similar to: Footnote output not valid.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Footnote output not valid."

2012 Aug 07
Footnote output not valid
> I just received a report [1] that the footnote output we use in > Python-Markdown (an exact copy of PHP Markdown Extra [3]) is not valid > HTML [3]. If you notice he's using HTML5. At least the footnote syntax > does valid on XHTML1 or HTML4. Anyway, any suggestions on how the > various footnote implementations want to move forward with this? > > [1]:
2013 Jan 23
footnote:id, colons and jquery
I just received a [bug report] for Python-Markdown complaining that colons are used in the ids of footnotes. For reference, we [output] the same format at PHP Markdown Extra. The general complaint is that the colon in the id attribute (`id="fnref:1"`) causes jquery to choke when referencing that id from javascript because jquery uses colons to indicate pseudo elements (as does CSS). As
2008 Mar 12
XHTML validation
Is the dashboard output of 1.2.1 supposed to validate (I get numerous failures)? I''m seeing some issues that I hadn''t been running into before my upgrade. The first time I load the dashboard I''m seeing a blank area at the top and first button isn''t styled. When the refresh triggers the all of the projects except the first are duplicated and the
2008 Apr 01
HTML entities in URLs and urlencoding
We recently received the following bug report for the python-markdown implementation: > The "&" are escaped in URLs. > > An example: > [Link]( > > Should output: > <a href="">Link</a> > > Currently outputs: > <a
2009 Apr 07
Python-Markdown 2.0 Final Released!
I am happy to announce the release of Python-Markdown 2.0 final. We have versions for Python 2.3-2.6 and Python 3.0! See the release notes here: Download from PyPI here: -- ---- \X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\| Waylan Limberg
2007 Oct 08
An Extra for Python (was: Re: seemingly no good way to end bulleted list and start code block)
On 10/6/07, Lou Quillio <public at> wrote: [snip] > Wish there were an 'Extra' for Python. > There is. Sort of. Python-Markdown has an extension interface [1]. There's a number already available and its fairly easy to write your own. I've slowly been adding many of php extra's features [2]. Unfortunately, some things are still hard, but were working to
2008 May 12
Fenced-Code-Blocks in Python-Markdown
I'd like to announce a beta release of the Fenced-Code-Blocks Extension for Python-Markdown. <> The latest code for Python-Markdown and packaged extensions are now available on Gitorious. <> The same syntax is used as the just released PHP Markdown Extra 1.2. I
2011 Dec 22
A bug or an undocumented feature?
Hi list, I'm using Python-Markdown and found a potential bug ( or an undocumented feature? ) Can anyone confirm this? Thank you :-) Bug report on Python-Markdown issue list:
2008 Mar 15
Javascript in URLs (was: Markdown doesn't always generate XHTML)
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Michel Fortin <michel.fortin at> wrote: > > "Safe mode" you say? Yeah, well, I didn't paint that bike shed. > > PHP Markdown also has a no-markup mode which would filter script tags > and any other HTML tags. But this doesn't prevent anyone from > inserting their own script on the page. Do you know you can
2011 Apr 07
ol start with a specific number?
We recently received a request and working patch for Python-Markdown which adds support for starting an ordered list with the number given on the first line. For example: 3. Foo 4. Bar would result in <ol> <li start="3">Foo</li> <li>Bar</li> </ol> I'm not opposed to adding this, but I noticed that no other implementation
2008 Jan 05
replacing " with &quot;
Python-markdown currently replaces all straight quotes (`"`) with the html entity (`&quot;`). Someone recently complained about this in a [bug report][]. As it turns out the quote was the symptom that brought the real problem to light[^1]. In any event, the reporter pointed out that does not replace straight quotes with the html entity. I know John Gruber has mentioned before
2009 May 25
[rspec] examples are broken
It seems that some examples at are broken with invalid html. For example: All those spans there should not be visible, I think :) Isn''t web tested well enough? :P Best regards, Jarmo
2013 Mar 16
Admonitions! with Python-Markdown 2.3 release.
Last night I released version 2.3 of Python Markdown (see the release notes [1] for all the details). In addition to various other improvements, a new **experimental** extension was included that added a syntax for generating rST-style admonitions [2]. For a summary of the syntax, see the documentation [3]. A broader sample of the output can be seen on this page [4]. The source text can be found
2011 Feb 13
Should leading and trailing spaces between backticks be preserved?
Hi folks, Yesterday I raised an issue about inconsistent preservation of whitespace<>in Python-Markdown. >>> import markdown >>> md = markdown.Markdown() >>> md.convert('Added `>>> ` to signify user input.') u'<p>Added
2007 Dec 05
[patch] Headers, unresolved footnotes, and fractions
Hi folks, thanks for the useful code! I've added some functionality to PHP Markdown Extra and PHP SmartyPants. Diffs attached. For PHP Markdown Extra: *A new config option, MARKDOWN_HEADER_BASE, which sets the largest header level that Markdown can generate and defaults to 1; useful if you use <h1> for site-wide elements and want Markdown-generated headers to start at
2009 Nov 02
New website and call to test / feedback
Dear NUT users and contributors, The first round on the new NUT website is mostly done: The general layout has changed a bit to overcome some navigation issues. The Hardware Compatibility List is also finalized, using actual data and providing a static version for browser without JavaScript. There are still a few things remaining, and most of all the conversion of
2011 Sep 22
computation of header ids
Hi, I'm using the header id extension from markdown extra and in my perception it gets wrong when I use attributes on headers, for instance: >>> md = markdown.Markdown(['extra']) >>> md.convert('# My header {@class=red}') u'<h1 class="red" id="my_header_classred_1">My header </h1>' I would have expected:
2009 Mar 09
Python-Markdown 2.0 Release Candidate
I am pleased to announce that after much hard work, a Release Candidate for Python Markdown version 2.0 is now available for [download][]. Please, download it, install it, test it, beat it... and report any [bugs][]. Assuming no major bugs, we will release 2.0 final approximately one month from today. Until then, the project [site][] will continue to document version 1.7. Updated documentation is
2011 Jan 03
Mango 0.5
Hi folks, Mango 0.5 <> was released a week ago. It includes several improvements including support for multiple time zones and the "magic" video syntax Waylan suggested on this mailing list several months ago. Mango <> is a blogging application which draws content from Markdown documents. It's high performance,
2012 Oct 31
New List of implementations.
Hey everyone. Just and FYI that I started a list of markdown implementations: Please review and make any corrections/additions. The page should be publicly editable as long as you have a github account. Note that this is a list of _libraries_, which differentiates it from wikipedia's list [1]. For example, mmd2pdf is a