similar to: SURVEY: wxRuby API style

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "SURVEY: wxRuby API style"

2007 Mar 21
Bug in TextCtrl constructor
Howdy, I''ve uncovered a bug in the constructor for TextCtrl (originally uncovered while using WxSugar but it appears to apply to WxRuby itself as well). Here''s the output from irb: # ------ irb(main):001:0> require ''wx''; irb(main):002:0* ctl =
2004 Jan 27
The flicker of the status bar.
Hi, all! I''ve just started to use wxruby under Win2K. I didn''t use wxWindows earlier. Can anybody explain why the status bar flickers at the top (!) of the frame when I resize the frame and how to avoid this? (the following code is the simplest example) #----------------------------------- require ''wxruby'' include Wx class RbApp < App def on_init
2007 May 20
bouton de fermeture
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si il est possible de désactiver le bouton de fermeture en haut a droite (le bouton rouge avec une croix blanche), sans se servir de "FRAME_NO_WINDOW_MENU", car j''ai besoin des autres boutons. Merci. Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2007 Sep 03
API survey results & update
Thanks to everyone who voted in the API style survey. We had 10 votes altogether - we''re not electing the prime minister, after all - but it was decisively a yes. 90% (9/10) supported adding keyword constructors, and 77% (7/9) ruby-style accessors. The changes are summarised at the bottom of the email. We hope to have a 1.9.1 release incorporating these in the next week or two.
2006 Sep 14
Patch to fix ArtProvider and ArtProvider sample
These patches better implement ArtProvider and add the demo for it. I also expanded the bigdemo window a little bit. I really think we should go larger but I suppose there might be some people at 800x600 still. Note that creating your own art provider still doesn''t quite work correctly. I didn''t have time to get into that. The RubyConstants.i.patch file looks weird. Not
2007 Jan 22
Adding sizers to other sizers doesn''t work
Hello all, Running this on an Intel Mac OSX 10.4.8 ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i686-darwin] wxruby2-preview (0.0.37) using zshell I''m having a heck of a time setting up a GUI with a differing number of widgets per row, resulting in a differing number or widgets per column. At first I tried to simply do something like the following: class CharacterInfoPanel < Wx::Panel def
2006 Aug 25
wxCheckListBox.rbw patch file
This fixes truncated text on the CheckListBox sample in bigdemo. Roy _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2004 Dec 09
Scrolling to the bottom of a Grid
Hi, Thanks to the newly added event handlers for Wx::Grid in the 0.6.0 release, I can now provide a much slicker intreface to my "data widgets" which heavily rely on that control. However, I haven''t quite figured out how to programmatically scroll to the last row of a populated grid (actually, the first empty row). So say that I have a grid with 200 rows only 20 of which
2006 Sep 11
ruby method names
Hi Attached is a patch that adds aliases to the API for methods that look like attribute accessors. So a_frame.set_title(''The title'') # currently a_frame.title = ''The title'' # now an alternative textctrl.get_value # currently textctrl.value # now an alternative Also, C++ methods named ''IsXXX'' are now exposed in ruby with
2009 Jan 29
Help understanding EVERYTHING
Team, I am trying to learn a GUI for Ruby and I picked wxRuby. The problem is that I am kind of slow learning this and I now feel frustrated after trying for about at least 7 hours. I am trying to design a simple Sudoku 9x9 grid to display numbers, 1 - 9, using buttons. I posted a question on Ruby forum ruby-talk and a gentleman, Alex Fenton, answered my questions. Alex gave me what appear to be
2007 Jan 04
grid control example doesn''t work on osx.4
Hi, I am trying to use wxruby2-preview (0.0.38) on my intel macbook running os10.4.8. I am having a beast of a time running the examples in the tutorials. The super basic frame example worked but the simple grid tutorial bombs with the following message: ------ [WhiteGhost:~/tmp/wxStff] hjw$ ruby ./grid.rb /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby2-preview-0.0.38-i686-
2006 Sep 07
A little bit of sugar
Hi Do a search on ''wxruby'' and you''ll see that people''s main gripes are 1) stability 2) development progress 3) documentation and 4) syntax. We''re making great progress on 1-3 so thought it seemed like a good time to start looking at 4). So here''s announcing a first release of WxSugar. It can be downloaded via gems (gem install wx_sugar)
2004 May 13
A Sizer Tutorial
Hi I''ve added a very basic introduction to using the BoxSizer class for layout in WxRuby to the wiki. Corrections, comments welcome. alex
2007 Jul 05
when can publish the next version?
when can publish the next version? i am waiting... _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2005 Aug 17
Volunteer requested: Implement SplitterWindow
About a year ago (ouch!), Robert Carlin submitted a ported version of the wxPython demo/sample. I hoped to include it in wxruby2, but it relies on SplitterWindow, which isn''t in wxruby2 yet. I tried to implement SplitterWindow myself, but got such strange results that I''m thinking I did something wrong. Even though the generated C++ code specified a variable number of
2003 Nov 07
Hi! Is drag''n''drop works currently under wxruby? I want an app, where you can drag files from a wxlistctrl to a wxtreectrl. Can anyone show a little example? Gergo -- +-[ Kontra, Gergely<> PhD student Room IB113 ]---------+ | "Olyan langesz vagyok, hogy | | Mobil:(+36 20) 356 9656 ICQ: 175564914 poroltoval
2007 Nov 09
Wx::Notebook tabs, bug reports on...
Thank you Alex for the answer to my previous question -- it was exactly what I was looking for! Moving on, I have some bugs to report: I''m using the Wx::Notebook class and it looks to me like Wx::NB_LEFT, Wx::NB_RIGHT, and Wx::NB_BOTTOM are defined incorrectly. To get my tabs to appear on the bottom, for example, I find I have to use Wx::NB_LEFT. Same symptom in
2003 Nov 25
Does wxRuby have event masks or something similar?
I''m trying to capture character events on a frame, using the following piece of code (adapted from samples/etc/test.rb): def initialize(title) super(nil, -1, title,,-1),,590), Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | Wx::FRAME_SHAPED) evt_paint { onPaint } evt_char { | evt | puts "Got char evt: "+evt.to_s if evt.get_key_code.chr =~
2005 Aug 15
Tracing down some things to add in validators and I''ve run across something that kinda bothers me... In order to implement validators you have to override the clone method. The directors seems to be set up to specifically handle this situation. However, whenever C++ calls back to the object''s methods the swig_get_up function is returning false. It seems like swig_up
2007 Nov 03
Hey guys, I''m working on the start of incorperating wxSocket into a library that can be included with the Core, and a part of this, is to create a wxThread class, which will basically just be a barebone copy over of Ruby''s own Thread class. (This should also help when we get Ruby 2.0, which hopefully will have Native Threads, as we should still be able to get the base