similar to: wxRuby textArea??

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "wxRuby textArea??"

2008 Mar 07
copy & paste event
hi. now I have problem about copy and paste text in my application I make copy and paste button in toolbar and I have fuction of them but I don''t know how to make it can copy only selection text and paste into other textCtrl. see my picture for more info. thank you :) Attachments: -- Posted via
2007 Sep 03
API survey results & update
Thanks to everyone who voted in the API style survey. We had 10 votes altogether - we''re not electing the prime minister, after all - but it was decisively a yes. 90% (9/10) supported adding keyword constructors, and 77% (7/9) ruby-style accessors. The changes are summarised at the bottom of the email. We hope to have a 1.9.1 release incorporating these in the next week or two.
2004 Aug 19
Documents, Views and DocManagers
Hi, Are there any effort in making wxDocument, wxView, etc types of classes avaiable under wxRuby? For supporting SDI/MDI architecture. Cheers, Phuah Yee Keat
2007 Apr 12
(no subject)
Bonjour. Je n''ai pas encore eu l''occasion d''utiliser TE_RICH2 en plus de TE_RICH | TE_MULTILINE, je compte l''essayé. Pour rentrer le texte dans TextCtrl j''utilise : @dou << texte Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2007 Oct 26
Appending to a textarea with RJS
Ok, this is driving me nuts. I''m trying to RJS some text into a text_area which may or may not have been written in by the user. if I page.insert_html :before, :after, :top, or :bottom, it either sticks the contents above or below the text box (but never in). If I do: page[:textboxid].value = "blah" it overwrites the contents of the textbox but doesn''t APPEND to it.
2007 Aug 11
Salut alex, j''utilise ce bout de code pour faire apparaître mon texte dans ma fenêtre: @dou =, -1, "",, 70),, 210), TE_RICH | TE_MULTILINE) @dou << "je vais à l''école" le problème c''est que l''encodage ne marche pas.Je ne peut pas mettre l''accentuation.J''ai essayer pas mal de
2003 Nov 06
wxWindows 2.4.2
My system just upgraded itself to wxGtk 2.4.2. I re-built everything, and had no compile errors. The minimal sample worked fine. I haven''t had a chance to do more testing. But, it appears that wxruby is compatible with wxWindows 2.4.2. Kevin
2007 Apr 18
Turning off spell checker in TextCtrl
Hi, I''m running WxRuby2 on Mac OS X. Something is spell checking the text that I put into it; words it doesn''t recognize get an annoying red line under them. How can I turn the spell checker off? Thanks, Paul
2010 Aug 23
Segmentation Fault
Once more, with feeling. I''m trying to implement using xrc_replace so as to use a RichTextCtrl in a form created by FormBuilder. The problem is that I can''t even create a RichTextCtrl. When I try to, I get a segmentation fault. I''ve attached the files that are causing this. I''m running wxRuby on a box running an up-to-date PCLinuxOS distro. I''ve
2006 Aug 24
TreeCtrl background?
On my windows build, I just noticed that the background of my TextCtrl''s is grey by default, and when I try to set the default style I get the error: TestTextCtrl.rb:15:in `set_default_style'': undefined method `'' for #<Wxruby2::TextCtrl:0x360a0c4> (NoMethodError) from TestTextCtrl.rb:15:in `initialize'' from TestTextCtrl.rb:24:in
2005 Jul 16
wxruby (was: Some questions)
Roy Sutton wrote (on the FreeRIDE list): > Really? That''s interesting. I haven''t checked out WxRuby but I would > be much happier using something that interfaces to the underlying > operating system''s widgets. As a member (and former leader) of the wxruby team, I thought I would share the state of the wxruby world. The current release is 0.6, and it has
2006 Aug 24
New wxTextAttr.h
When I was trying to find the problem Mark Ping was having with set_default_style in TextCtrl I thought the problem might have been with wxTextAttr, it was not but I updated the .h file in the process. Because the file has changed so much from the last version I am uploading the whole file. Note that the change is not just the removal of comments some of the method signatures have changed with wx
2007 Nov 13
SashWindowLayout design
Hello! I want a SashWindowLayout with 3 small panels (below each other) on the left side and the big remaining area to the right. All walls movable. The approach that I''ve used to get kind of the effect I wanted was to first add the right-side area (right-aligned), then add 2 other top-aligned panels. Which leaves the remaining area to the panel at the bottom left. I got a problem
2006 Sep 21
problem with TextCtrl#get_insertion_point
I''m trying to un-ignore TextCtrl#get_selection. The typemaps work fine, but in the process it breaks get_insertion_point. This is because (on Mac, tho not GTK), get_insertion_point calls get_selection internally and simply returns the first value. I think the return value is being converted from a long to a ruby int twice, because when get_selection is wrapped, it works fine but the
2009 Jan 29
Control Characters
I am attempting a text editor using wxRuby. I''m having character issues. Strings are not binary-safe. Some characters are not allowed. - newline / line feed (\n), tab (\t) are displayed - carraige return (\r) is stripped - Other control characters and high-ascii cause control values to become empty. Affected controls include: Wx::TextCtrl, Wx::StaticText, Wx::Clipboard, et al. Most
2005 Aug 15
Tracing down some things to add in validators and I''ve run across something that kinda bothers me... In order to implement validators you have to override the clone method. The directors seems to be set up to specifically handle this situation. However, whenever C++ calls back to the object''s methods the swig_get_up function is returning false. It seems like swig_up
2006 Aug 10
update on samples
Hi all Have been taking a look at the samples to see what''s broken. Not looking TOO bad overall, but a few problems we should try and tackle before alpha: Firstly, I have a few commits (minimal, dialogs, unicode) - anyone else been working on these or can I go ahead? One general issue is that many of the samples rely on being run from their own directory, but don''t enforce
2007 Apr 12
taille de caractère
en fait je vous renvoi ce message car maintenant la taille de la police change au bout de 500 lignes environ, alors que j''avais reussi à garder la taille jusqu''à environ 5000 lignes. Je ne comprend pas. Est-ce que c''est instable? le bout de code que vous m''avez envoyer ne marche pas. merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users
2006 Apr 27
Major Breakthrough?
Attached are patches to make the textctrl.rb sample work fully. Note the new %directorargout typemap I added to fix wxWindows calling into SWIG. I don''t know if this can fix all such problems or not. Let me know what you think. I also rubified the sample a little bit more. Also, note that I fix the << operator so the function can be called. I hope I did this right. Roy
2007 Apr 13
inplace editor and textarea
Hi, I have an inplace editor and I can access the innerHTML value of the created form. However the innerHTML gives "<textarea>....</textarea> ..." How can I access the textarea value? I tried to do innerHTML.textarea.value but it didn''t work. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks, Joe -- Posted via