the moment I have the folder:-
1999 Oct 20
[ R installation problem]
----- Forwarded message from Stelios Zimeras <szimeras at> ----- Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 11:35:52 +0200 From: Stelios Zimeras <szimeras at> Organization: IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (X11; I; SunOS 5.5 sun4m) X-Accept-Language: en To: rgentlem at Subject: R installation problem Dear Sir, I try
1999 Nov 01
bug in sample (PR#305)
The following appears to be a bug in 0.90 > x<-sample(10,1:4,rep=T) > x [1] 8 > ?sample > x<-sample(10,1:4,rep=T) > x [1] 5 Of course, I forgot the syntax but I still don't like the result. -- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Robert Gentleman voice: (617) 632-5045 | | Senior Lecturer
2003 Aug 06
S4 methods bug in naming of slots (PR#3665)
Hello, I am using R 1.7.1 on a Redhat Linux machine, version 7.3. The following works fine: setClass("ok", representation( "A" = "matrix", "Cmatrix" = "matrix")) new("ok", "A" = diag(4), "Cmatrix" = diag(4)) But the following doesn't work: setClass("notok", representation(
2005 Jan 06
fax to email
Good day all I have a pri card,e100 What I want to do is If a fax comes in for number 1234567890 it should be e-mail to If a fax comes in for number 0987654321 it should be e-mail to ens.... Can this be done and how????
2007 Jun 19
Histograms with strings, grouped by repeat count (w/ data)
Hello R gurus, I just spent my first weekend wrestling with R, but so far have come up empty handed. I have a dataset that represents file downloads; it has 4 dimensions: date, filename, email, and country. (sample data below) My first goal is to get an idea of the frequency of repeated downloads. Let me explain that. Some people tend to download multiple times, e.g. if the download fails
2017 Dec 30
Random delivery
"Jorge Bastos" <mysql.jorge at> writes: > I?d like to achieve something that i don?t know if it?s possible. It's almost always possible; it really depends on how much work you want to do. > I have account info at domain.tld and when an email is received, I want to > forward it to several accounts, always in this order: > > ? Email1 at domain.tlf
2008 Jun 19
Appending diagnostic information to all lines sent to stdout and stderr
Dear All I'm logging the stdout and stderr of an R program into two separate files (stderr.txt and stdout.txt) using sink() I would like to append extra information such as "date", "memory usage" etc to every line of output that goes to stdout or stderr. For example > cat("hello \n") should give output that looks something like: "hello --- Thu Jun 19
2019 Feb 25
Linking mailboxes
Hello Kunal, I've done this once, and it was for bakcup mail too :) in this page ( I describe how I shared folders between main e-mail account and backup e-mail account with symlinks and dovecot-acl files pretty easily. Yassine. On 2/24/19 6:57 PM, Aki Tuomi via dovecot wrote: > >> On 24 February 2019 18:17 "Kunal A. via
2008 Mar 04
Strange paste, string or package problem?
Hi I came across this strange bug the other day, I'm not sure how to solve it and I wonder if anyone can even replicate it. Using OS Ubuntu 7.10 Step 1) Make an R package using the package.skeleton() command with only these two functions: error <- function(){ cmd <- paste(" -a ",1," -a ",1," -a ",1, " -a ",1," -a
2015 May 01
Fatal: Unknown scheme: SHA512-CRYPT. On a Mac-mini
Running postfix+dovecot+mysql on a mac-mini, and trying to solve this puzzle. Is this a Mac issue?, a MySQL issue? or something I haven't configured in? You can see from the output of the samples shows in the first case, that SHA512-CRYPT seems to be Unknown. The code I used is from a Linux based tutorial on setting up Postfix+Dovecot+MySQL on a site. Everything is generally going ok, apart
2010 Jan 07
"diag", "diag<-" and "[" , "[<-"
Dear all I have the following problem. M <- matrix(0,3,3) # dimension of M is dinamic and this can lead to the next subscript diag(M[1,1]) <- rep(100,1) #Error in `diag<-`(`*tmp*`, value = 100) : # only matrix diagonals can be replaced diag(M[1,1,drop=F]) <- rep(100,1) #Error in diag(M[1, 1, drop = F]) <- rep(100, 1) : # incorrect number of subscripts diag(M[2:3,1:2]) <-
2001 May 30
new book
Just thought I would mention that there is a new O'Reilly book out, "Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills", which is ok, pretty superficial about some things but at least it lets you know what is happening and where. R gets a few pages in there, 394-396, mostly nice press and accurate except that Bill Venables (hi Bill) may be surprised to find out that he is a member of the
2018 Sep 17
diag(-1) produces weird result
I would say it is a mis-feature. If the 'x' argument of diag() is a vector of length 1, then it creates an identity matrix of that size, instead of creating a 1x1 matrix with the given value: ? diag(3) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 0 0 [2,] 0 1 0 [3,] 0 0 1 Of course this makes it cumbersome to use diag() in a package, when you are not sure if the input vector is
2018 Dec 18
[PATCH] virtio-ccw: diag 500 may return a negative cookie
If something goes wrong in the kvm io bus handling, the virtio-ccw diagnose may return a negative error value in the cookie gpr. Document this. Signed-off-by: Cornelia Huck <cohuck at> --- Even if the virtio spec is the correct place to specify what diag 500 subcode 3 does, we also should mention here that the cookie may be an error. ---
2006 Nov 05
diag()<- in Matrix?
Dear all, I am trying to use the Matrix package to do some calculations on rather large and sparse matrices. An example of such a matrix is given below. mig<-0.2 side<-10 np<-side^2 mig.mat<-matrix(0,np,np) diag(mig.mat[1:(np-side),(side+1):np])<-mig/4 diag(mig.mat[(side+1):np,1:(np-side)])<-mig/4 diag(mig.mat[-np,-1])<-mig/4
2014 Aug 07
RFC: diag(x, n) not preserving integer and logical x
This is not at all something new(*). As maintainer of the Matrix package, I don't like this inconsistency of base R's diag(). We have had the following -- forever, almost surely inherited from S and S+ : diag(x) preserves the storage mode of x for 'complex' and 'double' precision, but converts integer and logicals to double : > storage.mode(x <- 1i + 1:7);