Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "outer fails with group generic operations on factors (PR#166)"
2002 May 20
(PR#1577) is.na<- coerces character vectors to be factors
The inconsistency is that you use $<- to set the column, then [[<- to
change it. Had you tried to set the column by
x[[1]] <- as.character(x[[1]])
you would have seen the problem immediately (it does not work as you would
have intended). If you want to be sure to turn off conversion to factor,
you need to set the column to class "AsIs". My belief is that
will behave
1999 Aug 05
cbind is not generic as claimed, omits labels where S has them (PR#239)
(1) ?cbind claims
The generic functions `cbind' and `rbind' take a
sequence of vector and/or matrix arguments and combine
them as the columns or rows, respectively, of a matrix.
The method dispatching is not done via `UseMethod(..)',
but by C-internal dispatching. Therefore, there's no
need for, e.g., `rbind.default'.
but my cbind.ts
1998 Aug 18
Problem in "configure" for Solaris (cc) -- solved (partly) --
> From: Peter Dalgaard BSA <p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk>
> Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch> writes:
> > Reading the long output of ``cc -flags'',
> > I see that more than average optimization is done using
> > cc -xO[1-4]
> > #
And -O is -xO2. If you do want higher speed, you need to use
other flags too, and -fast is a
2003 Oct 09
S4 group generic Complex not working (PR#4483)
The Complex group generic for S4 methods is not working:
> setClass('foo', representation(z='complex'))
[1] "foo"
> setMethod('Complex', 'foo', function(z) callGeneric(z@z))
[1] "Complex"
> Arg(new('foo', z=1+0i))
Error in Arg(new("foo", z = 1 + (0+0i))) :
non-numeric argument to function
The fix is
2000 Jul 22
maketitle garbles the title in package nnet (PR#613)
The TITLE for the nnet package is garbled: it comes out as
nnet Feed-forward neural networks and multinomial log-linear
nnet Feed-forward neural networks and multinomial log-linear models
The problem is in maketitle:
Bundle: VR
Version: 6.1-9
Date: 2000/07/11
Depends: R (>= 1.1)
Author: S original by Venables & Ripley.
R port by Brian Ripley
1999 Sep 07
sys.on.exit appears non-functional (PR#269)
As far as I can see sys.on.exit() does not work. The following
will give a non-null result in S, and seems about the simplest possible
test <- function() {
ex <- sys.on.exit()
> test()
[1] 1
Looking at the code suggests that on.exit is installing the code in
a different context from the one
2000 Dec 20
glm gives incorrect results for zero-weight cases (PR#780)
Using zero-weight values in glm returns incorrect fitted values and
linear predictors, the ninth value in the following.
> example(glm)
> fit <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family = poisson(),
data=d.AD, weights=c(rep(1,8), 0))
> fit$linear.predictor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.989646 2.535391 2.862201 2.989646
2000 Aug 01
anova() on three or more objects behaves inconsistently (PR#621)
anova() on three or more objects behaves inconsistently in R.
In R anovalist.lm does a sequential ANOVA using pairwise F tests,
ignoring all the other objects, so the larger of the two models
provides the denominator.
In S anova.lmlist uses the denominator from the largest model (smallest
residual df) in the set, as does anova.glmlist in both.
I suggest that R's anovalist.lm is wrong (that
2008 Aug 07
sapply(Date, is.numeric) (PR#12244)
On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Martin Maechler wrote:
>>>>>> "RobMcG" == McGehee, Robert <Robert.McGehee at geodecapital.com>
>>>>>> on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 15:40:37 -0400 writes:
> RobMcG> FYI,
> RobMcG> I've tried posting the below message twice to the bug tracking system,
> [....... r-bugs problems discussed in a
2000 Aug 07
predict.lm is broken in 1.1.0-patched (2000-August-7) (PR#626)
predict.lm has been broken by recent changes to the patched branch.
It fails for all singular fits. An example:
quine.hi <- aov(log(Days + 2.5) ~ .^4, quine)
quine.nxt <- update(quine.hi, . ~ . - Eth:Sex:Age:Lrn)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2002 May 20
is.na<- coerces character vectors to be factors within dataframes (PR#1577)
I am not sure if this is a bug within is.na<- or if it lies deeper in the
dataframe construction process. Indeed, perhaps it is not a bug at all (in
which case I would suggest that the help page for NA be provided with a warning
for unsuspecting users (like me)).
