similar to: tink solution and mesh

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "tink solution and mesh"

2006 Jan 09
Bitrate at ultra wideband
Hello everyone. I would like to know which are the available bitrate using the ultra-wideband compression. Thank you! Paolo Gruppo Telecom Italia - Direzione e coordinamento di Telecom Italia S.p.A. ================================================ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This message and its attachments are addressed solely to the persons above and may contain confidential information. If you
2017 Oct 24
Tinc on PFSENSE box can join mesh, share keys, connect out, but doesn't reply to pings or connections
I've tried IRC in #tinc and #pfsense on freenode for this, not luck yet, figured I'd try the mailing list. A summary of my problem is here: If there are any details I can provide that would help I'll be more than happy to. I'm hoping it will be something obvious that someone can say
2002 Dec 12
rsync error with novell server
Hi guys! I'm using rsync to update my work and mail from my Unix-workstation to my home directory on a Novell-Server... This is what I get as a message after the rsync is finished rsync error: partial transfer (code 23) at main.c(578) I understand that rsync was trying to chown a directory on the server which Novell doesn't support (or our admin doesn't :}) ... however, I
2010 Apr 21
new clients not joining to my domain
Hello, Since about two weeks I've noticed (I tink after an update but I don't know) that when I try to join new XP client to my domain I get this error: /0x0000232B/ RCODE_NAME_ERROR And something about "The DNS SRV record is not registered in DNS" I don't paste all the description because it's in spanish, but I find a thread in this list with the same error
2006 Oct 23
Asterisk and dialer Running on Thin Clients
Hi everybody Im the IT Manager for a new call center and my bosses has assing to me a very dificult task i have to configure the call center using Hp 5520 thin clients, asterisk and some kind of dialer that allows outbound calls. I triyed using terminal services but it dind worked because the lack on the sound and the microphone do not work on the thin clients using terminal services, we tried
2014 Sep 10
advice : samba cups and point and print ( hardware needed )
Hi ? it's a bit offtopic here, but its a good place to ask.. ? I'm looking for some new printer hardware and i was thinking lets ask the samba people.. I'm just a bit wondering which brand and models of printers do you all use. I'm using samba with cups with point and print setup.? I?only use windows drivers ( no ppd's ) . ? now im having for example some HP 4345MFP
2007 Feb 14
genzaptool from "xorcom"
hi every body; i installed zaptel 1.4,libpri 1.4, asterisk 1.4, asterisk-addons 1.4 succefuly, but i can't find the command "genzaptelconf, so i tink to install "handy zaptel toolset" please can someone tell me whitch package goes with zaptel 1.4, i consult "" but ????????????
2008 Sep 03
delta index in Sphinx
Hello, all! Help me please to solve problem with Sphinx and its delta index. Configuration file is located in attachment to this topic. ------------------------------------------------------------------- mysql> select id, e_mail from users where e_mail LIKE ''%test%''; -------------------------------------------------------------------
2012 Apr 03
Connecting two overlay meshes into a single mesh
Hi everyone. I'm wondering whether a setup like the one described below would be possible with Tinc: nodeA1 nodeB3 | | (Network A) --- [GWA] --- (Internet) --- [GWB] --- (Network B) | | nodeA2
2012 Sep 04
what package does the mesh function need
Hello, I tried to plot some 3d-plots with the 'mesh' function, but I allways get the message 'Fehler: konnte Funktion "mash" nicht finden' in english this means 'error: can't find the function "mesh"'. Do I need another package? I didn't found anything in the web this afternoon, only descriptions how to use the function. I looked up a lot of
2015 Jun 11
tinc as layer 2 switch doesn't automatically mesh with other nodes
tinc uses direct UDP communication for performance, not reliability. If you want to establish more metaconnections for increased reliability, you can use AutoConnect (though it probably won't work across NATs). A better solution is to use two central nodes (instead of one) for redundancy. On 11 June 2015 at 18:59, Daniel J. Grinkevich <danielgrinkevich at> wrote: > If we
2011 Apr 28
Suggestion: use Open-Mesh/BATMAN to help with layer 2/3 routing? Idea #1: is BATMAN worth considering using as part of the layer 2 routing in Tinc? Idea #2: would it be possible to embed BATMAN as an option to avoid having to use Quagga for routing v6 subnets? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2012 Jan 26
N Hosts on an Untrusted LAN in Full Mesh?
Hello, tinc experts! I have a question that I have not been able to find an answer to after reading the manual and examples and I was hoping someone could help me. So, let's say I have an elastic number of hosts all in rfc-1918 space that need to talk to each other. And lets also say that I do not trust the network they are on. Is there a way I can configure tinc on all N hosts to use the
2015 Jun 11
tinc as layer 2 switch doesn't automatically mesh with other nodes
We have a handful of nodes set up. Some are NAT'd but a few have direct access to the Internet. Sample confs: HostA: Name = HostA AddressFamily = any Interface = tap0 Mode = switch Connectto = HostB GraphDumpFile = /tmp/mesh HostB: Name = HostB AddressFamily = any Interface = tap0 Mode = switch Connectto = HostA GraphDumpFile = /tmp/mesh And so on. If I use HostA as the main meta sever.
2016 Apr 30
What would be the configuration options to turn off all mesh routing
Hi, if we are to configure Tinc just like a traditional server-client VPN, what would be the options to set in the configuration file to achieve that. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2015 May 30
Help us with finishing the KCC (ending full-mesh replication on the Samba4 AD DC)
I've been slowly reviewing our KCC patch series by Douglas and Garming into Samba git master over the past few days, and I expect that to be fully merged shortly. The purpose of this work is to change Samba from full-mesh replication to respecting site boundaries, and so trying to reduce WAN replication traffic. However, I need the help of Samba administrators to ensure this work is ready
2010 Mar 02
IDEA: How to change the mesh without changing config files.
> My idea is to register the same DNS name with as many IP addresses as i have 'servers' and may be some 'clients' with public IPs. The point is, a single DNS name will have all servers behind it, so the benefits are: You even need extra hosts files for every server, so why make it complicated? Other idea: Create 3 internet tinc server names in dns and 3 host files. Use as
2015 Jun 04
Mesh and scalability
On 4 June 2015 at 22:36, Johannes Ernst <johannes.ernst at> wrote: > It seems to me that if Node B is supposed to be able to send stuff directly to Node C (instead of Node A), Node B needs to know where Node C is. Does this mean that each Node has to have a complete network map? This seems to become very unwieldy with larger deployments. Yes, each node knows about the entire
2017 Dec 16
Tinc on PFSENSE box can join mesh, share keys, connect out, but doesn't reply to pings or connections
On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 6:38 PM, Darren Mobley <corpdecker at> wrote: > I've tried IRC in #tinc and #pfsense on freenode for this, not luck yet, > figured I'd try the mailing list. > > A summary of my problem is here: > > > > If there are any details I can
2018 Apr 24
Upgrading 1.1pre14 nodes to 1.1pre15 in an existing mesh
Hi I have a Tinc cluster of about 100 nodes, and they are all running tinc 1.1pre14. I'd like to upgrade to tinc 1.1pre15. Is there a suggested mechanism to do this while keeping the cluster up? For instance can I simply automate the installation of tinc 1.1pre15 on each node and reload the existing configuration using 'tinc reload' Will the temporary state of having a mix set of