similar to: R-alpha: inheritance ([.ts)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "R-alpha: inheritance ([.ts)"

1997 Dec 10
R-alpha: "[.ts" in 0.60.1
I have a class "tframe" with more specific classes indicating how time is being represented, such as > class(tframe(data)) [1] "ts" "tframe" but now "[.ts" produces warning messages > tframe(data)[2] Warning: Not returning a time series object [1] 2006.25 Even my simplest tests produce hundreds of lines of warnings, so I've commented out
1997 Dec 11
R-alpha: "[.ts" warning "Not returning time series.."
On 11-Dec-97 wrote: >>>>>> "PaulG" == Paul Gilbert <> writes: > > PaulG> I have a class "tframe" with more specific classes indicating > PaulG> how time is being represented, such as > > >> class(tframe(data)) > PaulG> [1] "ts"
2001 May 24
tframe question - latest.start
I'm having some trouble figuring out latest.start in the tframe package. The results seem a bit cloudy. Sample session: > library(ts) > library(tframe) Loading required package: syskern > t1<-ts(c(1,2,3,4,5),start=1) > t2<-ts(c(1,2,3,4,5),start=2) > earliest.start(tbind(t1,t2)) [1] 1 1 > earliest.start(tbind(t2,t1)) [1] 1 1 > latest.start(tbind(t2,t1)) [1] 1 1
2001 Sep 28
problems with new checks in R-devel
Below are a few problems I have encountered with the new checks being done in R-devel. 1/ I have two generics, test.equal and test.equal.tframe. The first checks that two objects are equal while the second checks if two objects have equal tframes (time frames). There is no reason these should have similar arguments but the check seems to think that test.equal.tframe is a method for test.equal so
1998 May 15
couldn't find function "print.tframe"
I have an object with an attribute "tframe" for which there is a generic method print.tframe and also a method print.tframe.default defined in a library. However, when I use attributes(object) I get the message $tframe Error: couldn't find function "print.tframe" It's as if <primitive: attributes> is not looking through the search list? Any suggestions?
1998 Nov 18
more on "[<-"
"[<-" in R 0.63 does not appear to strip attributes, whereas Splus and previous versions of R did. Paul _____ R 0.63: > data <- matrix(rnorm(300),100,3) > attr(data, "tframe") <- c(1981.50, 2006.25 , 4.00) > attributes(data) $dim [1] 100 3 $tframe [1] 1981.50 2006.25 4.00 > z <- data[10:90,] > attributes(z) $dim [1] 81 3 $tframe [1]
1999 Jul 27
Preliminary version of ts package
There is now a preliminary version of a time series package in the R-devel snapshots, and we would welcome feedback on it. It is based in part on the packages bats (Martyn Plummer) and tseries (Adrian Trapletti) and in part on code I had or have written. (Thanks for the contributions, Martyn and Adrian!) Some of the existing ts code has been changed, for example to plot multiple time series, so
2003 Dec 12
Reorganization of packages in the R distribution
After long but intermittent discussion (it was mentioned at DSC99, for example), we have reorganized the standard packages, with base graphics stats utils methods normally loaded, mle splines stepfun tcltk tools available for loading, and ctest eda lqs modreg mva nls ts as stub packages which ensure back-compatibility. (These have all been merged into stats except lqs which rejoins
2005 Dec 23
dse package problems
I am having problems with the package dse. I just installed R 2.2.1 and reinstalled all packages. I am running Windows XP Pro with all updates. Below there are two examples of error messages generated when trying to execute some simple programs. The code was taken directly from the package documentation. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. Merry Christmas Fernando
2009 Jun 15
Help with syntax error
Hi, I have written boxplot commands of this form before, but I don''t quite understand why the function call is reporting a syntax error in this instance. All parameters passed to the function are strings. Thanks in advance. Payam > simplevar <- function(wframe,column1,column2) { + tframe <- get(wframe) + x1 <- which(names(wframe)==column1) + x2 <-
1999 Jul 02
