similar to: R-alpha: R color problem

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2004 May 31
barplot() behavior changes under 1.9.1 Alpha
Greetings all, It would appear that some default behavior changes for barplot() have been introduced into Version 1.9.1 alpha (2004-05-30). One change is in the specification of the default 'col' argument, which is now: col: a vector of colors for the bars or bar components. By default, grey is used if height is a vector, and heat.colors(nrow(height)) if height is a matrix.
2003 Feb 05
barplot default colors
Dear R-help, Can some one explain why barplot() uses changing colors in the bars by default? I should think that most of the time when people draw barplots, they want the bars to be in the same color. (At least that's what I'd expect. The first time I used barplot() in R, I was shocked to see the colors.) As an example, one example in ?layout draws a scatterplot with histograms drawn
2003 Feb 05
barplot default colors
Dear R-help, Can some one explain why barplot() uses changing colors in the bars by default? I should think that most of the time when people draw barplots, they want the bars to be in the same color. (At least that's what I'd expect. The first time I used barplot() in R, I was shocked to see the colors.) As an example, one example in ?layout draws a scatterplot with histograms drawn
2001 Jul 10
color NA is allowed, but "NA" is not ... (yet)
In several places, we have the convention that col = NA means `` don't draw '', e.g. for points() or rect(). For col = <vector> this only works when the vector is integer (numeric), but not in other cases. I think this is a bug, even though not in the strict sense, since we don't seem to claim it should work.. Example: plot(1:10, col = c(1:4,NA,NA,4:1)) ## fine
2006 Aug 01
rgb and col2rgb color conversion/modification/shading
I want to get a lighter shade of a color...I have a lot of colored objects and want each one printed as a foreground against a slightly lighter background. I thought I could try something like changing the alpha channel by first converting it to rgb. But prior to trying that, I'm stuck with how to get the color after converting using col2rgb() to be interpreted again as a color, rather than
2020 May 31
CLI color prompt
Hello, how can I change the color of the asterisk prompt to red ? I read in the wiki that I can use %Cn[;n] But what does this mean ? There is no example how to actually use it. where do I put it? What syntax is that anyway? How do I specify red ? I currently have this in my environment: export ASTERISK_PROMPT="[%H]:
2020 May 31
CLI color prompt
> On 2020-05-31 15:59, Antony Stone wrote: > On Sunday 31 May 2020 at 15:44:46, Fourhundred Thecat wrote: > > "%Cn[;n] - Change terminal foreground (and optional background) color to > specified A full list of colors may be found in include/asterisk/term.h" > > So, try: > > export ASTERISK_PROMPT="%C31[%H]: " > > (I got 31 from reading the
2011 Feb 18
[PATCH] core: Honor DISPLAY text background color when in VGA mode
When in VGA graphics mode, BIOS int 10h ah=09h doesn't seem to treat high-order attribute bits as a background color; instead, it apparently always uses black. This means that a background color requested via <SI> in a DISPLAY file is not honored in VGA mode. However, the BIOS supports an "XOR" mode, in which the pixels to be written are XORed with pixels already on the
2007 Jul 07
color scale in rgl plots
Hello, I'm trying to make a 3d plot using rgl in which the size and color of each point corresponds to certain attributes of each data point. The color attribute, let's call it X, is scaled to go from 0 to 1. The rainbow(64,start=0.7,end=0.1) palette is perfect for what I want but I don't know how to take that palette and pick a color from it based on the value of X for a given data
1997 Sep 02
R-alpha: Re: What are objects?
[I do think this discussion belongs to R-devel rather than anywhere else .. MM] >>>>> "Kurt" == Kurt Hornik <> writes: >>>>> Peter Dalgaard BSA writes: >> Kurt Hornik <> writes: KH>>> While trying to write documentation for data.class(), I came
2006 Oct 17
tcltk crashes with bad color with text widget
Hello I have been playing with tcl/tk in R 2.4.0 on windows XP and have managed to crash R by supplying tcl/tk with an incorrect color. Is this a bug? is there a way for me to test the color to see if it is a valid tcl/tk color, to avoid this? tt=tktoplevel() tklabel(parent=tt, text="hello world", foreground="reed") Error in structure(.External("dotTclObjv", objv,
2004 May 12
Now I feel really smart!
Ok. I seem to be having some real problems today :) There is a link from the main page straight to the Wx::Frame tutorial, under the NEWS section. Sorry for wasting everyone''s time :( Robert _________________________________________________________________ Getting married? Find tips, tools and the latest trends at MSN Life Events.
2007 Mar 02
barplot with different color combination for each bar
Hi, I'd like to construct a somewhat unusual barplot. In "barplot" I use beside=F as I'd like to have stacked bars. The height of each bar is always the same. Information in my plot is coded in the color of the bar. I therefore need to be able so assign a different combination (or order) of colors to each individual stacked bar. In the example below, the combination of
2006 Mar 14
rails on emacs - need a working .emacs sample
I would like to hear from some one who has ecb, multiple modes with ruby mode + html mode, rails mode all working together and playing well. I had ecb working with Ruby syntax highlighting. That was a no-brainer since I just had to apt-get them on my Debian Sarge box. It got a bit more comlex after I got most of the .el files in the articles
2007 Nov 30
using color coded colorbars for bar plots
Hello R Fundi, The poetic title of this post is a request for help in regard to a "simple" plotting question. I have displayed the mean observations of a series variables using barplot(). On the same figure I have colored the bars to represent the Standard deviation of each variable using color.scale(). Now I wish to add a graduated colorbar (legend) that corresponds to the colors
2008 Jun 06
color scale mapped to B/W
In an R graphic, I'm using cond.col <- c("green", "yellow", "red") to represent a quantitative variable, where green means 'OK', yellow represents 'warning' and red represents 'danger'. Using these particular color names, in B/W, red is darkest and yellow is lightest. I'd like to find color designations to replace yellow and
2003 Oct 02
Problem with console in Windows GUI (PR#4381)
Full_Name: Andrew Zachary Version: 1.7.1 OS: XP Pro Submission from: (NULL) ( The R-console window in the Windows GUI has a nice feature that lets you save your preferences for font sizes and background and foreground colors. Unhappily, there is no way to load these preferences back in when starting a new session. Also, the scroll window for selecting colors is very small and
1997 Aug 07
R-alpha: Colors
Here is a proposal: At present when you specify a color with an integer it is taken as an index into a fixed table of 8 colors. 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue, 4=cyan, 5=magenta, 6=yellow, 7=white, 8=black [At least this is the intention, there may be bugs in the implementation]. Since I am looking at this anyway (to see if I can see the bug that Martin and Kurt have mentioned) I thought I might
2009 Jun 04
wrong labels and colors of points in graph/plot
Hi there, I trying to solve this problem for the whole day not going anywhere, so I really hope maybe somebody can help me in this community... I've got an object coefficient2 which I want to plot in differerent ways, with colors and labels added to the points, but somehow there seems to be a problem if a value is NA within the independent variable, resulting in false labels and false colors
2006 Sep 22
Variable as color in a barplot
Dear wise ones, I have a problem assigning different colors to bars in a barplot. The data I'm using is the following dataframe (truncated) : > L0 r n p t [...] 18 19 1 1 RFM 19 20 1 1 RFM 20 21 2 1 RFM 21 23 6 1 RIH 22 24 2 1 ROC 23 25 1 1 ROC 24 26 1 1 ROC 25 27 2 1 ROC 26 28 2 1 RFT 27 29 1 1 RFT 28 30 2 1 RFT 29 31 1 1 ROH [...] My barplot should