similar to: R-alpha: nlm and gradients

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "R-alpha: nlm and gradients"

1998 Mar 18
``nlm(.) with derivatives''
>>>>> "DougB" == Douglas Bates <> writes: DougB> ....... DougB> ....... { time comparisons in testing lme(..) for R } DougB> ....... DougB> This can be expected to run faster when a version of nlm that accepts DougB> gradients and Hessians is available. --- Doug, do I understand properly that it won't
2011 Sep 22
nlm's Hessian update method
Hi R-help! I'm trying to understand how R's nlm function updates its estimate of the Hessian matrix. The Dennis/Schnabel book cited in the references presents a number of different ways to do this, and seems to conclude that the positive-definite secant method (BFGS) works best in practice (p201). However, when I run my code through the optim function with the method as "BFGS",
1999 Nov 24
nlm continued
OK I figured it out. The attributes have to be on the value returned, not on the function itself. I tried a linear (not log linear) regression with Poisson, using only the gradient, not the hessian. It took one extra iteration (13 instead of 12) and gave twice as many warnings (28 instead of 16) compared to not supplying the gradient. The answers are identical to 5 decimal places. Sorry to
2002 Jul 22
typsize and fscale arguments to nlm
Dear R list members, I have a question about the proper use of the typsize and fscale arguments to nlm. I use nlm in my sem package to fit general structural-equation models, which entails maximizing a multinormal likelihood with respect to parameters that represent regression coefficients and covariances of variables. The magnitudes of these parameters can be very different. The
2017 Mar 03
Bug in nlm()
Dear all, I have found a bug in nlm() and would like to submit a report on this. Since nlm() is in the stats-package, which is maintained by the R Core team, bug reports should be submitted to R's Bugzilla. However, I'm not a member of Bugzilla. Could anyone be so kind to add me to R's Bugzilla members or let me know to whom I should send the bug report? Thank you in advance. Kind
2011 Nov 16
Cubic Gradient Descent Package
R - Does anyone know of a cubic gradient descent package? I found grad.desc() but that only allows for a 2d function. I have 3 free parameters and thus am looking for a 3d function. Thank you, -- Edward H. Patzelt Research Assistant – TRiCAM Lab University of Minnesota – Psychology/Psychiatry VA Medical Center S355 Elliot Hall: 612-626-0072 [[alternative
2003 Oct 17
nlm, hessian, and derivatives in obj function?
I've been working on a new package and I have a few questions regarding the behaviour of the nlm function. I've been (for better or worse) using the nlm function to fit a linear model without suppling the hessian or gradient attributes in the objective function. I'm curious as to why the nlm requires 31 iterations (for the linear model), and then it doesn't work when I try to add
2007 Mar 02
nlm() problem : extra parameters
Hello: Below is a toy logistic regression problem. When I wrote my own code, Newton-Raphson converged in three iterations using both the gradient and the Hessian and the starting values given below. But I can't get nlm() to work! I would much appreciate any help. > x [1] 10.2 7.7 5.1 3.8 2.6 > y [1] 9 8 3 2 1 > n [1] 10 9 6 8 10 derfs4=function(b,x,y,n) {
2006 Sep 30
Gradient problem in nlm
Hello everyone! I am having some trouble supplying the gradient function to nlm in R for windows version 2.2.1. What follows are the R-code I use: fredcs39<-function(a1,b1,b2,x){return(a1+exp(b1+b2*x))} loglikcs39<-function(theta,len){ value<-sum(mcs39[1:len]*fredcs39(theta[1],theta[2],theta[3],c(8:(7+len))) - pcs39[1:len] * log(fredcs39(theta[1],theta[2],theta[3],c(8:(7+len)))))
2003 Oct 24
first value from nlm (non-finite value supplied by nlm)
Dear expeRts, first of all I'd like to thank you for the quick help on my last which() problem. Here is another one I could not tackle: I have data on an absorption measurement which I want to fit with an voigt profile: fn.1 <- function(p){ for (i1 in ilong){ ff <- f[i1] ex[i1] <- exp(S*n*L*voigt(u,v,ff,p[1],p[2],p[3])[[1]]) } sum((t-ex)^2) } out <-
2001 Nov 25
another optimization question
Dear R list members, Since today seems to be the day for optimization questions, I have one that has been puzzling me: I've been doing some work on sem, my structural-equation modelling package. The models that the sem function in this package fits are essentially parametrizations of the multinormal distribution. The function uses optim and nlm sequentially to maximize a multinormal
2004 Oct 11
nlm question
Dear R People: I am trying to duplicate the example from Dennis and Schnabel's "Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations", which starts on page 149. My reason for doing so: to try to understand the "nlm" function. Here is the function: >mfun1 function(x) { z <- matrix(0,nrow=2,ncol=1) z[1,1] <- x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 -
2007 Sep 16
Problem with nlm() function.
In the course of revising a paper I have had occasion to attempt to maximize a rather complicated log likelihood using the function nlm(). This is at the demand of a referee who claims that this will work better than my proposed use of a home- grown implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. I have run into serious hiccups in attempting to apply nlm(). If I provide gradient and
2006 Nov 10
Variable limit in nlm?
Admittedly I am using an old version 1.7.1, but can anyone tell if this is or was a problem. I can only get nlm (nonlinear minimization) to adjust the first three components of function variable. No gradient or hessian is supplied. E.G.; fnoise function(y) { y[5]/(y[4]*sp2) * exp(-((x[,3]-y[1]-y[2]*x[,1]-y[3] *x[,2])/y[4])^2/2) + (1-y[5])/(y[9]*sp2) * exp(-((x[,3]-y[6]-y[7]*x[,1]-y[8]
2005 Oct 11
Sometimes having problems finding a minimum using optim(), optimize(), and nlm() (while searching for noncentral F parameters)
Hi everyone. I have a problem that I have been unable to determine either the best way to proceed and why the methods I'm trying to use sometimes fail. I'm using the pf() function in an optimization function to find a noncentrality parameter that leads to a specific value at a specified quantile. My goal is to have a general function that returns the noncentrality parameter that
2009 Apr 24
Sem and nlm and ols instead of ml
Dear colleagues, Has anybody any experience using the sem package to fit structural equation models using a fitting function other than ML? I have heard tell that OLS may provide better estimates when using standardized matrices generated from small sample sizes, so I was interested in comparing the two for a few models. However, ML appears to be hard-coded into the source for sem...but maybe
2011 Aug 24
problema de selección de valores iniciales en nlm
Hola a todos, Necesito estimar dos parametros utilizando la función nlm; fit<-nlm(hood2par,c(x01[i],x02[j]),iterlim=300, catch=x[,c(3,4,5)],sp=.5) donde hood2par es una logística modificada. Pero en mi caso, la convergencia de nlm depende de los valores iniciales de dichos parámetros. Para buscar dichos valores iniciales de manera automática, genero dos vectores de valores iniciales
2009 Jul 01
Difficulty in calculating MLE through NLM
Hi R-friends, Attached is the SAS XPORT file that I have imported into R using following code library(foreign) mydata<-read.xport("C:\\ctf.xpt") print(mydata) I am trying to maximize logL in order to find Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) of 5 parameters (alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2, p) using NLM function in R as follows. # Defining Log likelihood - In the function it is noted as
2009 Aug 07
Bug in nlm, found using sem; failure in several flavors (PR#13881)
This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. --1660387551-1458482416-1249639718=:2997 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII; FORMAT=flowed Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0908071039211.2997 at> Hello, There appears to be a bug in the nlm function, which I
2000 Mar 06
nlm and optional arguments
It would be really nice if nlm took a set of "..." optional arguments that were passed through to the objective function. This level of hacking is probably slightly beyond me: is there a reason it would be technically difficult/inefficient? (I have a vague memory that it used to work this way either in S-PLUS or in some previous version of R, but I could easily be wrong.) Here's