similar to: Problems getting tinc running

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Problems getting tinc running"

2003 Jul 19
Problem with more than two Subnets!
Hello, I successfully built a vpn between two hosts ("main" and "iquique") (and its SubNets), but I have problems when I want to add another host ("valparaiso"): I get a lot of Duplicates packets everywhere and a very slow vpn. I guess that is a routing problem, but I have try with a lot of alternatives without result. I have try with "switch",
2004 Dec 10
Shorewall and IPSEC
I setup some IPSEC between 2 networks. From 1 network I can ping the other networks local connection but not anything beyond that. Network A - (loc) (net) Network B - (loc) (net) I''m on local machine on network A, I can ping but I cannot ping a machine on that network ex. I was thinking it probally has to do
2002 Nov 17
I''m working with LEAF boxes as gateway machines. I''m trying to implement Proxy-ARP to build a bandwidth manager for my network. I''ve gone as per the lartc howto to implement a transparent bridge in an existing network and plan to put in my tc script after this. I''m configuring the box as a standalone one before plugging it into the network. I''m getting
2002 Aug 15
Beste tinc-developer, Ik moet van mijn baas een aantal VPN's aanleggen en ben nu thuis bezig om te testen. Ik heb 2 computers in een thuisnetwerkje (totaal 6 computers) geinstalleerd met SuSe 7.3, daar de klanten dit ook hebben. De computers zijn verbonden met een switch. Dit is de inhoud van mijn bestanden: Op computer 1 genaamd suse met ip netmask
2004 Sep 22
2.6 kernel ipsec and shorewall
I set up an ipsec/racoon vpn tunnel test environment. The gateway machines are and on the external adaptor and and internally. The test workstations are and The tunnel seems to be working as in can talk to an vice versa and they can both use the net via NAT, however and cannot directly
2002 Apr 25
Routing between two tunnels
Hi! Me and two friends are trying to get a VPN working, but we cant get routing between two tunnels. This is how it looks, all servers (192.168.*.1) are running IP Masquerade to enable the other computers behind them to access the internet. Both elayne and glenn are connecting to melc, and the tunnel between melc and glenn are running TCPOnly because that glenn doesnt have a public IP (it's
2010 Feb 02
No subject
"PrivateKeyFile" as this is default, otherwise configuration is quite minimal. ======= Configuration ========= Server Side =========== # cat tinc.conf Name = fsvpns3f30 Mode = switch Device = /dev/net/tun AddressFamily = ipv4 PingInterval = 30 PrivateKeyFile = /etc/tinc/fsvpn/rsa_key.priv # cat tinc-up #!/bin/sh ifconfig $INTERFACE netmask # cat
2002 Feb 18
hung while trying to contact host
Using tinc1.0pre5 Three machines A, B, and C tinc.conf on A: ----------------- Name = A PrivateKeyFile = /usr/local/etc/tinc/vpn/rsa_key.priv Device = /dev/tun ConnectTo = B tinc.conf on B: ----------------- Name = B PrivateKeyFile = /usr/local/etc/tinc/vpn/rsa_key.priv Device = /dev/tun ConnectTo = C A is up and connected to B which is up. Machine C is down. The log on B shows it
2005 Jan 13
Tinc on Windows
Hi folks. At the moment I'm using tinc to connect to linux boxes, both of which are behind NAT. This works just fine. I'd now like to connect some roaming windows users to the network so they can browse a samba share like I can already do with linux. These folk will likely have dynamic IP addresses. The server has an IP of My client has an IP of Here's what
2010 Oct 20
tinc problem with windows
Hi , today i was trying to connect my windows 7 client to my tinc server and i ran into a strange problem :) my tinc server is running tinc 1.0.11 on ubuntu 10.04 in switch mode , and the windows client is running tinc 1.0.13, there is a very strange problem , i tried to connect the windows system , i configured it , and it didn't work , so i ran it in debug mode -D -d5 , and it told me: Got
2002 Oct 03
VPN behind masquerading firewall 1.Opre7
Dear Tinc developer, I have some problems connecting to the other site of the VPN Here are my configuration files on pc1 Configuration files on pc2 /usr/local/etc/tinc/tinc.conf /usr/local/etc/tinc/tinc.conf Name = pc1 Name = pc2 TapDevice = /dev/tap0 TapDevice = /dev/tap0 PrivateKeyFile =
2006 Jan 20
Tinc connects but no bridge
I'm really trying to do a client to server connection more than an ethernet bridge, but I couldn't figure out from the docs where that comes in. Client is Kubuntu Breezy, and server is Debian Sarge. Tinc was installed with apt-get on both systems. Version on server is 1.0.3, on client is 1.0.4. I've spent the entire day toiling over getting this set up. I had ipchains rules, etc,
2016 Feb 12
Tinc Router Mode - PING RESULT is destination host unreachable
El 12 de febrero de 2016 16:51:59 CET, Eric Yau <ericyaukhy at> escribi?: >Hi All, > > > >I am trying to setup the site-to-site VPN with TINC for connect my home >network to company network. Here is the IP allocation and configuration >for >your reference. > > > >Home PC ( ?-----? Home (OPENWRT Router,, >
2009 Apr 12
Bridging on os x
Hello, I've been trying to get bridging working on os x for about a week and haven't been able to do it. I've exhausted the examples and google and just can't get it to work. Any help would be appreciated, as I'm about to give up :( The goal is to join our two 192.168.1.x networks and share a large 192.168.1.x network between the two of us. Our setup is as follows:
2003 Dec 05
Numerous disconections and MaxTimeout appears to be ignored
Hi I've compiled Tinc 1.0.2 from source but I'm having trouble. Not only am I having disconnections all the time (could be a network issue however) but even worse, Tinc is ignoring my MaxTimeout = 60 and is waiting longer and longer and longer (logfile shows it at 120 seconds). Is this a bug or have i misconfigured anything? best regards Marco Amrein Dec 5 11:25:12 frank
2006 Feb 21
[Bug 452] New: DNAT to internal network don't work with source routing and 2 uplinks Summary: DNAT to internal network don't work with source routing and 2 uplinks Product: netfilter/iptables Version: linux-2.6.x Platform: i386 OS/Version: Debian GNU/Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P2
2001 Nov 21
Connection problems
I have been having some problems setting up tinc on 2 masquerading linux slackware boxes. routerA is a NAT router to the internet, for two networks on two interfaces. This are the two networks: eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:E0:4C:6C:6D:86 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX
2002 Mar 03
tinc vs. ipchains masquerading
Howdy, I tried tackling this on irc with Ivo, but I suspect that irc may really not be the best medium for technical discussions, so I'll reprise it here. I am trying to duplicate the "tinc from behind a masquerading firewall" example from the tinc web site: (home) <--> (masquerading firewall) <--> (office)
2003 Jul 10
my two hosts don't see each other
Hi: First of all, thanks for this great piece of software! I found very clear the presentation sheets used at Linux Expo, Amsterdam. :-) About my problem, I setup everything to connect our two boxes. If I type 'ifconfig' I can see them up. Also the routes. ISIvirtual - Our firewall (iptables) which connects to the Internet through ADSL with a public dynamic IP. (the SSL client)
2013 May 02
Simple Class A VPN Guide - Problems
Hey guys, Stumbled upon tinc a few days ago - looks great. I'm having trouble setting up a simple VPN between two machines that are unfirewalled, one is a physical machine and another is a local VM. I can connect to them via their existing LAN IPs and ping them without issue with < 1ms. 1) I have WinA (Windows host - existing LAN IP and LinuxB (Linux host - existing LAN