similar to: wxSugar 0.1.19

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "wxSugar 0.1.19"

2007 Nov 02
xrcise tutorial, undefined method ''upper_bt''
Hi I''m trying to follow the tutorial on xrcise at But I keep getting the following error when I try to run the example; tutorial.rb:21:in `initialize'': undefined method ''upper_bt'' for #<CaseChangeFrame:0x2d610f8> (NoMethodError) from tutorial.rb:28:in `new'' from
2007 Oct 23
wxSugar 0.1.18
Coinciding with the wxRuby 1.9.2 release, we''ve got a new version of wxSugar to go with it: or gem install wx_sugar == WHAT''S NEW == The main exciting new feature in this release is a new tool called "xrcise" to make working with visual GUI designers such as DialogBlocks *much* easier. This tool generates all the code you
2008 Aug 12
xrc panels using xrcise
Hi all, I''m facing a problem generating base classes using xrcise. i''ve this xrc layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <resource version="" xmlns=""> <object class="wxFrame" name="ID_NOTIFIER" subclass="notifier">
2007 Sep 26
development status, 1.9.2
Hi all Just a quick update on recent SVN activity: * added Sound and CollapsiblePane classes * added the XRC tool to wxSugar * fixed some XRC bugs in Window * added syntax sugar for event handlers and list-like controls * added some missing methods in Sizer Sean - I''m away for about 10 days from this weekend, and I''m thinking of doing a 1.9.2 release in the next day or two.
2007 Nov 07
3 wxSugar questions
A bit new to wxRuby and have 2 questions regarding wxSugar: 1. I only find one sample application for wxSugar, but as I understand from the docs, wsSugar is the preferred approach. Are there any more wxSugar samples available somewhere? 2. When I run sugar-sample.rb, I get a couple of warnings: "listen is deprecated, use evt_xxx directly". Just wanted to check: Is this sample
2006 Sep 15
wxSugar 0.1.1, in subversion
Hi WxSugar 0.1.1 is now available for download from: And in subversion svn co svn:// This version speeds up accessors.rb (thanks to Sean''s suggestion), and fixes a few bugs. alex
2007 Nov 12
XRCise says "Cannot create wrapper for subclass of wxWizard"
I have created a very simple DialogBlocks project that consists of a very simple wxWizard. I have exported the project to XRC and am trying to get XRCise to process it. XRCise produces the message "Cannot create wrapper for subclass of wxWizard". Is this a symptom of the XPath parsing in Ruby 1.8.6 bug? Or am I doing something wrong? My env: ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0)
2007 Sep 20
Bug? in wxSugar enumerable_controls.rb
Hi, I wanted to use wxSugar enumerable features to add a method for returning checked items'' index to the CheckListBox class : require ''wx_sugar/version'' require ''wx_sugar/wx_classes/control_with_items'' require ''wx_sugar/wx_classes/listctrl'' class Wx::CheckListBox def checked_items # use of find_all method from Enumerable
2006 Oct 21
wxsugar question
I''ve only had the briefest play with wxSugar and already I like it a lot. One small question - have you considered some more ''convention over configuration'' like they do in rails, in particular for event connectors? So instead of listen(:button, my_button, my_button_pressed) you can leave it out entirely and rely on the convention that a button has a _pressed
2009 Nov 23
xrcise not working
Hi. I''m back. Unfortunately I can''t get xrcise working. Here is the sample xrc file and the resulting error messages: =============== TestWxFb.xrc ========================================= <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <resource xmlns="" version="">
2006 Nov 29
wxSugar control problem
I''m using wx_sugar 0.1.2 with wxruby2-preview 0.0.37 on OSX and am coming up with an error when trying to create a SpinCtrl (and quite a few others have exactly the same prob.): #file date_picker.rb class DatePicker < Wx::Dialog def initialize super(nil, :title => "Pick a date...") @cal = add(@cal) #works fine up to
2009 Mar 27
xrciser problem
I built a Windows GUI using DialogBlocks v4.29, saved the resulting XRC for processing with wxRuby''s xrciser tool. Following Ruby products installed: wxRuby is v 2.0.0 wxSugar is v0.1.22 Ruby is v1.9.1 Rubygems is v1.3.1 Running xrciser on the file gives the following: C:\ruby>xrcise -o toolgui.rb tool.xrc
2009 Aug 10
xrcise -o test.rb ui.xrc
I built a small form in wxFormBuilder. In cmd i wrote xrcise -o test.rb ui.xrc output was C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/wx_sugar-0.1.22/lib/wx_sugar/xrc/outputter.rb:4 6:in `clean_id_attr_readers'': undefined method `each'' for #<String:0xba5850> (No MethodError) from (erb):16:in `output'' from C:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/erb.rb:753:in `eval''
2007 Apr 03
wxSugar 0.1.15 released
Hi WxSugar 0.1.15 is now available via gems and download from rubyforge. This is a minor feature release which adds a couple of new facilities: * enumerable_controls: treats ListCtrl and ControlWithItems classes, such as ComboBox, ListBox, CheckListBox as Ruby enumerables * adds Window#has_style? The former is meant to give much more rubyish access to the contents of GUI controls which
2006 Dec 03
wxSugar 0.1.3 released
WxSugar version 0.1.3 is available from It can be installed via gems, or using ''rake install'' from the tar.gz file. == What''s new This is mainly a bugfix release, fixing some problems with KeywordConstructors for certain wxruby classes (thanks to Alex Speller for spotting these). It''s a recommended
2007 Mar 22
[914] trunk/wxsugar/README.txt: Added README for WxSugar
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2007 Apr 03
[947] tags/wxsugar/0.1.15/: Tagged WxSugar 0.1.15
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2007 Mar 22
[915] tags/wxsugar/0.1.14/: Tagged WxSugar 0.1.14
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2006 Dec 03
[775] tags/wxsugar/0.1.13/: Tagged WxSugar 0.1.13
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2007 Mar 22
[913] trunk/wxsugar/LICENCE.txt: Added LICENCE for WxSugar
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding: