similar to: who can give me some more examples about wxruby?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "who can give me some more examples about wxruby?"

2007 Apr 13
who can give me an EvtHandler#connect example?
I read the api document online: but still don''t know how to use it. EvtHandler#connect connect(Integer id, Integer lastId, EventType eventType, ObjectEventFunction function, Object userData = nil, EvtHandler eventSink = nil) the online doc''s example is write in C++: frame->Connect( ID_EXIT,
2007 Apr 05
Re: how to use Chinese Characters in wxRuby?
yes,I'm using wxruby2 When I change "samples/text/unicode.rb" 's content: require 'wx' into begin require 'wx' rescue LoadError => no_wx_err begin require 'rubygems' require 'wx' rescue LoadError raise no_wx_err end end and run unicode.rb in this way: ruby -Ku unicode.rb I got the error message like this: unicode.rb:119:
2008 Jun 02
[ wxruby-Feature Requests-20483 ] un-deprecate EventConnector.listen in wx_sugar
Feature Requests item #20483, was opened at 02/06/2008 15:03 You can respond by visiting: Category: API improvement Group: None Status: Open Priority: 3 Submitted By: Pascal Hurni (phi) Assigned to: Kevin Smith (qualitycode) Summary: un-deprecate EventConnector.listen in wx_sugar Initial Comment: Please, remove
2007 Sep 11
wxRuby 1.9.1, wxSugar 0.1.17
I''m very happy to announce that new versions of wxRuby and wxSugar are now available. == CHANGES == * Merged nice ruby-style syntax options into core wxRuby * Re-added support for StyledTextCtrl (Scintilla) component * Added BitmapComboBox and RendererNative classes * Fixed nasty bug which could cause instability in XML-loaded layouts * Numerous other fixes and new methods in existing
2007 Mar 22
[912] trunk/wxsugar/lib: Overview documentation moved to lib/wx_sugar.rb
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2009 Nov 23
xrcise not working
Hi. I''m back. Unfortunately I can''t get xrcise working. Here is the sample xrc file and the resulting error messages: =============== TestWxFb.xrc ========================================= <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <resource xmlns="" version="">
2007 Apr 03
2 not working?
I finally got my CheckListBoxes under control (thanks Alex& Phil) and have moved on to tackling the CalendatCtrl. This one seemed pretty easy when I was reading through the documentation but I cannot retrieve the selected date. I have the following code: def initialize... ... @calendar = panel.add(Wx::CalendarCtrl[]) panel.add(Wx::Button[:label => ''test'']) do
2006 Dec 03
[773] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/all.rb: Updated overview, deprecated itemdata
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2009 Mar 27
xrciser problem
I built a Windows GUI using DialogBlocks v4.29, saved the resulting XRC for processing with wxRuby''s xrciser tool. Following Ruby products installed: wxRuby is v 2.0.0 wxSugar is v0.1.22 Ruby is v1.9.1 Rubygems is v1.3.1 Running xrciser on the file gives the following: C:\ruby>xrcise -o toolgui.rb tool.xrc
2007 Apr 09
GridTableBase problem
Trying to setup a GridTableBase to hold some floating point numbers for a Grid. Getting an error with the following: table = Error: C:/ruby/work/wxtest/test.rb:151:in `on_find'': uninitialized constant Wxruby2::Gr idTableBase (NameError) from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wx_sugar-0.1.14/lib/wx_sugar/event_c onnector.rb:123:in `call''
2007 Apr 14
how to simulate key_down event(when event.get_key_code()==Wx::K_DOWN) in ListCtrl or TreeCtrl?
I want to simulate vi(vim) like operations in ListCtrl or TreeCtrl, that is, for example, when user pressed a ''j'' on keyboard,the selected item change into the next one item, just like user press a Wx::K_DOWN(arrow key down on keyboard) . but not jump to some item started with a "J" charater. evt_tree_key_down(TreeTest_Ctrl) { | e | on_tree_key_down(e) } ... def
2006 Dec 03
[774] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar.rb: Shortcut to allow just "require ''wx_sugar''" to work
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2009 Aug 10
xrcise -o test.rb ui.xrc
I built a small form in wxFormBuilder. In cmd i wrote xrcise -o test.rb ui.xrc output was C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/wx_sugar-0.1.22/lib/wx_sugar/xrc/outputter.rb:4 6:in `clean_id_attr_readers'': undefined method `each'' for #<String:0xba5850> (No MethodError) from (erb):16:in `output'' from C:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/erb.rb:753:in `eval''
2009 Nov 24
xrcise now works
Hi Mario, The following change to outputter.rb did work for me. It looks like adding a routine to string should also work but it didn''t for me. Thanks for your help. -Philip ===== from RubyForge ========== Date: 2009-11-18 00:25 Sender: Konstantin Shabanov After changing ''each'' method to ''each_line'' in outputter.rb on lines 39 and 46 xrcise code
2007 Mar 22
[911] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes: Added default? method for size and position
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2007 Apr 02
[938] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes: Enable enumerable_controls for ListCtrl and ControlWithItems family
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2006 Dec 03
[772] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/class_definitions.rb: Added HtmlWindow
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2006 Dec 02
[771] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/keyword_constructors.rb: Fix typo in error message
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2007 Jan 08
[842] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes/treectrl.rb: Fix for TreeItemIds as Integers
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2007 Apr 26
[972] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/keyword_classes.rb: Fix missing keyword param for Wx::Gauge
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