When used on a character vector within a dataframe, is.na<- coerces the vector
to factor.
> x <- data.frame(var =
1999 Apr 02
NAME Douglas Bates
EMAIL bates@stat.wisc.edu
VERSION 0.63.3
PLATFORM i386-unknown-linux
SYSTEM Debian 2.1
CC/FC/MAKE egcs/g77/make
NAME Martyn Plummer
EMAIL plummer@iarc.fr
VERSION 0.63.3
PLATFORM i386-unknown-linux
SYSTEM Redhat 5.1
CC/FC/MAKE gcc/egcs-g77/make
NAME Göran Broström
EMAIL gb@stat.umu.se
VERSION 0.63.3
1999 Jul 15
which() does not handle NAs in named vectors. (PR#226)
platform = sparc-sun-solaris2.6
arch = sparc
os = solaris2.6
system = sparc, solaris2.6
status =
status.rev = 0
major = 0
minor = 64.2
year = 1999
month = July
day = 3
language = R
-- It is unclear to me that the handling of NAs is desirable, and it
has problems with names:
> z <- c(T,T,NA,F,T)
> names(z) <- letters[1:5]
> which(z)
Error: names attribute
2002 Jul 15
Suppressing "creating new generic" and "expanding the signature" messages
Hi all,
I am building a R package which defines a class. I have overloaded methods
for this class using setMethod, and now, when I require my package, I get
diagnostic messages.
setMethod("[", signature(x = "portfolio"),
function(x, i, j, ...) {
# ...
> require(portfolio)
Loading required package: portfolio
[... loading other required packages ...]
Creating a new
2018 Jul 25
A question to the DWARF experts on symbol indirection
> -----Original Message-----
> From: llvm-dev [mailto:llvm-dev-bounces at lists.llvm.org] On Behalf Of Tim
> Northover via llvm-dev
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 3:07 AM
> To: Nat!
> Cc: LLVM Developers Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [llvm-dev] A question to the DWARF experts on symbol
> indirection
> Hi Nat!,
> On Wed, 25 Jul 2018 at 01:21, Nat! via
2006 Mar 23
nlme for groupedData with inner and outer factors
I am having trouble specifying a suitable nlme model.
My data structure is described by
gd <- groupedData(ppath ~ lcut | exp, outer = ~ bait, inner = ~ weight, data
= d)
i.e. the response (ppath) of several subjects (sub) was measured at levels
of a continuous variable (lcut). Subjects were given either of one level of
a factor (bait), and all subjects were measured at two levels
2007 Mar 12
knncat question
I use knncat to make a predictive model
and get misclass rate
> knncat.m<-knncat(training.new,k=c(10,20),classcol=5)
> knncat.m
Training set misclass rate: 36.88%
then I try to calculate prediction accuracy by the following:
> pr.knncat.train <- predict
> tb.knncat.train <-table (pr.knncat.train,
2002 Aug 13
Misalignment of <NA> in rownames (PR#1905)
An NA in the rownames of a matrix (or dataframe) causes misalignment when the
matrix is printed:
R> x <- matrix(1:12, 3,4, dimnames=list(letters[1:3], LETTERS[1:4]))
R> rownames(x)[2] <- NA
R> x
a 1 4 7 10
<NA> 2 5 8 11
c 3 6 9 12
The bug is in function Rstrlen, in src/main/printutils.c. MatrixRowLabel and
MatrixColumnLabel (same file) rely on Rstrlen
1998 Dec 18
configure problems with fortran underscore
Just after R-0.63.0 came out I reported a problem to the list. I was
unable to get ./configure to complete it's job, because it couldn't find a
working fortran. It stopped after trying to test for underscore in
subroutine names. This was especially perplexing, since I could still
configure the older version (I had 62.2) with no error messages.
I tried suggestions of B.D. Ripley and
2002 Jan 28
merge() generates a factor: bug?
When I merge two dataframes, each created by read.table and containing no
factors, the result has columns which have been converted to factor. I think
this is a bug (and may be related to some fixed bugs, eg PR#1102, PR#1121), but
will await comments before submitting. Also, I'm not sure if the bug is in
merge() or in read.table(). I am using R-1.4.0 patch 1/13/02 on Solaris 2.6.