similar to: Tinc crashes when node with identical configuration is present twice

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Tinc crashes when node with identical configuration is present twice"

2004 May 03
tincd.exe -K (sorry if present twice)
Hello, can one specify the priv/pub key filepath without the -c switch. I need some more controll over where the keys get stored. tincd.exe, without the -n switch stores it's keys in a static path. Relativ pathes would help. thx, Axel
2013 Jul 16
Result of Applying IGD VGA Passthrough Patches to Xen 4.4-unstable Changeset 27238
Hi, I have just applied IGD VGA Passthrough patches to Xen 4.4-unstable changeset 27238. Please refer to the 2 attached patches. 1. [Xen-devel] [PATCH 2/3] V4 qemu-xen-trad: Correctly expose PCH ISA bridge for IGD passthrough Link: 2. [Xen-devel] [PATCH 3/3] qemu-xen-trad: IGD passthrough: Expose vendor specific pci
2013 Jul 16
Result of Applying IGD VGA Passthrough Patches to Xen 4.4-unstable Changeset 27238
Hi, I have just applied IGD VGA Passthrough patches to Xen 4.4-unstable changeset 27238. Please refer to the 2 attached patches. 1. [Xen-devel] [PATCH 2/3] V4 qemu-xen-trad: Correctly expose PCH ISA bridge for IGD passthrough Link: 2. [Xen-devel] [PATCH 3/3] qemu-xen-trad: IGD passthrough: Expose vendor specific pci
2005 Nov 30
Samba and netbeui
Hello all, There is still a use for netbeui (non-routed protocol) in the network. If you are using a VPN client that does not allow split tunneling, you can still access printers on another local system with netbeui. I would like to remove the windows system and have my print shares on my Linux system with Samba. Is all consideration of netbeui within the Linux/Samba environment gone?
2010 Feb 18
Errors compiling tinc 1.0.12 on QNAP NAS (x86)
Hello, first of all - thanks for creating tinc! It has become an invaluable tool for me to securely join a multitude of servers and clients through a VPN. Today, I was trying to compile Tinc 1.0.12 on my newly purchased x86 Linux-based QNAP TS-239 Pro NAS device (Kernel The configure-script finishes without error (see attached config.log). However, configure.status fails with
2012 Aug 26
Recipe for "admin-less restore"
Is there a way for setting up dovecot in such a way that a user can "jump back in time" to an old mailbox "state" in order to retrieve his accidentially deleted mail? -- Ralf Hildebrandt Gesch?ftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk Charit? - Universit?tsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450
2005 Jul 06
Emergency Asterisk Guru Help needed EMERGENCY
911 Help! I accidentially deleted all directories under /var/spool/asterisk I did use the backup facility not too long ago but cannot find the process for restore. However, I don't believe a full restore is needed -- I just need to know the names of the directories under /var/spool/asterisk and re-create them (I hope!). Can some kind soul give me some direction or tell me the directory
2013 Apr 12
Port forwarding for KVM
Hi all, Let me illustrate what I want to do. I want to launch a QEMU "inside" a KVM virtual machine, then get that QEMU's vnc output. I am using libvirt 0.9.13 (`libvirtd --version`), and attach is my vm's original config xml. Is there a simple way to achieve my goal? I was told that iptable solution I found on the web is for "tap" interface, and I can use
2007 Apr 03
lmer, CHOLMOD warning: matrix not positive definite
Hi, I am getting a warning message when I am fitting a generalized linear mixed model (m1.2 below). CHOLMOD warning: matrix not positive definite Error in objective(.par, ...) : Cholmod error `matrix not positive definite' at file:../Supernodal/t_cholmod_super_numeric.c, line 614 Any idea? Thanks for your help, Reza > sessionInfo() R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18) i386-pc-mingw32
2004 Nov 29
Calling from PSTN let exension 601 ring twice, hang up and starts over again to ring twice, ...
Calling from PSTN let extension 601 ring twice, hang up and starts over again to ring twice, ... If I pickup I do not hear on extension 601, and on the PSTN it is still signaling to ring. Can anybody enlighten me, please? extension.conf [incoming_88097074] exten => s,1,Wait(1) ;wait to get caller ID in. exten => s,2,Dial(SIP/102,20) exten => s,3,Voicemail(u102) exten =>
2009 Jul 25
Deleting .RData files
Hi all! I have accidentially saved few objects when I have closed workspace and clicked from "save workspace image" "Yes". Now I would like to delete the .RData files so that workspace wouldnt restore the unwanted objects everytime I open the workspace. I know i could delete the corresponding .RData files but the problem is that I don't know which of the files contain the
2006 Aug 03
render_to_string without render twice error
When I have a user go to a certain page, it will fork off a thread that will perform some action. So the main thread will finish and render :nothing => true . Now, I want that forked off thread to render into a string a partial. However, I cannot render_to_string :partial=> :foobar because I have already rendered once. Is there anyway to get around this? -- Posted via
2006 Jun 07
revised rake doc:app executes twice
I''m trying to create a new rake task that will generate slightly customized RDoc documentation for my Rails app. So I''ve created a new task (shown below) in lib/tasks/doc.rake. It generates documentation OK, but it executes the task twice every time I ''rake doc:custom''. namespace :doc do desc "Generate customized documentation for this application"
2006 Jun 23
Engine controllers are read twice
In all our engines, the app/controllers/*_controller.rb are read twice during application startup, resulting in undesirable side effects, such as duplicated before and after filters. We have post a ticket in the Rails Engine tracking system [1], but we are doubting if it is also reasonable to post it in Rails Trac, because, althought de engine has its own controllers, filters are Rails features.
2007 Sep 15
evaluate called twice
Hi. I am creating a custom type. The question is why function evaluate is called twice at the end? -- Dmitri Priimak
2005 Jul 20
sorry for sending this twice
My opera browser crashed and I somehow missed the mail was actually already sent, so I wrote it again. Sorry for two almost identical mails. Tomas
2008 Mar 06
Theme shows up twice in winecfg
I think I may have accidentally installed the same Ubuntu Human windows theme twice and so when I go to select a theme "Human" pops up in the menu twice. How do I fix it so that it only shows up once? Screenshot Here (
2006 Feb 20
Problem with flash[:notice] appearing twice
In my save function in my (ajax!!!) controller, i''ve got a bit like this: if ... flash[:notice] = ''NOT SAVED: This month is locked'' render :partial => ''edit'' else save it... redirect to ''show'' action.... ... If i try to save an entry for a locked month, it correctly brings me back to my edit action with the
2006 Jan 02
Many to Many relationship - trys to destroy twice??
I''m trying to work with a many to many relationship but since my join table need additional attributes I can''t use habtm. When I attempt to destroy an item from the join table RoR appears to attempt to destroy the item twice. Here is an example from the log file showing the process. The record is identified using a find_by_sql using the two id parameters (and a third
2010 Oct 07
getent passwd lists local users twice
I am using winbind on a member server and the DC is using the tdbsam Getent passwd lists local users twice once as expected and once with the MACHINE\user How can I make it stop?