similar to: R-alpha: R 0.50.a1 graphics

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "R-alpha: R 0.50.a1 graphics"

2004 Aug 19
mtext adj= wrong with several las= (PR#7188)
Dear all, Our quite basic function mtext() does wrong adjustments in some parameter configurations. This gets obvious when using multi line texts: There is no way to properly adjust text perpendicular to axis 2, for example. Best Jens Oehlschl?gel m <- matrix(1:9, 3) colnames(m) <- c("several\nlines", "several\nlines", "several\nlines") par(mfrow=c(2,2))
2023 May 02
Error in percentage stacked barplot
Dear all,? I am trying to plot the following table in stacked barplot in percentages and also horizontal. Component? ? ? Sample 1? ? ? Sample 2? ? ? Sample 3CaO????????????????? ? 45????????????? ? 52????????????? ? 48SiO2????????????????? ?25????????????? ? 22????????????? ? 18Al2O3?????????????????15????????????? ? 11????????????? ? 14TiO2? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?6? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
2008 Jun 05
bug in barplot.default (graphics) (PR#11585)
There seems to be a minor bug in barplot.default when used with log scale w= here one or more values is NA: dat <- matrix(1:25, 5) dat[2,3] <- NA barplot(dat, beside =3D T) #Plots and appropriate barplot with gaps for m= issing data barplot(dat, beside =3D T, log =3D "y") #Error in if (min(height + offset) <=3D 0) stop("log scale error: at least = one 'height +
2006 Apr 27
losing x-label when exporting to PNG
I have a simple barplot that looks fine in the R graphics device window. However when I export it to png I am losing the x-label. It must be an obvious problem but I cannot see it. Trying to resize the plot does not seem to help. Code is below. Any help gratefully received. ###### Start Code############ Groups <-c(21.8,45, 43, 17.2, 8.3, 18) names(Groups) <- c("Exeter",
2023 May 02
[External] Error in percentage stacked barplot
## you may need to install HH install.packagess("HH") library(HH) hellisheidi <- read.table(text=" Component Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 CaO 45 52 48 SiO2 25 22 18 Al2O3 15 11 14 TiO2 6 5
1997 Aug 25
R-alpha: barplot()
I've created a hacked version of barplot() which is more compatible with the S version, but currently ONLY FOR VECTORS. Differences && new features: * The `space' argument is interpreted as the fraction of the average bar width. (The current version has the width of the bar plus the space in between constrained to sum to 1.) * There is a new argument `width'. * There is a
2023 May 03
[External] Error in percentage stacked barplot
Dear Richard,? Thank you very much for your reply. I went through the code and it worked. I was also able to change the colours.? I was wondering if I can change the legend position; instead of being in the bottom to be on the left side.? I tried the following but without any success strip = FALSE strip.right = TRUE likert(t(hellisheidi), ReferenceZero=.5, xlab="X-lab",
2009 Jul 29
Drawing lines in margins
Hi all, Quick question: What function can I use to draw a line in the margin of a plot? segments() and lines() both stop at the margin. In case the answer depends on exactly what I'm trying to do, see below. I'm using R v. 2.8.1 on Windows XP. Cheers, Alan I'm trying to make a horizontal barplot with a column of numbers on the right side. I'd like to put a line between the
2012 Mar 15
Bar graph with 2 Y axis
Dear R users,   I need to draw a barplot with 2 Y axis. I have 3 days each of wich having 2 groups (and error bar for each of them). The height of the 3rd day is too tall compared to others. That's why I have to use a second Y axis for that. I am using  "barplot2" function of "gplots" library (to be able to add error bars as well). Data and  codes currently I am using is
2012 Dec 20
Plot multiple Graphics via Layers
Hello, I want to plot 13 barplots in a 4x4 matrix-window (1st layer). So that's no Problem, it worked out. The problem is now, that I want to add two additional layers to this graphic. They contain similar barplots, just with another color for the second bar of each barplot (2nd layer) and antoher color for the 5th bar of each barplot (3rd layer). Basically I want to place the 2nd and
