similar to: Address family not supported

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2300 matches similar to: "Address family not supported"

2010 Feb 25
variable substitution in for loops
Friends I can't quite find a direct answer to this question from the lists, so here goes: I have several dataframes, 200+ columns 2000+ rows. I wish to script some operations to perform on some of the variables (columns) in the data frames not knowing what the column number is, hence have to refer by name. I have variable names in a text file "varlist". So, something like this:
2008 Jan 22
row-wise conditional update in dataframe
Hi! I need to conditionally update a dataframe field based on values in other fields and can't find even how to search for this right. Sorry if this has been asked before. But, specifically, I have a 490 X 221 dataframe and need to count, by row, how many fields in Dataframe$field_a...Dataframe$field_zz are non-null and enter this value in Dataset$ABCtaskNum. I have field name
2009 Apr 18
need help with tinc windows service
hi im a newbie to networking and plz pardon my mistakes. i installed tinc 1.0.9 and followed the tinc setup instructions as in the tinc-windows example. after i hav started the tinc service with tincd -n command the service starts and then stops abrupty giving the message " the tinc.test service on the local computer has started and then stopped.Some services stop automatically if
2010 Dec 09
lapply getting names of the list
Hello All, I have a toy dataframe like this. It has 8 columns separated by tab. Name SampleID Al1 Al2 X Y R Th rs191191 A1 A B 0.999 0.09 0.78 0.090 abc928291 A1 B J 0.3838 0.3839 0.028 0.888 abcnab A1 H K 0.3939 0.939 0.3939 0.77 rx82922 B1 J K 0.3838 0.393
2001 Nov 01
Diablo 2 - Two mouse cursors
Hello, I'm running Diablo 2 under Wine. It runs beautifully, except I get two mouse cursors: the game cursor, and the X cursor. This can get kind of disconcerting sometimes, because they're not always colocated. Any hints? I have DxGrab = Y. -- Soli Deo Gloria -Rob French
2010 Jun 09
generate list of variable names
Hi! Would anyone know how to generate a list of variable names from a data frame by the class of the variable? I have large tables with different numbers of columns and am trying to script some rote analyses. There are several categorizing variables (factors) and many response variables (integers and numeric). I want to extract a list of classifier column names in one list and response variable
2010 Feb 18
variable substitution
Hi I would like to write a script that reads a list of variable names. These variable names are some of the column headers in a data.frame. Then I want do a for-loop to execute various operations on the specified variables in the data.frame, but can't figure out how to do the necessary variable substitution. In bash (or C) I would use "$var", but there seems to be no equivalent in
2012 Oct 29
Hausman test error solve
Hello, I am trying to conduct a Hausman test to choose between FE estimators and RE estimators. When I try to run: library(plm) fixed <- plm(ROS ~ DiffClosenessC +ZZiele + AggSK + nRedundantStrecken + Degree + KantenGew + BetweennessC + SitzKappazitaet, data=Panel,index=c("id","time"),model="within") summary(fixed) fixef(fixed) random <-plm(ROS ~
2017 May 01
SSH1 deleted
Hi, I just deleted SSHv1 support in OpenBSD and portable OpenSSH. There's probably a little dead code still to be expunged, but all user-visible functionality and the bulk of the supporting infrastructure is gone. Sic transit gloria mundi. -d
2006 Apr 12
vim 7 ruby omni-complete v0.2
Thanks to some outside suggestions and contributions we now have another release. If you missed the original announcement, rbcomplete provides a vim7 omni-completion function (code completion) for vim. It is based on complete.rb, pycomplete.vim and ccomplete.vim. Any input is welcome. Whats New: ------------ At the request of many people, Object''s instance methods are no longer
2011 Oct 11
Nuevamente necesito ayuda, parece que en lugar de aprender ¿desaprendo? Es un problema sencillo, cosas que uno ya hacía y ahora por arte de magia no salen. Se trata sobre apply (esta vez no intente con programación). La intención es crear una columna en el data.frame donde coloco palabras o NA, de acuerdo a una columna donde está todo codificado. Posiblemente se entiende mejor copiando y pegando
2009 Sep 25
Letra cursiva en legend()
Buenas tardes para todos, Consideren la siguiente gráfica: # Algunos datos set.seed(123) D <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 2) # Gráfico matplot(D, type = ''l'', lty = 1, col = c(3,4), las = 1, xlab = "Observación", ylab = ''Valores'') # Leyenda legend(''topleft'', c(''A1'',''A2''), text.col =
2005 Jun 01
Realtime+IAX2 and RSA
Anyone had Realtime working with IAX2 and RSA authentication to connect two PBXs, please? It seems that inkeys/outkey fields are not read at all and the following warning is logged when dialing: Jun 2 02:41:36 WARNING[6299] chan_iax2.c: I don't know how to authenticate ******** to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Using iax.conf it perfectly works. Maybe a bug in Realtime? TIA, Alex
2005 Jun 22
problem compile
Hello, I try to compile the driver zaptel and they give the following error: linux01:/usr/src/zaptel# make install gcc -Iir/include -O6 -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -DEXPORT_SYMTAB -Iir/drivers/ l -I. -Wstrict-prototypes -fomit-frame-pointer -Iir/drivers/net/wan -Iir /net -DSTANDALONE_ZAPATA -o zaptel.o -c zaptel.c In file included from zaptel.c:44: /usr/include/linux/module.h:21:
2003 Oct 20
Group authentication
I have installed samba 3.0.0 on a RedHat 9.0 box. I have used the rpm binary i got from Canada mirror. The server is a dual Pentium II 400 IBM NetFinity 5000. Installation was easy. Testparm outputs: [root@seth root]# testparm Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf Processing section "[desenv]" Loaded services file OK. 'winbind separator = +' might cause problems with
2009 Sep 21
Combine vectors in order to form matrixes with combn
Hello! I've a problem with the combn function and a set of vector. I would like to make a simple combination where, instead of scalars, i would like to combine vector, in order to form matrixes. In other words, i have nineteen 6-items vectors (for example coef1-coef19), that i would like to combine in n!/k!(n-k)! 6x6 matrixes. I tried with a code like this mma <-
2015 Jun 08
Fwd: tinc questions
Hi, I have some questions about tinc. " *Automatic full mesh routing*Regardless of how you set up the tinc daemons to connect to each other, VPN traffic is always (if possible) sent directly to the destination, without going through intermediate hops. " 1- To have client to client direct connection and don't have traffic through the server should I have port forward at the NAT? Or
2010 Nov 04
About Acoustic Echo Canceller
Hello. I'm from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil and I'm trying to adapt speex_echo.h (speex-1.2beta3-win32) to our video-conference software code. We are working on amplitude values, but I realised that in order to AEC works, one has to convert amplitude to frequency and filter the echo frequencies. So, my question is: Do I have to manually convert amplitude samples to
2017 May 01
SSH1 deleted
-- jim knoble | jmknoble at > On Apr 30, 2017, at 19:40, Darren Tucker <dtucker at> wrote: > >> On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Damien Miller <djm at> wrote: >> >> Hi, >> >> I just deleted SSHv1 support in OpenBSD and portable OpenSSH. There's >> probably a little dead code still to be expunged, but
2004 Jul 16
Using Asterisk with fiber optic
Hi, I'd like to use PSTN and analogic telephone with a Asterisk server which works on a LAN connected to the outside with fiber optic, on which voice stream passes too. Do I need some particular solution, some particular card to make it works or I just need a Digium or similar fxo card? Thanks, Bob __________________________________________________________________ Tiscali ADSL Senza Canone,