similar to: Mock_model not recognizing act_as_mappable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Mock_model not recognizing act_as_mappable"

2008 May 20
mock_model not stubbing model attribtues in view spec
Hi -- I am just getting to grips w/ view specs, and am having an issue with mock_model not stubbing the mocked model''s attributes. For instance, I have the following: <CODE> before do @input_timesheet = mock_model( InputTimesheet ) assigns[:input_timesheet] = @input_timesheet end it "should display a table element" do render
2007 Oct 12
Strange mock_model behaviour with ActiveResource model
Hi, I have two models in an app that inherit from ActiveResource::Base. The scaffold controller tests for one of the models works fine, but the other one dies when calling mock_model in the "handling GET /fa_codes" spec: Specifically, the call to mock model here: before do @fa_code = mock_model(FaCode) FaCode.stub!(:find).and_return([@fa_code]) end generates this failure:
2007 Oct 06
spec''ing views, mock_model associations
I writing a spec that returns the count of how many players in a game: it "should how many players in a link to all players" do render :partial =>"games/game", :object => @game response.should have_tag(''a'',"(2) Players") end I''m not sure how to do the mock model, I think it would be done two ways but unsure of the syntax: 1: add
2007 Sep 29
mock_model named spaces not working
I have a namespace called saltmines The following will fail the spec @player = mock_model(Saltmines::Player) 1) ActionView::TemplateError in ''/saltmines/players/index.rhtml should render list of saltmines/players'' You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.each On line #9 of
2007 Aug 19
describing a mock_model as being an instance
Is there a built-in way of describing a mock_model as being an instance, beyond stubbing the eval("Object.methods -") methods to throw NoMethodErrors? Edward
2007 Aug 30
mock_model in spec/lib
Has anyone else run into a problem with trying to use mock_model in spec/lib ? For some reason, I can take the same spec, put it in spec/models, have it run fine, but put it in spec/lib, and have it complain about not being able to find #mock_model Thanks, Edward
2007 Dec 05
Does mock_model''s :null_object option work?
Please understand in the following that I am making relatively minor changes to legacy (non-TDD/BDD) code in Substruct and don''t have the time to refactor nicely right now. I''m just trying to get past the untested/un-speced cruft quickly to write the spec for my new code, so I''m looking for expediency over prettiness. I''m specifying before( :each ) do
2009 Feb 12
[RSpec] mock_model not returning a mock
I''m experiencing some strange behaviour with an ActiveRecord model object. I''m trying to spec that a mocked AR object, @form, has an error on the "file" attribute. I''ve confirmed that there *is* an error on the "file" attribute, because I print out the error. However, the spec fails, saying that one error was expected, but zero were found.
2007 Aug 16
undefined method `mock_model'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0x25550a8>
I am getting: undefined method `mock_model'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0x25550a8> with my view specs after upgrading to 1.0.8. Is anyone else seeing this? To isolate the message I did the following setup: - create new rails project (with edge) - installed rspec and rspec_on_rails - ran rake spec - ran script/generate rspec_scaffold products - tried to run a builtin view
2007 Jul 18
Mocking Rails association collections
Rails model association collections allow you to do nifty things like: article.comments.find(:all, :conditions => {:created_at >}) Has anyone found a good way to mock this up? I''m currently doing this: @comment1 = mock_model(Comment) comments = mock(Array) comments.stub!(:find).and_return([@comment1]) @article = mock_model(Article)
2007 Apr 19
Best practice thoughts: Model helpers, mocks
Hello! I''m pretty new to unit testing, and have only been using RSpec for a few weeks. I found that for my controller specs, my setup methods were getting very long building mocks/stubs for all the model objects I needed to work with. I''ve started creating helpers like the following for each of my models. The "min_" methods are short for "minimum", and
2009 Feb 25
How to properly mock a complex object ""?
I am wondering what is the best way to mock such expression: "" What I do now is: =========================== comment = mock_model(Comment) initiator = mock_model(User) group = mock_model(Group, :name => "Admin") initiator.stub!(:group).and_return(group) comment.stub!(:initiator).and_return(initiator) =========================== So it becomes
2007 Oct 05
Easy AR association stubbing
I''ve added a method to the mock class that makes it pretty easy to stub associations in rails. I''ve been using it for awhile and it seems to cut down on a lot of setup code for the controller and model specs that use associations. #before @person = mock_model(Person) posts = mock(''post_proxy'') posts.stub!(:build).and_return(mock_model(Post, :save => true))
2008 Jun 04
Mock with an attributes that has state
I''m developing a rails application. I have an Order model that has_many OrderItems. I mocked the OrderItem model in my Order specs using mock_model. I thought I should focus my specs on each model and always mock associated models. In my Order model I need a way to merge OrderItems which have the same cost and same product_id. That I can spec. The other thing this merge helper
2007 Jul 24
Possible Bug
I''m trying to test some code that has validates each and I''ve got a very strange failure Mock ''Book_1027'' expected :store_with_privacy? with (#<Clip:0x1a99b96 @name="Clip_1025">) but received it with (#<Clip:0x1a99b96 @name="Clip_1025">) The Spec it "should check that a book can save a clip" do @user =
2007 Oct 16
Controller iterating through returned records and appending to each
I have a controller that gets a list of employees (which has an "include => [:salaries, :incentives, :billablegoals, :reviews]"). I then need it to iterate through each employee and determine their current active goal based on the "effective date." After playing around with it a bunch, I got the following to work. Only problem is that if I remove the "@employees.each {
2008 Feb 04
Error on
I can''t figure out why I am getting an error for one of the tests below: ======================== describe AccountsController, "POST" do before :each do @user = mock_model(User) @account = mock_model(Account, :id => 1, :valid => true, :save => true, :users => mock("users", :build => @user)) Account.should_receive(:new).and_return(@account)
2008 Apr 23
How i write the respec in this situation??
Hi all guys!im new in rails! i have a forum,have_many topics,and the topic also has_many replies.Now i want to write the respec for the repliescontroller: describe RepliesController do controller_name :repies describe "All Requests",:share=>true do before do @forum = mock_model(Forum,:id=>''1'') @topic =
2008 Oct 16
Mocking documentation
Can I make a suggestion for the RSpec documentation? In the discussion of Spec::Mocks (, it would be helpful for there to be some explanation of mock_model. There''s a reference to mock_model in an example in the section on controller specs, but as far I can see no indication of how it differs from mock. If I''ve just missed it please let
2007 Jun 07
checking associated objects have been deleted
I have the following model: class Book < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :taggings, :dependent => :delete_all has_many :tags, :through => :taggings end is it possible to check that associated taggings are being destroyed using mocks? I don''t want to test that rails is deleting the associations, I want to test that I have specified the association as a dependent one. the only