Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Learning sources"
2009 Nov 26
will_paginate don't work on jruby platform
Hello all,will_paginate don''t work on jruby platform,
the Model.paginate find works ok, accepts all kinds of params,
this is config.gem
config.gem ''will_paginate'', :version => ''2.3.11'', :source =>
but <%= will_paginate @collection %> doesn''t work
it always produce nil(so nothing on page).
2009 Nov 26
Is this a bug?
Hello all, while I''m using acts_as_audited(on jruby platform),
after vendored the acts_as_audited, it reports some error,
line 167,
# Start observing the declared classes and their subclasses.
def initialize
Set.new(observed_classes + observed_subclasses).each { |klass|
add_observer! klass } #this line
after some trace shows this one, when observed_classes is empty, will
2005 Sep 27
WxRuby + Ruby/SDL
I am making a game with Ruby/SDL and have run into trouble finding a GUI
to cooperate. I have seen numerous examples of wxWindows in combination
with SDL (wxPython and PyGame), but have yet to be able to do it in ruby
(PyGame example: http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/IntegratingPyGame).
I am not very good with wxRuby as this is my first time using it and
thought some more knowledgable users
2017 Oct 27
My function and NA Values Problem
Dear R Staff
My working file is in the annex. "g1.csv"
I have only 2 columns. Rice and coke.
I try to execute following(below) function, but do not work.
Because "Coke" value has NA values.
I try to add "na.rm=True" to the function but do not work
How can I solve this problem with this function or another algorithm?
(Note: I have normally 450 columns)
2017 Oct 29
Count non-zero values in excluding NA Values
Dear R Staff
You can see my data.csv file in the annex.
I try to count non-zero values in dataset but I need to exclude NA in this
My code is very long (following),
How can I write this code more efficiently and shortly?
## [NA_Count] - Find NA values
data.na =sapply(data[,3:ncol(data)], function(c) sum(length(which(is.na
## [Zero] - Find zero values
2007 Dec 18
Vista Sync (offline file) and Samba Problem
Dear All,
I use Vista sync tool for synchronization Vista between
samba-3.0.25b-1.el4_6.2 on
RHEL AS4. There is some problem on files to copy samba home sharing. But
if target directory is being Windows sharing does not happen the below
Vista error screen says below messages;
These items are in conflict and did not sync
~wrd0000.tmp A file was deleted on this computer and
changed on the
2004 Apr 26
TRW: getters and setters
Hi all,
I mentioned this on the forum but wasn''t sure if
anyone was paying attention. I was just wondering if
it would be possible to replace the
get_something/set_something style methods with the
more Rubyish something/something= style (i.e. uniform
For example, the Button class currently has
button.get_label and button.set_label("foo"). It
would give me warm,
2004 Jan 15
Wx::ListCtrl#get_item method
Hi guys!
I have a question (or a request?) on Wx::ListCtrl#get_item method.
As you can see in the wxWindows reference, wxListCtrl::GetItem method of
C++ is different from that of wxPython.
return value: boolean
argument: wxListItem& info
return value: wxListItem
arguments: int ID, int column (optional)
How about wxruby?
>From the wxruby source code, wxruby looks
2013 Oct 17
representing points in 3D space with trajectories over time
Dear all,
I have a problem where I must represent points with XYZ coordinates
changing over time. I will do a number of operations on this data such as
calculating the YZ-projection distance of the points to the origin over
time, the frequency spectrum of the X-T data etc. I am trying to find a
good way of representing this data with an appropriate data structure.
It appears like
2017 Nov 27
Scatterplot of many variables against a single variable
I try to realize one scatter matrix which draws *one single variable to all
variables* with *regression line* . You can see my eviews version in the
annex .
How can I draw this graph with R studio?
2005 Sep 11
Handling int pointer parameters
There are several functions that take the parameters (int *x, int *y)
In some cases x & y are simply return values. In some cases x & y are
both input and output. How are we going to handle this properly? One
method would be to change the header files to something like xin or
xout. I don''t really like that method as it''ll break as soon as header
files change.
2017 Nov 27
Scatterplot of many variables against a single variable
LOL. Great reply Jim.
(N.B. Jim's conclusion is "debatable" by a judicious choice of seed. e.g.
set.seed(79) suggests that making the request more readable will actually
lower the number of useful answers. :-))
On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 11:42 AM, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Engin,
> Sadly, your illustration was ambushed on the way to the list. Perhaps
2017 Oct 27
My function and NA Values Problem
> On 27 Oct 2017, at 10:43, Engin YILMAZ <ispanyolcom at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear R Staff
> My working file is in the annex. "g1.csv"
> I have only 2 columns. Rice and coke.
> I try to execute following(below) function, but do not work.
> Because "Coke" value has NA values.
> I try to add "na.rm=True" to the function but do not
2017 Apr 24
V1 Dovecot POP3 index migrate to V3
I've very old Dovecot version so I'm trying to migrate new disk and current
version of dovecot. But POP3 accounts have "version 1"
.INBOX/dovecot-uidlist files so clients download the messages again.
How can achieve not to download to mailbox after copy to new disk? Is there
any script or something to migrate index v1 to v3?
thanks for your suggestions.
2017 Oct 29
Count non-zero values in excluding NA Values
Dear R Staff
This is my file (www.fiscalforecasting.com/data.csv)
if you don't download this file, my dataset same as following
I try to count non-zero values which are not NA values for every *column*
*Engin YILMAZ*
2017 Oct 29
Count non-zero values in excluding NA Values
What was suggested by Eric and Rui works well, but here is a short and may
be simpler answer provided your data is similar what Eric posted. It should
work for your l data too.
aa <- is.na(data)|data==0
On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 6:25 AM, Engin YILMAZ <ispanyolcom at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear R Staff
> You can see my data.csv file in the annex.
2017 Oct 29
Count non-zero values in excluding NA Values
Since i could not see your data, the easiest thing comes to mind is court
values excluding NAs, is something like this
Best of luck--EK
On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 6:25 AM, Engin YILMAZ <ispanyolcom at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear R Staff
> You can see my data.csv file in the annex.
> I try to count non-zero values in dataset but I need to exclude NA in this
2017 Nov 27
Scatterplot of many variables against a single variable
Dear Berger and Jim
Can you see my eviews example in the annex? (scattersample.jpg)
2017-11-27 13:27 GMT+03:00 Eric Berger <ericjberger at gmail.com>:
> LOL. Great reply Jim.
> (N.B. Jim's conclusion is "debatable" by a judicious choice of seed. e.g.
> set.seed(79) suggests that making the request more readable will actually
> lower the number of
2013 Aug 08
forcing linux kernel 3 to recognize cdrom as hdX
I have a problem with older version of anaconda linux installer. I have
upgraded kernel in my distro, but, when this anaconda boot with new 3.4.52
kernel, can NOT find cdrom. As far as I understand, this is because the new
kernel recognize cd drive as srX, scdX instead of older hdX with 2.6.18. At
the moment I can not upgrade anaconda and forced this kernel to recognize
it as before.
2017 Nov 27
Scatterplot of many variables against a single variable
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