similar to: 0.36 release problem?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "0.36 release problem?"

2006 Oct 06
0.36 problem?
I hate to say this but I have just uninstalled and reinstalled a freshly downloaded wxruby2-preview-0.0.36-i386-mswin32.gem as from and received exactly the same error. Is it possible the corrected gem is not yet available from the download site? This is all against a relatively fresh/new basic Ruby 1.8.5 installation on a fully patched XP Professional box.
2007 Jan 15
wxRuby Installation using gem on windows
Hi, I am having problems with running wxruby2 on windows. I have installed ruby through cygwin and have also installed the latest version of the wxRuby2 gem [wxruby2-preview (0.0.38)] When I try running this command ruby -rubygems minimal/minimal.rb I get this error message: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby2-preview-0.0.38-i386-mswin32/lib/ Permission denied -
2006 Dec 02
Gauge Problem with XRC?
Hi I''ve just started using wxruby2-preview-0.0.36-i386-mswin32 outsourcing layout part to the external XRC file. Almost everything seems to be fine. Only that I can never retrieve Gauge objects in the main script. What I''ve been trying is something like this: class MainFrame < Wx::Frame include Wx def initialize(parent) super(nil,-1, "")
2007 Oct 13
Newbie can''t get sample/etc/wizard.rb to work
Hello, I''ve downloaded wxruby onto windows (ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i386-mswin32]). All samples are working fine, except for wizard.rb, which gets: C:/Program Files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-1.9.1-i386-mswin32/lib/wx/keyword_ctors.rb:201:in `initialize'': Error initializing #<Wx::Wizard:0x2f3fed8> (ArgumentError) Sent parameters:
2009 Oct 25
2 [BUG] Segmentation fault on require 'wx'
Hi -- I am trying to get ruby 1.9 to run on my Windows Vista Ultimate computer with and Intel 32 bit processor and all OS updates applied. I installed ruby 1.9 on October 23, 2009 using the zip file ( and the instructions located at: I was able to run several simple scripts. So far
2007 Mar 15
Patch to 0.0.39
Hi I''m developing software using wxruby2. At first I tried to use wxruby 0.6 but I couldn''t live without some of those new funky features :) So, instead of writing my own code, I got a bit sidetracked and wrote instead. Seeing as this is my first foray in to the innards of wxruby2, I
2005 Aug 21
New inheritance
A good number of the samples I have tested are outright or subtly broken on Windows now. I''m trying to determine what the cause is. Mostly it seems related to the initialize function not being created when it should be. Case in point: ClientDC.i The caret example won''t work at all because initialize isn''t declared any longer. If you comment out the import
2007 Jan 03
instalation problem
Hi Im testing wxRuby. I have a problem when ruby try to load the load wx. Im newbie to ruby, maybe a make a simple mistake : Best regards. Install wxRuby-------------------------------------------------------------- pedro@la-vaca-azul:~$ sudo gem install wxruby2-preview Need to update 2 gems from .. complete Select which gem to install for your platform (i486-linux)
2006 Aug 22
Native Extensions on Windows 0.10 series
Hi all, I''ve just noticed that 0.10 is out and wanted to give it a try on windows. I''m not at all an VS C++ Developer so I might do something very stupid here. My env: Windows Server 2003 VS .NET 2003 On the command line with nmake from VC7 in the path this is what I get: Attempting remote update of ferret Building native extensions. This could take a while... Microsoft
2008 May 07
I am just learning some about web service. But many guys still use Java (Jws). But I wanna try ROR. There are less information about it. I can''t get install plugin in the ROR 2.0.x. So I followed the standard textbook("Agile_Web_Development_With_Rails-2nd" and "Ruby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers") I almost finished it. However, I can''t find my api
2006 Oct 16
Strange ActiveRecord error popping up
Hello guys, I''m developing a new app in Rails, and every now and then I get an ActiveRecord error, I cannot reproduce exactly what triggers it, hope you can help me, or give me tips on debugging this kind of stuff. This time I got the error reporting page, but normally I would just see the 500.html page, with no info about what went wrong. This is the error (it''s the complete
2009 Sep 26
Config XLSUITE in Windows
I try to config XLSUITE in my system. I''m facing some problem i resolved it one by one. now im facing this error => Booting Mongrel (use ''script/server webrick'' to force WEBrick) => Rails 2.2.0 application starting on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server ** Starting Mongrel listening at Exiting
2006 Dec 07
Introduce and noob problem require ''wx''
Dear All, my name is Raoul, this is the first time I post here. I''m a computer scientis and I''m working in bioinformatic''s filed, we have a lot of tools to analyse the data but no good graphic applications to visualize them. So I''m looking for a good framework for my job. I think your motivations on using wxruby are good, most important for me is the
2007 Jan 15
ActionController::UnknownAction (No action responded to xxx)
I have a new method defined in a existing controller. All the methods I called in these are workable. But somehow the new method is not recognizable. ------------------new method I added-------------------------------------------- def push # if fair begin @product = Product.find(params[:id]) rescue logger.error("Attempt to access invalid product #{params[:id]}")
2007 Oct 24
NameError in CustomersController#index
I''m new to Rails. I finished the Cookbook tut. no problem. I''m trying to start a project of my own, follow the same instructions but the difference is I created the database myself. After I create the scaffolds and try them out I get this error NameError in CustomersController#index uninitialized constant Customer RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace |
2007 Jul 10
Seg Fault caused by StatusBar. Am I doing something wrong?
Some odd bug cropped up when I made a bunch of code changes to my app recently. I started getting the following everytime I closed the app: ---------------------------------- [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13) [i386-mswin32] This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application''s support team for more information.
2007 Nov 21
Mongrel Timeout?
Hi, I am using a railsapp to call an external app and print some barcode-labels. My problem is, after a while there seems to be a timeout. Then I need to stop the Mongrel-Server and restart it. Below you can see the error message, when i stop the server. Has somebody seen this before? Greetings, Oli C:\etikett>mongrel_rails start -d -e production ** WARNING: Win32 does not support daemon
2007 Jun 02
Unit tests breaks with sqlite
Hi, I''m using an sqlite3 database with Rails and have some trouble running unit tests What I''ve done is * rails my_app * edited database.yml to use sqlite3 adapter, db/my_app_development and db/my_app_test * ruby script\generate model user * edited model class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name validates_uniqueness_of :name end *
2010 Apr 09
"We're sorry, but something went wrong"
can anyone help with this??? /!\ FAILSAFE /!\ Thu Apr 08 16:58:27 -0700 2010 Status: 500 Internal Server Error unknown error C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/dl/import.rb:29:in `initialize'' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/dl/import.rb:29:in `dlopen'' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/dl/import.rb:29:in `dlload'' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/dl/import.rb:27:in `each''
2008 Apr 13
Brand new to rails: can't get databases to work
Just starting to learn rails. All is going well, until I tried to hook up a database. "undefined method `model'' for ZingerController:Class" is the message I get from the server. I imagine I''ve left something out that is keeping me from connecting to the database, but I''m not exactly sure what. Your help is appreciated. bests, -rsr- session dump: