similar to: R-alpha: boxplot(..., varwidth = TRUE, ...) in 0.50a4

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "R-alpha: boxplot(..., varwidth = TRUE, ...) in 0.50a4"

2000 May 18
Control of box and staple width in boxplot()
I''d like to make the following changes (differences are from R1.0.1): boxplot.default() 1c1 < function (x, ..., range = 1.5, width = NULL, varwidth = FALSE, --- > function (x, ..., range = 1.5, width = NULL, varwidth = FALSE, boxwex=0.8, 37c37,38 < bxp(groups, width, varwidth = varwidth, notch = notch, --- > bxp(groups, width, varwidth = varwidth,
2003 Sep 11
extending boxplot with space() argument?
A student asked me if it was possible to draw boxplots where the boxes themselves were grouped: I was able to hack boxplot.formula() to do the right thing, more or less, by incorporating an argument (space) and some code from barplot. with the extended boxplot.formula() below, the following commands "do the right thing" (produce boxes grouped by levels of the second factor): r =
2005 Apr 19
controlling the x axis of boxplots
v 2.0.1 (sooooh old!) on Win2k I think I know the answer to this but I can hope ... I have data for continuous variables (measures of residents) by a categorical variable in range (1,22), the units in which they live. I want to plot these data with a pair of boxplots one above another with same x-axis (1,22) using par(mfrow=c(2,1)) and then plotting first for the women then for the men.
1999 Sep 17
"Error: incorrect number of arguments to lambda"
Hello, all. I have a somewhat embarrassing error, in that I cannot reliably reproduce it. I have sporadically experienced the error both on an SGI machine running Irix 6.5 and on a LinuxPPC machine. I have only seen this error using version 0.65.0. (I've been using versions since 0.61 or so.) The error message is in the subject line. Here's the traceback from the most recent
2002 Dec 01
Quasi-bug in boxplot().
There seems to be a problem with partial matching of argument names in boxplot(), in respect of the "horizontal" argument. I don't recall seeing this issue discussed previously. My apologies if I am being redundant. (A scan of CRAN revealed that someone had experienced problems with the "horizontal" argument, but he was spelling it out in full, so that was a different
2009 Oct 27
boxplot using grid
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2001 Jan 07
boxplot question
Hi All, As a follow-on from the mail below, it is possible to have boxplots based on means and variance for more than one input, i.e., bxp(input1,input2,....) Thanks in Advance, Dermot ******** Previous Mail on this subject *********** >I have a couple more questions about boxplots. In the books I've read on >statistics (I'm not a statistics expert but just a poor engineer
2001 May 26
Was there ever a convenient method provided to add boxplots to the current plot at specified x values? There was a question by Martin Maechler some time ago here, but I could seem to find any satisfactory resolution of it. I see that there is an add=T option to boxplot and bxp, but I don't see how to set the x-values. url: Roger Koenker email roger at
1999 Jan 12
A patch for boxplot.R
[this was sent to R-help-owner instead of R-help. why on earth ??!???!? well, I took the liberty to cut the long citation.. MM] Dear Yusuke These changes look interesting. Have you considered being able to specify a different shading or crosshatching for each box. I can't see how you can do this at present. You can get different colours but of course this is no good for black
2010 Jun 24
boxplot width
Hi everyone, I made this set of boxplots that would show me the widths of some sites broken up by some chromosome, but I don't know how to make it indicate the number of data points that created the boxplot. How do I do that? boxplot(data$site~data$chr,varwidth='TRUE') -- View this message in context: Sent from the
2007 Jun 26
boxplot and bxp do not respect xlim by default (PR#9754)
Full_Name: Steve Ellison Version: 2.4.1 OS: Windows, Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( bxp() allows specifcation of box locations with at=, but neither adjusts xlim= to fit at nor does it respect xlim provided explicitly. This is because bxp() now includes explicit xlim as c(0.5, n+0.5), without checking for explicitly supplied xlim (or ylim if horizontal). This also prevents
1999 Dec 10
Feature request: add boxplot()s to current plot (given x[i])
(as the subject says) It makes sense to add (say k) boxplots to a given plot, using the given coordinate system. Currently, the calling sequence boxplot -> boxplot.default() -> bxp() [modeled after S] doesn't allow this, since bxp() explicitly sets up the coordinate system. One way would be to add an "add = TRUE" argument to boxplot(.) and bxp(.) and then additionally
2007 Jun 22
Boxplot issues
Boxplot and bxp seem to have changed behaviour a bit of late (R 2.4.1). Or maybe I am mis-remembering. An annoying feature is that while at=3:6 will work, there is no way of overriding the default xlim of 0.5 to n+0.5. That prevents plotting boxes on, for example, interval scales - a useful thing to do at times. I really can see no good reason for bxp to hard-core the xlim=c(0.5, n+0.5) in the
2010 Mar 10
ggplot2: "varwidth"-equivalent for geom_boxplot?
Hi, Is there such a thing? If no: is it easily simulated? thanks, Joh
2009 Mar 29
a loop for boxplot graphs
Dear Colleagues   I have the following code that generates a boxplot for one specific labtest:   boxplot.n(LBSTRESN~COHORT, main="Boxplot of laboratory data for XLXXX-XXX test=Creatinine", subset = LBTEST=="Creatinine", xlab = "Cohort Number", ylab = "Units = umol/L", varwidth=TRUE   I would like to know if there is a way to loop through the dataset and
2003 Apr 23
Text on a boxplot graph
Hi all, Could anybody help me figure out how to write text on a boxplot. I have to plot 9 boxplots side by side on a single graph. On the x-axis I write numeric values with the 'names' argument but I'd like to add one label (character value) in the middle of each box. I know how to use the text() function for regular y~x plots but in this particular case, I'm kinda lost...
2001 Jul 27
boxplot question
I'm graphing a series of boxplots of grouped data inside a function that passes the data.frame, the names vector, and a title vector. Because both the data subset changes with each successive pass through the function, occasionally the names vector turns up with only one group to plot. This is an expected result. However, when the names argument in boxplot has only a single name, it
2002 Jul 21
boxplot(): formating median in another linethickness?
Dear guRus, I want to do some boxplots, but the median sould appear in another line-thickness and another color. I do not know, what to do in order to realise my wishes. Sorry for that question, but I am new to R. cheers steph -- Linux: the operating system with a CLUE... Command Line User Environment. -------------------------------------- Stephan Holl GnuPG Key-ID: 11946A09 ICQ#
2011 Jun 07
Rv: Rv: limites de un boxplot
Hola, por mi parte doy por zanjado el tema. He llegado a la causa raíz de mi problema: falta de conocimiento de la forma en la que se debe usar la ayuda de las funciones de R y gracias a vuestra colaboración, ¡ya se cómo hacerlo :) !   Nuevamente,gracias a todos. Saludos,   Fernando   -- ____________________________________   Hola,   La misma función boxplot indica la existencia de estas
2005 Jul 22
boxplot() defaults {was "boxplot in extreme cases"}
>[Rd] boxplot() defaults {was "boxplot in extreme cases"} >Martin Maechler maechler at >Mon Nov 8 10:36:42 CET 2004 > > AndyL> Try: > > AndyL> x <- list(x1=rep(c(0,1,2),c(10,20,40)), > x2=rep(c(0,1,2),c(10,40,20))) > AndyL> boxplot(x, pars=list(medpch=20, medcex=3)) > > AndyL> (Cf ?bxp, pointed to from