Bug in "[.ts" for multivariate ts {Problem with plot.ts, "["} (PR#216)
>>>>> On Fri, 02 Jul 1999, Adrian Trapletti <> said: Adrian> There seems to be a problem with plot.ts (R Version 0.64.2) > x<-cbind(1:10,2:11) > x<-as.ts(x) > plot(x) Adrian> Error: subscript (20) out of bounds, should be at most 10 This is definitely a bug --> CC: R-bugs ALL NOTE : This is *not* new
1999 Jul 27
Memory profiling/benchmarking
Hi, As a project for a computer performance analysis paper I am taking this semester, I am going to look at the performance of the memory manager in R, with the aim of determining how fast it is and which areas most need improvement. The idea is that I will compare various versions of R, starting with 0.64.2, and then at a few stages in the implementation of the new memory management scheme (of
2004 Feb 26
unable to install dse in mac OS X 10.3
I would like to request help with the installation of dse in raqua in mac os x 10.3. I get the following error message after the messages indicating that parts were successfully installed. I would be most grateful for a solution. ----------------------------------------- * Installing *source* package 'setRNG' ... ** R ** inst ** help >>> Building/Updating help pages for
2005 Feb 02
windows dse bundle install problem
I rarely use Windows, so perhaps this is a question for r-help but I don't think so. > install.packages("dse") trying URL `' Content type `text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' length 24873 bytes opened URL downloaded 24Kb trying URL `' Content
1997 Oct 29
R-alpha: Using autoload and smaller 'base' package [was "Re: New Version"].
[This is a "spill-over" from the "R-core" mailing list, since several of you may be interested and have comments ... -MM] >>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Lumley <> writes: Thomas> On 29 Oct 1997, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote: >> Perhaps we should revise the current contents of the base library >>
1997 Oct 23
R-beta: time series structures
>represented. They are now R "objects" similar to S-PLUS "rts" >time series, but they are 3-dimensional arrays (iterations x variables >x chains). This seems like the best choice of data structure to me >but if someone else has thought more deeply about this tell me now >before I rewrite all my code! Martyn A couple of years ago I wrote a kernel of routines
1997 Aug 25
R-alpha: ts problems
This message is in MIME format --_=XFMail.1.1.p0.Linux:970825095458:252=_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Here is a patch which fixes some problems with time series functions. Some examples of what goes wrong... > x <- ts(rnorm(100),start=1,deltat=2) > start(x) Error in ts[1] : object is not subsettable > end(x) Error in ts[2] : object is not subsettable > y <-
2009 Mar 04
dividing ts objects of different frequencies
Hello, I have two time series objects, 1 is yearly (population) and the other is quarterly (bankruptcy statistics). I would like to produce a quarterly time series object that consists of bankruptcy/population. Is there a pre-built function to intelligently divide these time series: br.ts = ts(data=br.df[,-1], frequency = 4, start=c(2001,1), end=c(2008,2)) distPop.ts = ts(data=distPop.df[,-1],
2008 Jan 10
question about subset and join ts object(s)
Hi, I have two questions about ts. (1) How do I subset a ts object and still preserve the time index? for example: > x=ts(1:10, frequency = 4, start = c(1959, 2)) # the ts object > x Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 1959 1 2 3 1960 4 5 6 7 1961 8 9 10 I don't want the 1st 2 elements, so I could subset like this: > x[3:length(x)] [1] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1999 Aug 10
Is a ts of length one a ts? (PR#245)
The following seems confused (0.65 snapshot) > x <- ts(1:20) > window(x, 1, 1) Time Series: Start = c(1, 1) End = c(1, 1) Frequency = 1 [1] 1 Warning message: Not returning a time series object in: [.ts(x, i) (it of class ts, as the print method shows). Under 0.64.2 it is even more confusing: > x <- ts(1:20) > window(x, 1, 1) Warning: Not returning a time series object