similar to: lty

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "lty"

2001 Feb 01
postscript and lty
To the plot experts: when creating a plot containing different lines, each with a special line type, it may happen that the result of 'postscript()' is not readable by ghostview (which may not be an R error, thus not bug report ;-). This is the case when mixing lty as 0:6 and character or even when using lty as character only. Example: postscript("") plot(1:10,
2010 Oct 10
Line Type Specification: lty="<on><off>" but lty="<off><on>"?
Hi, Section 'Line Type Specification' in help(par) explains how you can do custom line types. For example: plot(NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1)); abline(h=1/2, col="blue", lwd=2, lty="88"); will draw a dashed line segment where the line is composed of 8 units of "on" (blue color) and 8 units of "off" (transparent), then repeated. Now I'd like
2002 Jun 05
mixing different modes of lty line type specification in legend() ?
Hi List, is sth. like the following possible: legend(x,y,c("A","B","C"), lty=list(1,"42","11")) ? Or: is there a possibility to define a solid line using the "string" mode for lty? Thanks Marcus -- +-------- ><> ------------------------------------------- | E-Mail: eger.m at (NEW) | marcus.eger at
2017 Dec 04
problem with the behaviour of dashed lines in R plots
dear R users, I am performing a linear regression with lm, and I would like to plot the regressor in dashed lines. I know that the lty=2 option is the way out, but it has a very strange behaviour: the line starts dashed but then the spaces between each dash becomes very tiny and so the line become somehow continuous for the human eye. Do you know how to fix that problem, in order to have a
2003 Apr 29
thick plot lines
Dear People, In a qqplot I am doing, I get lines/points that are very thick. I've tried setting the lwd variable to 0.1, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Also, I have set the value of lty to dashed, but I still get dots. The command looks like qqplot(cdf.inv(seq(0,1,length=size),theta,pos,len),empmargdistvec(len,theta,pos,size), xlim=c(-theta,theta), ylim=c(-theta,theta),
2009 Dec 11
incorrect linetype with pdf device (PR#14128)
Full_Name: baptiste augui? Version: 2.10.1 RC (2009-12-06 r50690) OS: Mac OSX 10.5 Submission from: (NULL) ( The following code, run with a vanilla R session, produces different visual output for the two devices, library(grid) pdf("test-pdf.pdf") grid.newpage() grid.lines(gp=gpar(lty="13", lineend = "butt")) png("test-png.png")
2005 Jul 19
Regression lines for differently-sized groups on the same plot
Hi there, I've looked through the very helpful advice about adding fitted lines to plots in the r-help archive, and can't find a post where someone has offered a solution for my specific problem. I need to plot logistic regression fits from three differently-sized data subsets on a plot of the entire dataset. A description and code are below: I have an unbalanced dataset
2006 Apr 10
Legend in the outer margin
Dear Rs I have a 3x3 multiple plot. I would like to have a overall legend in the outer right margin. From the help archive, I found that it can be done by setting par(xpd=NA). However, I couldn't find the correct values for x and y co-ordinates for the legend. Please find the code snippet below: par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(4,4,0.9,0.5), oma=c(1,2,2,4),cex.main=1.1)
2010 Feb 19
lty dots pdf issue
I'm trying to redo an old plot with: > sessionInfo() R version 2.11.0 Under development (unstable) (2010-02-09 r51113) x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0 When I do: pdf("lty.pdf",height = 6, width = 8) u <- 1:100/100 y <- matrix(rep(1:10,each = 100),100) matplot(u,y,lwd = 2,type ="l") the line types that have dots are difficult to distinguish because the
2005 Mar 14
Legend Line Size
Hello all, When I view or print the below plot on my Linux machine under R 2.0.1 I see a nice thick solid and dashed line with a legend. However, while the lines are distinguishable, the legend is not. That is, the short (solid) line next to "line1" and the short (dashed) line next to "line2" seem to have the exact same length. What I would like to do is to expand the legend
2003 May 21
axis() default values for "lty", "lwd", and "col"
Hi, I would like to recommend a minor modification in axis() which I believe can simplify the making of plots for publications. I am trying to define default values for par() in order to make labels bigger and lines thicker, so that the resulting plots look good when resized for publication purposes. I ran into the following problem... axis() does not use par() values as default for
2015 May 18
A "bug" in plot.dendrogram - can't plot lty with character color
The problem: =========== Once a dendrogram has a branch with both a line type AND a color (which is a character color), the plot.dendrogram function will not plot and return an error. I say this is a bug because (I believe), we would like a dendrogram to be able to use character colors, while also allowing control over line types. This e-mail includes an example, and what I think a solution
2003 Oct 24
possible win.metafile( ) problem?
