similar to: wxruby2 beta 1.9.0 released

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "wxruby2 beta 1.9.0 released"

2007 Jun 27
Splitting into multiple libraries
Hey Alex and fellow developers, I figured I''d split this off into a seperate discussion, to get an idea of what to look at with this. Ofcourse, with every first step, there needs to be some kind of outline set forth to split up wxRuby2 into multiple libraries, to ensure coherance amongst the developers, and future development, so people will know, this goes to this, this goes to
2006 Jul 25
Hi Please find attached a set of patches and swig files to implement Wizards for wxruby. Also a brief sample. Quick q - the C declarations of evt_xxx_xxx methods and their attaching to Ruby classes seems to be duplicated across Events.i and EvtHandler.i - is one of these the right place to be adding them? or both? Thanks alex _______________________________________________
2007 May 10
wxRuby2 0.0.40
Congratulations, wxRuby2 0.0.40 but,where is 0.0.40 mswin32.gem? _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2007 Aug 02
wxSocket..... or wxRubySocket....
Hey Alex, I was looking into figuring out a way to create a truely Asynchronis Socket type for Ruby, and thought I''d go down to the bare minimal implementation of it, to start creating a socket, and then I got to thinking. Looking at the wxWidgets C/C++ Code, it doesn''t do much different then what I''m doing, only in Ruby, so I thought maybe, as a way to avoid
2006 Aug 13
wxruby2 alpha status
Hi all, How soon can we do our alpha (binary gem) release? 1. I would like to get the samples working a bit better, but am ok simply documenting most of the current problems. Do the samples crash every few minutes for other people? Or is it just me? I would like to have a copyright/license comment at the top of every sample file before the alpha release. 2. I would like to receive and merge a
2005 Jul 20
Plans to rename wxruby-swig to wxruby2
Greetings all, Over the last few months, while I have been busy on other projects, Nick and other folks have built wxruby-swig up to where it now supports about 120 classes, compared to the 139 in wxruby 0.6. When you include the fact that wxruby 0.6 had a few classes that really weren''t needed (because non-wx ruby versions work fine), it looks like wxruby-swig is actually very
2008 Jan 19
lose focus event?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I''m new to wxruby, and I haven''t found any answer with google: Is there a way to capture a lose focus event on controls, such as a combo box? All my experiments show events when changing the text, but not when leaving the box. I want to make a combobox that autocompletes if I press tab (or down arrow or something), but if I
2007 Sep 17
Re : syntax II
Alex Fenton wrote : >1) Setting up event handlers > >In most real apps, I think the most normal way to set up event handlers >is for the event to be dealt with by a corresponding method. At the >moment this has to be done using a block: > >evt_button(AN_ID) { on_button_click } >evt_button(my_button.get_id) do | event | > on_button_click(event) >end >evt_size { |
2006 Aug 19
Compiling WxRuby2 on Ubuntu 6.06
Hi All, I am trying to compile WxRuby on Ubuntu 6.06. I checked out the latest source code from CVS and ran ''rake'' under the wxruby2 directory. I am getting the following error. root@imayam:/work/wxruby/wxruby2# rake (in /work/wxruby/wxruby2) rake aborted! Don''t know how to build task ''src/App.cpp'' (See full trace by running task with --trace) I am
2006 Dec 18
unit testing wxruby GUIs
paul.allton at wrote: > I''m a big fan of automated UI testing (i.e. driving the UI from some robot API). I appreciate this > is potentially a whole new project, but does wxwidgets provide a method of clicking buttons, > typing into components ... if so, would it be technically possible to expose this in wxruby. I like automated UI testing too, but
2008 Jan 17
Hello guys, Alright Alex..... I need a few tips on where to start. I know that I''m going to need to rewrite the wxSocket header files, in order to incorperate them into wxRuby. But some advice on stuff such as wxSocketClient::new/connect, where it takes a wxIPAddress, and so forth. I know they are pretty friviolous structures for holding information about Addresses in which to make
2005 Jul 31
SWIG compilation
The result of the compilation after installing swig results in lots of errors of the sort: WindowDisabler.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtr I can see this is defined in rubydef.swg but I''m not sure why this isn''t just included in the files that need it. Can any swig experts tell me what I need to do to progress? I''m using
2007 Oct 17
1.9.2, OpenGL
[third sending attempt...] I''m going to try and test out the samples on MSW over the next few days and if things look good I think we should release 1.9.2. Might try and fix the bugs related to TreeCtrl#get_first_child as these might involve minor API changes. So if anyone has any time to test out SVN HEAD and look for anything funny, please do. Also, we have an anonymous patch
2009 Oct 30
wxRuby on Ubuntu 9.10
Installing the gem from rubygems, along with the available wxwidgets packages from synaptic, I'd recieve this error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-2.0.1-x86-linux/lib/ /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-2.0.1-x86-linux/lib/ symbol _ZN13wxAuiNotebook14ShowWindowMenuEv, version WXU_2.8.5 not defined in file with link time reference -
2007 May 07
0.0.40 tagged
I''ve tagged 0.0.40 in subversion and created the release on rubyforge. Roy, Sean, please could you compile and upload the binary gems when you have a moment - thanks in advance. Drop me a line off list so I know when to make an announcement. cheers alex
2007 Jan 09
help w/push_event_handler plus doc update request
Hi, 1) Can the online api docs get updated? Specifically can the overview pages get added in to the main index.html page? I happened upon the link to the Event Overview page while browsing some class and wished that it had been listed in the Event section of the index page.I don''t know how many other "overview" pages there are but it
2007 Sep 12
screenshots & wxruby apps
Hi I''ve added a page to the wiki to show some screenshots opf the wxRuby samples: I''d like to get some screenshots for OS X to add to this, if anyone could supply them please. It would be nice to show the minimal sample for all three platforms, plus perhaps some of the ones that aren''t included there. Also if
2008 Jan 08
1.9.3 release, rakefile
Hi I''d like to put out a 1.9.3 release perhaps later this week/weekend. If you have a chance to test the build and samples esp with latest rubygems, please do. There are still some bugs on the list, and samples to do, but this should address all the build/install probs that have come up. And it would be good to get some testing and feedback on some of the new classes. A note on the
2009 Jan 24
Problem running Samples
Hi. I''m desperately trying to learn Ruby and wxWidgets, on my 64-bit Linux machine. However when I try to run any of the samples from the command line I get the following error message: ruby: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-1.9.8-x86_64-linux/lib/ undefined symbol: Init_wxMediaCtrl I''d be very grateful for any help. Many thanks in advance! --
2005 Jul 24
Official name change to wxruby2
The CVS module has been renamed from wxruby-swig to wxruby2, and I have checked in the related changes to reflect the name change. Anyone with a CVS tree will need to re-checkout from CVS because of the module name change. There is now a wx.rb in the lib/ directory, which loads the wxruby2 shared library that gets built. I have tagged this as 0.0.22. Next steps: - Apply Choice.i patch from