2016 Oct 25
Colores en names.arg de un barplot()
Hola. Tengo un gráfico que tiene muchos names.arg (demasiados...), de modo tal que le vendría bien al lector usar colores intercalados, tal que el primero sea azul, el segundo negro, el tercero azul, cuarto negro, y así. Es decir, definir un vector "similar" a este: rep(c("black", "blue"), length(barras[,1]/2) que permita pintar uno y uno en este gráfico:
2012 Oct 05
avoid <<- in specific case
Hi all, I improved a function drawing horizontal histograms (code below) which uses barplot and works fine. It does,however, need to assign a function to the global environment to later find the actual location on the vertical axis, and not the number of bars used by barplot. Hopefully, running the examples below will illustrate that. As said, it works perfectly fine and does exactly what I
2016 Oct 25
Colores en names.arg de un barplot()
Gracias, Javier. Está muy bueno el post, pero en efecto refiere a legend y no a los names.arg Adjunto un archivo para poder correr el gráfico. Creo que eso ayuda a precisar el problema. Las etiquetas que aparecen al costado izquierdo de las barras son las que quiere pintar de negro y azul. También va a necesitar este objeto para que la sintaxis corra sin errores: library(RColorBrewer) #Para
2013 Jan 22
How to remove the vertical space between two graps
Hi, I have created a barplot using the following code. a<-c(11,23,15,34,42,31) m<-matrix(a,nrow=2) m[2,]<-(-1)*m[2,] par(mar=c(4,4,4,0)) barplot(m[2,],horiz=T) par(mar=c(4,0,4,2)) barplot(m[1,],horiz=T,col="black") and the plot obtained is shown in "plot1.tiff". I was not willing to see the gap (vertical space) between two graphs. How can I achieve it? Further
2009 Jan 28
help with plot layout
It takes a lot of sweat to generate a composite plot with R ... sigh. I though I was almost done when I met the umpteenth hurdle. I cannot place a nice title on the 2nd plot (raw signal) on the layout. I do not have control on where either the "main" option of "plot" function, or "title", place the text string which keeps dysplaying chopped from above. I also tried
2001 Sep 08
barplot forces xpd=TRUE (PR#1088)
<<insert bug report here>> barplot hardcodes xpd as "TRUE" causing the bars to go outside of the plot region. True can be the default, but it shouldn't be the only option. *** barplot.R Sat Sep 8 10:15:16 2001 --- barplot.R.orig Sat Sep 8 10:03:39 2001 *************** *** 5,11 **** legend.text = NULL, beside = FALSE, horiz = FALSE, col =
2018 May 23
Plot qualitative y axis
Hi Pedro, Not too hard. Just have to watch the order of the variables: ppdf<-read.table(text="N M W I 10 106 II 124 484 III 321 874 IV 777 1140 V 896 996 VI 1706 1250 VII 635 433 VIII 1437 654 IX 693 333 X 1343 624 XI 1221 611 XII 25 15 XIII 3 NA XIV 7 8", header=TRUE) plot(rev(ppdf[,2]),1:14,col="blue",lty=1,type="l",
2017 Nov 20
change colour in barplot
On 20/11/2017 6:38 AM, Maria Lathouri via R-help wrote: > Dear all > I know that it is a very simple question but it seems that I cannot change the colour in the bars. > I have the following dataframe: > A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? B ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C ? ? ? ? ? D ? ? ? ?? E ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? F ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? G ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0.0.24 ? ? ? ?? 152460 ? ? ? ? 474 ? ? ? 5.5 ? ? ?? 612000 ? ?
1997 Aug 05
R-alpha: Version 0.50-a1 patches
A set of patches for R-0.50-a1 is now available as The patches mainly fix problems reported since R-0.50-a1 but some older problems are also fixed. Here is the list of changes. Ross o Many subsetting and mutation problems with the new "expression" type have now been fixed. o When ask=T is set in par() the user is instructed
2009 Dec 08
histbackback function
Hi, I'm trying to recreate a sensitivity-specificity graph using the histbackback function. The only problem is that these graphs are typically drawn with vertical rather than horizontal bar plots (and the histbackback function only seems to work with horiz=TRUE argument, using "horiz=FALSE" doesn't work). Does anyone know if: 1) there's a different graphing function that