R1.8.0, Win2k: When I run the code lset( list( background = list(col = "white"))) xyplot ( y ~ TIME , data = foo.frame, scales = list(alternating = FALSE), ylim = c(.75,y.max), panel = function(x, y, panel.number, ... ) { panel.superpose(x = foo.frame$TIME[foo.frame$group == 1], y = foo.frame$y[foo.frame$group == 1], subscripts = TRUE, groups =
2010 May 09
lattice: customising panel.segments using groups
Hi, I want to customise the segments on an xyplot. Below is a simple example of what I'm trying to do... #Example dataset x <- c(-0.25, 0.25, 0.8) y <- c(-0.5, 0, 0.75) gp <- c("A", "I", "C") <-,y,gp) #setting up the parameters to customise the lines with. ltype <- c(1,2,3) env.col <-
2000 Jun 22
Postscript Legends (or not)
I discovered a little problem when using the Windows NT release of R 1.0.1, and it's still there in R 1.1.0. The boiled down version is this: I want to draw the following plot and put it into a Postscript file: x <- c(1,2,3,4); y1 <- c(1,2,3,4); y2 <- c(2,2,2,2) Fred <- c(1,2) postscript(file="d:/Bob/Papers/IFM/") plot(x,y1, type="l")
2004 Jan 15
Legend text -- discrepancy between X11 and postscript
Hi, When I place a legend on a plot it looks exactly as I intended on the screen. However, almost always, when I export this to postscript file, the legend's text protrudes through the legend's frame (the latter being placed correctly). See the appended example code. I can send the EPS file as well for those that are interested (<4 kb; <200 lines). I found nothing in the FAQS,
2010 Feb 11
Sweave, lty = 3 line incorect in pdf output
I'm having a problem with dotted lines (lty = 3) in the pdf output in documents generated with Sweave. In the displayed pdf, the dotted line does not show up and in the printed output, it is there but does not seem to respect the lwd argument, for example, it is very faint despite using lwd = 3. The dotted line is correct in a quartz window and if I save the Quartz window to a pdf and
2008 Nov 20
Vector lty argrument for lines or plot
I am confused by the behavior of the lines function when the lty argument is a vector. ?lines indicates that lty is a valid parameter, but says nothing else about it. ?plot.xy (which I think is what gets called) refers back to ?lines. ?plot.default says to see ?par. In ?par, about lty it says "Some functions such as lines accept a vector of values which are recycled. Other uses will take
2011 May 10
Leyenda de las series en tsplot
Hola de nuevo: Sigo enfrascado con mi dichoso procedimiento para generar modelos de predicción de series temporales. Llegado un momento pretendo guardar un gráfico en el que se representara: -En a estarán los puntos obtenidos por el alisado (tanto en el pasado como las estimaciones a futuro) -En o estará la serie de datos original. -En inf los limites inferiores de los intervalos de confianza
1997 Jul 29
R-alpha: more graphics: lwd, persistent lty settings
[ SunOS 4.1.3, R-0.50-a1; I'm mostly very pleased, I haven't been pounding on it as hard as some folks have ] par(lwd) seems to be a bit of a stub right now; I wouldn't necessarily expect it to do anything in the x11() driver (nor would I know how to fix it), but it would be nice in the postscript driver (e.g. for thick lines for things to be made into slides). I will try to