similar to: WxRuby + Scintilla avec HTML + JavaScript

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "WxRuby + Scintilla avec HTML + JavaScript"

2006 Oct 14
Scintilla on Linux
Well, I''m having some problems with Scintilla on Linux. I get the same ''uninitialized constant Wxruby2'' when I try to compile in Scintilla. I will try changing the Scintilla options some more but it''s very frustrating. I wish I got some sort of error message. It''s like voodoo building on Linux. If it at least gave some error message it would be
2006 Oct 19
Wx::Scintilla - working
At last, managed to get Scintilla up and running on OS X. Sorry it''s taken so long. Patch attached to enable Scintilla to be included in a Mac build. More difficult was how figuring out how to get wxscintilla built in the first place - have added instructions on our ''Building for release'' page on the wiki:
2006 Oct 25
Linux Scintilla support
I have a Linux gem that appears to work with Scintilla. I''m not able to really see what''s going on because my VNC connection is hosed to my Linux box. The scintilla sample appears to work but I can''t see the code window on bigdemo. I also get a lot of GLib and Gdk warnings and errors while running. Doesn''t sound good to me. I''m happy to post
2006 Sep 27
Scintilla into bigdemo.rb
This patch changes the code box to use Scintilla if it''s available. I also added a couple of notes in there for things to fix in the future. I never knew we -had- a search feature. Find and Find Next were probably broken before and may not work too well on systems without scintilla. At least it works with Scintilla now. Things look pretty darn spiffy right now. Roy
2005 Sep 16
I was not able to make an empty .i file work. Swig will complain about not finding a module. Theoretically, one could design a class that would throw an exception if you ever instantiated it if WXSCINTILLA wasn''t defined. In practice, I just added a rake task for generating optional components and added a directory called ''optional'' under swig/classes.
2005 Sep 18
Scintilla to try out
Here''s a .zip file with the files and directory structure needed to try out my scintilla changes. It also included a help file. You''ll, of course, need to download wxScintilla from here: Oh. Hmm, I just noticed he made a new build today. I guess I''ll have to go see what''s
2005 Sep 18
New version of .zip file for Scintilla
I missed three patch files that are needed. This new .zip file has them all. Oddly, after upgrading to 1.66 I''m having problems with the Scintilla object not being present. :( It all worked fine before. I''ll try to track it down and see if I missed some files. Roy _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2007 Mar 23
FXRuby scintilla issue
FXRuby version 1.6.4. I''ve been trying to compile FXruby with scintilla support. I''ve downloaded: Compiled it and installed it. FXruby is 1.6.4 I get: AL_H -I/usr/local/include/fxscintilla -I/usr/local/include/fox-1.6 -c frames_wrap.cpp /usr/local/include/fxscintilla/FXScintilla.h:84: error:
2004 May 27
Statistics Avec R (Vincente Zoonekynd): portuguese translation
Dears friends, I have been translating and extended, with educational porposes only, the available material in the www ( "Statistcs avec R" for the Portuguese of Brazil. I consider the material very good and would like to share this work with anothers users R. Already I translated and I extended two chapters: Introduction to the R and analysis
2005 Dec 16
Problème avec les accents...
Bonjour, J?ai un serveur Linux RedHat 9 sur lequel je fais un montage Samba d?un r?pertoire partag? d?un client Windows par : # smbmount //sf-etudes/partage /mnt/sf-etudes/ -o workgroup=Info,password=xxxx,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 J?acc?de correctement aux fichiers Windows, mais les fichiers ayant des noms accentu?s (ex : L?on.txt) s?affichent avec un caract?re ? ? ? et je ne peux pas
2008 May 27
problem avec le navigatieur firefox
Bonjour, j'aime bien Mozilla Firefox; mais il déconne juste aprés son installation, et je n'arive pas à me connecter aprés ;en recevant un message , qui m'indique un probleme dans de fichier *install.rdf *s'il vous plait pouvez vous m'aider??? Merçi cordialement [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2001 Mar 07
et aol ca marche avec wine????
desesperement je cherche un moyen d avoir aol sur mon linux.......... l emulation l est il?
2009 Oct 22
Can't configure Cisco 7942 avec factory reset
Hi, (I think) I followed instructions here ( section "Notes added Nov 2005, revised May 2006:" at the bottom of the page) to factory reset a Cisco 7942 I wanted to configure to SIP firmware. When booting, I can see this requesting and obtaining file term42.default.loads from TFTP server. Then it would send a request
2004 Aug 06
developpement flac avec Icecast
Thank you, I know that but anyone have been able to help me until today and i know that a french team developper is working in the ogg flac developpement. But it's true it is not polite! (-: Excuse me. I forgot to ask a question. I wonder if i must adapt the streamer Ices or the libshout to stream the oggflac format. Vincent Miekisiak
2009 Feb 13
téléchargement et affichage d'image avec HtmlWindow
2014 May 07
les opérations ajouter,supprimer,modifier un client avec jEE et asterisk
salut, je suis entrain de developper une application jEE avec asterisk qui consiste ? ajouter, supprimer,modifier des clients en utilisant Asterisk au lieu de base de donn?e, donc je suis d?butante dans ce domaine,j'ai fait pour l'instant une connection via asterisk avec API manager , mais je n'arrive pas a faire la manipulation d'ajout,supprime..Client car je n'ai pas saisie
2014 Apr 03
Retrouvez-nous au Salon de l'Immobilier avec les promoteurs de l'Ouest
Si vous ne visualisez pas correctement l???e-mail, cliquez ici <> RETROUVEZ-NOUS AU SALON NATIONAL DE L'IMMOBILIER ?? PARIS <> <> a s??lectionn?? pour vous les meilleurs
2006 Sep 12
wxScintilla already comes with a SWIG friendly header file. I modified the rakewx and the Scintilla.i file to include it directly from the wxScintilla install. This means it''s an odd-ball compared to our other classes. Does anyone see a problem with this? I think it''s best to use the one supplied with the installation to avoid problems of the header file getting out of
2007 May 21
Wx::Scintilla class not defined
I''m posting this for a friend who is having trouble with this and here is his message. "Heya! I''m working on a script editor application, but it''s missing one key feature: Syntax highlighting. Seeing this, I looked around in the sample directory and came across scintilla.rb. I attempted a run, however Ruby reported Wxruby2::Scintilla as an uninitialized
2004 Aug 06
developpement flac avec Icecast
Bonjour, Actuellement en 4ème année en ecole d'ingénieur, nous avons a developper une application de streaming capable de gérer le format Flac. Pour cela, nous avons repris les sources de Icecast et du streamer Ices. Mais devant la difficulté de la manipulation de la librairie Flac en tant que tel, nous avons choisi d'utiliser la technologie Ogg pour transporter le flux audio flac.