Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "R-alpha: Eigenvalue Computation Query"
2012 Mar 09
Eigenvalue calculation of sparse matrices
Dear all,
I am currently working on the calculation of eigenvalues (and -vectors)
of large matrices. Since these are mostly sparse matrices and I remember
some specific functionalities in MATLAB for sparse matrices, I started a
research how to optimize the calculation of eigenvalues of a sparse matrix.
The function eigen itself works with the LAPACK library which has no
special handling for
2006 Mar 03
NA in eigen()
I am using eigen to get an eigen decomposition of a square, symmetric
matrix. For some reason, I am getting a column in my eigen vectors (the
52nd column out of 601) that is a column of all NAs. I am using the option,
symmetric=T for eigen. I just discovered that I do not get this behavior
when I use the option EISPACK=T. With EISPACK=T, the 52nd eigenvector is
(up to rounding error) a
2006 Mar 28
R crashes during 'eigen'
Hi all,
When I want to compute the eigenvalues & eigenvectors of a specific
matrix, R crashes (i.e. it stops responding to any input). I've tried it
with different versions of R (2.1.1, 2.2.0, 2.2.1) - all with crashing
as result.
What I did before the crash was:
M <- as.matrix(read.table("thematrix",header=T))
If, instead of eigen(M), I use eigen(M,
2005 May 01
eigen() may fail for some symmetric matrices, affects mvrnorm()
Hi all,
Recently our statistics students noticed that their Gibbs samplers were
crashing due to some NaNs in some parameters. The NaNs came from
mvrnorm (Ripley & Venables' MASS package multivariate normal sampling
function) and with some more investigation it turned out that they were
generated by function eigen, the eigenvalue computing function. The
problem did not seem to happen
2005 Apr 25
The eigen function
I'm using R version 2.0.1 on a Windows 2000 operating system. Here is some
actual code I executed:
> test
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1000 500
[2,] 500 250
> eigen(test, symmetric=T)$values
[1] 1.250000e+03 -3.153033e-15
> eigen(test, symmetric=T)$values[2] >= 0
> eigen(test, symmetric=T, only.values=T)$values
[1] 1250 0
> eigen(test, symmetric=T,
2011 Nov 14
How to compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues?
Consider the following matrix:
mp <- matrix(c(0,1/4,1/4,3/4,0,1/4,1/4,3/4,1/2),3,3,byrow=T)
> mp
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.00 0.25 0.25
[2,] 0.75 0.00 0.25
[3,] 0.25 0.75 0.50
The eigenvectors of the previous matrix are 1, 0.25 and 0.25 and it is not a diagonalizable matrix.
When you try to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors with R, R responses:
> eigen(mp)
2009 Apr 24
the puzzle of eigenvector and eigenvalue
Dear all
I am so glad the R can provide the efficient calculate about
eigenvector and eigenvalue.
However, i have some puzzle about the procedure of eigen.
Fristly, what kind of procedue does the R utilize such that the eigen
are obtained?
For example, A=matrix(c(1,2,4,3),2,2)
we can define the eigenvalue lamda, such as
det | 1-lamda 4 | =0
| 2 3-lamda |
2012 Apr 27
find the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue
If I use the eigen() function to find the eigenvalues of a matrix, how can I find the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigen value?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jun 18
highest eigenvalues of a matrix
DeaR list,
I happily use eigen() to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
a fairly large matrix (200x200, say), but it seems over-killed as its
rank is limited to typically 2 or 3. I sort of remember being taught
that numerical techniques can find iteratively decreasing eigenvalues
and corresponding orthogonal eigenvectors, which would provide a nice
alternative (once I have the
2002 Jul 09
EISPACK symmetric matrix eigenvalue routines
Can someone confirm that the EISPACK routines for eigenvalues of
symmetric matrix are in base R. They seem to be, but I can't seem to
locate where they are in the src tree.
Chong Gu
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or
2010 Jun 25
Forcing scalar multiplication.
