Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "aov design questions"
2009 Oct 13
Linear Regression Question
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a student at MSc Probability and Finance at Paris 6 University/
Ecole Polytechnique. I am using R and I can't find an answer to the
following question. I will be very thankful if you can answer it.
I have two vectors rendements_CAC40 and rendements_AlcatelLucent.
I use the lm function as follows, and then the sumarry function:
regression=lm(rendements_CAC40 ~
2009 Apr 05
extract the p value of F statistics from the lm class
Dear R users
I have run an regression and want to extract the p value of the F
statistics, but I can find a way to do that.
lm(formula = log(RV2) ~ log(IV.m), data = b[[11]])
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.26511 -0.09718 -0.01326 0.11095 0.29777
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
2012 Jun 19
R and C pointers
Dear R devel,
Apologies for these (most probably trivial) questions, doing my first
attempt to call C from R (and actually learning C in the process).
I need to pass a matrix to C, and after reading R-exts.pdf (many
times), I was unable to find how to handle matrices at C-level...
except for, what probably is the answer, that matrices are in fact
vectors with dimensions.
This is a sample code I
2011 May 30
2D random walk with traps convert C++ code to R code
Hello, I have a C++ code for 2D random walks with traps and I want to convert it in a R code with its syntaxs, can anyone help???????
It's easy for me to adapt the body but I want help with the beginig (variable declaration) and th end exporting the output to a file ( like write.table() or sink() )
Thank you...
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>#include
2011 Sep 01
qqplot for count data
Dear list,
I just tried to do the same thing, and did not find anything on a
weighted qqplot. My weights are actually counts (positive integers).
Here is a modification of qqplot, following Duncan Murdoch's
suggestion. Any feedback would be welcome!
weighted.qqplot <- function (x, y,
plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
ylab = deparse(substitute(y)),
2011 Mar 30
a for loop to lapply
Dear all,
I am trying to learn lapply.
I would like, as a test case, to try the lapply alternative for the
for (i in c(1:dimx)){
---so I wrote the following---
returni <-function(i,ShadowMatrix) {ShadowMatrix<-i}
So far I do not get same results
2011 Apr 22
Hello everyone,
I am using ggplot
to plot but I am getting the following error which I do not understand
Error: geom_text requires the following missing aesthetics: label
My code is
subsetxx<-subset(xx, xx$Powermap>threshold)
2009 Aug 04
Writing a NetCDF file in R
Dear all,
I am attempting to convert 10 NetCDF files into a single NetCDF file, due to the data input requirements of a model I hope to use. I am using the ncdf package, version 1.6. The data are global-scale water values, on a monthly basis for 10 years (ie. 120 months of data in total; at present the data are separated by year, with 12 months of data in each file - mrunoff_1986 through to
2009 Aug 05
ncdf package problem - put.var.ncdf
Dear all,
I am attempting to convert 10 NetCDF files into a single NetCDF file, due to the data input requirements of a model I hope to use. I am using the ncdf package, version 1.6. The data are global-scale water values, on a monthly basis for 10 years (ie. 120 months of data in total; at present the data are separated by year, with 12 months of data in each file - mrunoff_1986 through to
2012 Jul 11
replacing NaN for every attribute in my data
I have a list called ds which has the following attributes:
[1] "adj.r.squared" "fstatistic" "intercept" "slope"
[5] "std.error" "tstatistic"
I want to replace all the NaN is ds with 0, and after searching past posts I
found I can hardcode it like this:
2005 Apr 16
String in data frame
how can take the string in the data frame.
right now i have a table that create as a data frame and stored in the file called "data.xls" and now i want to read data frame as a table in my another r program, i used the following command:
the first column of the data frame is just one number called "num", but the second one a list of string, called "name".
2004 Jan 12
question about how summary.lm works
While exploring how summary.lm generated its output I came across a section
that left me puzzled.
at around line 57
R <- chol2inv(Qr$qr[p1, p1, drop = FALSE])
se <- sqrt(diag(R) * resvar)
I'm hoping somebody could explain the logic of these to steps or
alternatively point me in the direction of a text that will explain these
In particular I'm puzzled
2011 Aug 01
if function problems
Dear All,
Sorry to bother
I want to write a function in R using if
Say I have a dataset x,
if x[i]<0, then x[i]=x[i],
if x[i]>0, then x[i]=0
for example, x=-3:3,
then using the function, x becomes [-3,-2,-1,0,0,0,0]
I write the codes as follows,
for(i in 1:lenx)
if (x[i]<0) return (x[i])
if (x[i]>0) return (0)
but then, doing
it only
2008 Dec 13
weird pasting of ".value" when list is returned
could someone explain why the name of FPVAL gets " .value" concatenated
onto it when the code below is run and temp is returned.
I've been trying to figure this out for too long. It doesn't matter when
I put the FPVAL in the return statement. It happens regardless of
whether it's first or last. Thanks.
f.lmmultenhanced <-
function(response, pred1, pred2)
2004 Mar 03
Confusion about coxph and Helmert contrasts
perhaps this is a stupid question, but i need some help about
Helmert contrasts in the Cox model.
I have a survival data frame with an unordered factor `group'
with levels 0 ... 5.
Calculating the Cox model with Helmert contrasts, i expected that
the first coefficient would be the same as if i had used treatment
contrasts, but this is not true.
I this a error in reasoning, or is it
2009 Nov 08
reference on contr.helmert and typo on its help page.
I'm wondering which textbook discussed the various contrast matrices
mentioned in the help page of 'contr.helmert'. Could somebody let me
BTW, in R version 2.9.1, there is a typo on the help page of
'contr.helmert' ('cont.helmert' should be 'contr.helmert').
2010 Apr 26
Error in pf(q, df1, df2, lower.tail, log.p) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
snpid indid genotype gvariable probeid gene geneexpression
rs1040480 CHB_NA18524 C/T 2 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.850586
rs1040480 CHB_NA18526 C/C 1 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 6.028641
rs1040480 CHB_NA18529 C/C 3 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.944392
rs1040481 CHB_NA18532 C/C 1 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.938578
rs1040481 CHB_NA18537 C/C 2 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.874439
rs1040481 CHB_NA18540 C/C 3 GI_19743926-I
2006 Aug 22
summary(lm ... conrasts=...)
Hi Folks,
I've encountered something I hadn't been consciously
aware of previously, and I'm wondering what the
explanation might be.
In (on another list) using R to demonstrate the difference
between different contrasts in 'lm' I set up an example
where Y is sampled from three different normal distributions
according to the levels ("A","B","C")
2012 Nov 03
reorder() in the latticeExtra library
Hello all, thanks for your time and help. Below are my commands, and it
generates a really nice plot, however I am not happy with the reorder()
function. I would like the order to be the same as they appear in the
genotype variable "genotype <- c("CJ1450 NW 4/25/12","CJ1450 BAL
4/25/12","CJ1450 NW 4/27/12","CJ1450 BAL 4/27/12","CJ1721 NW
2010 Apr 28
small change in output
For every specific V1 and V4 pair (ex:A and P) calculate Linear regression of
V3(y-axis) and V2(x-axis)
and print p value along with the pair (output).
V1 V2 V3 V4
A 1 2.5 P
A 2 2.8 P
A 3 3.2 P
A 2 1.1 Q
A 3 1.7 Q
A 1 2.2 Q
B 1 2.5 P
B 2 2.9 P
B 3 3.0 P
data1<-read.table("INPUT", header=TRUE)
fm <- lmList(V3~V2|V1,V4 data=data1)
get.pval <-