I am trying to check the results from an Eigen decomposition and I need to force a scalar multiplication. The fundamental equation is: Ax = lx. Where 'l' is the eigen value and x is the eigen vector corresponding to the eigenvalue. 'R' returns the eigenvalues as a vector (e <- eigen(A); e$values). So in order to 'check' the result I would multiply the eigenvalues
2005 May 02
eigenvalues of a circulant matrix
It is my understanding that the eigenvectors of a circulant matrix are given as
where the matrix has dimension given by p x p and omega is one of p complex
roots of unity. (See Bellman for an excellent discussion on this).
The matrix created by the attached row and obtained using the following
indicates no imaginary parts for the
2004 Oct 19
matrix of eigenvalues
I thought that the function
will return a matrix with eigenvectors that are independent of each
other (thus forming a base and the matrix being invertible). This
seems not to be the case in the following example
eigen(A) ->ev
note that I try to get the upper triangular form with eigenvalues on
the diagonal and (possibly) 1 just
1997 Aug 25
R-alpha: eigen and batch
Putting q(save=F) at the end of my file does not work in my
context because I can no longer source the file without quitting. I
have that quit statement in my .First so that I always quit that way
interactively. The problem is that it is ignored in batch.
The crash occurs on my 586 running Red Hat Linux 2.0.27 but not on
my son's 486 running SLackware Linix 2.0.29. We both
2003 Apr 03
Matrix eigenvectors in R and MatLab
Dear R-listers
Is there anyone who knows why I get different eigenvectors when I run
MatLab and R? I run both programs in Windows Me. Can I make R to produce
the same vectors as MatLab?
#R Matrix
PA9900<-c(11/24 ,10/53 ,0/1 ,0/1 ,29/43 ,1/24 ,27/53 ,0/1 ,0/1 ,13/43
,14/24 ,178/53 ,146/244 ,17/23 ,15/43 ,2/24 ,4/53 ,0/1 ,2/23 ,2/43 ,4/24
,58/53 ,26/244 ,0/1 ,5/43)
2006 Jan 18
function 'eigen' (PR#8503)
Full_Name: Pierre Legendre
Version: 2.1.1
OS: Mac OSX 10.4.3
Submission from: (NULL) (
I am reporting the mis-behaviour of the function 'eigen' in 'base', for the
following input matrix:
A <- matrix(c(2,3,4,-1,3,1,1,-2,0),3,3)
I obtain the following results, which are incorrect for eigenvalues and
eigenvectors 2 and 3 (incorrect imaginary portions):
2003 Jun 09
understanding eigen(): getting non-normalized eigenvectors
Hi, dear R pros
I try to understand eigen(). I have seen, that eigen() gives the
eigenvectors normalized to unit length.
What shall I do to get the eigenvectors not normalized to unit length?
E.g. take the example:
[,1] [,2]
V1 0.7714286 -0.2571429
V2 -0.4224490 0.1408163
Calculating eigen(A) "by hand" gives the eigenvectors (example from
2012 Apr 19
Solve an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem in R?
I'm trying to port some code from python over to R, and I'm running into a
wall finding R code that can solve a generalized eigenvalue problem
following this function model:
Any ideas? I don't want to call python from within R for various reasons,
I'd prefer a "native" R solution if one
2010 Jan 11
Eigenvectors and values in R and SAS
I was wondering if function eigen() does something different from the
function call eigen() in SAS.
I'm in the process of translating a SAS code into a R code and the values of
the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a square matrix came out to be different
from the values in SAS.
I would also appreciate it if someone can explain the difference in simple
terms. I'm pretty new to both
2010 Mar 19
Howto get unnormalized eigenvectors?
I try to calculate the angle between two first eigenvectors of different covariance matrices of biological phenotypic traits for different populations. My issue here is, that all possibilities to do so seem to normalize the eigenvectors to length 1. Although the helpfile of eigen() states, that using eigen(, symmetric = FALSE, EISPACK =TRUE) skips normalization this is (I guess) not applicable