similar to: tinc: very interesting problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 130 matches similar to: "tinc: very interesting problem"

2002 Aug 15
Beste tinc-developer, Ik moet van mijn baas een aantal VPN's aanleggen en ben nu thuis bezig om te testen. Ik heb 2 computers in een thuisnetwerkje (totaal 6 computers) geinstalleerd met SuSe 7.3, daar de klanten dit ook hebben. De computers zijn verbonden met een switch. Dit is de inhoud van mijn bestanden: Op computer 1 genaamd suse met ip netmask
2015 Dec 31
On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 05:26:38PM +0000, Pierre Beck wrote: > I have successfully connected a network of about 60 nodes (many of which are virtual machines) with tinc 1.0 but encounter a severe bug when physical connectivity between two major locations is lost and then reconnected. From what I gathered, many nodes attempt to connect to many other nodes, causing 100% CPU load on all nodes,
2015 Apr 23
Strange Traffic Problem
I'm been experiencing a very very odd problem for the past several weeks and am throwing it out in case someone can shed some light on it for me. There is a single box on our tinc mesh which can be pinged from all hosts, but cannot ping any. It is not limited to ping, the box cannot communicate over tinc. tinc is running in router mode for this mesh. ~30 other nodes function normally,
2002 Oct 03
VPN behind masquerading firewall 1.Opre7
Dear Tinc developer, I have some problems connecting to the other site of the VPN Here are my configuration files on pc1 Configuration files on pc2 /usr/local/etc/tinc/tinc.conf /usr/local/etc/tinc/tinc.conf Name = pc1 Name = pc2 TapDevice = /dev/tap0 TapDevice = /dev/tap0 PrivateKeyFile =
2018 Apr 11
Route certain trafic via a tinc node that is not directly connected.
Hello again :) Thank you all for your reply's. Below are the config files of the 3 hosts. I use  tinc in router mode. I do not have a kernel mode config lines anywhere so tinc must be using the default settings here. I added the ipaddressx to subnets on hostc and this works. Traffic to that ip is now routed via hostc. But since this ipaddressx address changes often I need to resolve it
2016 Jun 21
Metadata flooding
On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 01:04:31PM +0200, Hendrik Schumacher wrote: > From time to time the whole network goes down though. This happened when we > restarted a larger number of servers or when there was a connectivity issue > between datacenters or some (short) maintenance on the network > infrastructure. The problem was already described in the mailing list (for > example here:
2016 Feb 12
Tinc Router Mode - PING RESULT is destination host unreachable
El 12 de febrero de 2016 16:51:59 CET, Eric Yau <ericyaukhy at> escribi?: >Hi All, > > > >I am trying to setup the site-to-site VPN with TINC for connect my home >network to company network. Here is the IP allocation and configuration >for >your reference. > > > >Home PC ( ?-----? Home (OPENWRT Router,, >
2017 Sep 05
Packet capture to analysis the tinc connection close
Hi, All Recently, one of my tinc client always suffer connection drop, I was suspect the connection was not stable to cause this issue, and BTW, I’ve set the PingTimeout to 10 seconds already, but this situation still happens a lot sometimes, but when the connection drop happens, the connection recovery pretty fast, normally in a minutes. In order to deep dive into the cause, or proven the
2002 May 02
Using TEQL with two ADSL connection
Sorry this is the right message. Hi all, in my school I have: - two Netopia router for ADSL (perform NAT), - one linux box with 3 ethernet card I want to make a load balancing on the two ADSL line. I have configured the system as follow: The LAN interface, of the two ADSL router, have address (A) (B) The 3 ethernet card, on the linux box, have address: -eth2
2016 Jun 22
Metadata flooding
Thank you for the helpful advice. We will try to group the servers with different ConnectTo servers first. If this does not help we will look at the TunnelServer solution. Just to make sure we understand TunnelServer correctly: do you need to specify every host as ConnectTo that the host should be able to communicate with or is it sufficient to just provide the hosts files? Thanks, Hendrik
2001 Jun 01
Error: cannot route packet - please help
Hi, I?m fighting with a silly problem: my syslog tells me tinc cannot route a packet. I can use a telnet or the good ol ping, it is the same effect. When I?m pinging from the laptop ( the network address ( or any address numerically lower than the laptops address, the packet gets routed, otherwise not. And when I ping the network address, I get the reply twice, as to be
2013 May 10
ARP resolution not done from one end
Folks, We have a setup where each mobile node connects with 1 or more tinc instances (over different links) to a central node. tinc is running in switch mode. The link is chosen by setting the IP address on the active link's interface, and the central node sees this after the first packet on the link, and moves the MAC address to a different 'ethernet port' (link). This works really
2018 Apr 11
Route certain trafic via a tinc node that is not directly connected.
On 11 April 2018 at 11:30, Hans de Groot <hansg at> wrote: > Hello again :) > > Thank you all for your reply's. Below are the config files of the 3 hosts. > I use tinc in router mode. I do not have a kernel mode config lines > anywhere so tinc must be using the default settings here. > > I added the ipaddressx to subnets on hostc and this works. Traffic
2001 Jun 22
book on tinc
Hi Ivo and Guus, We are writing a book on building VPNs for Linux and a part of it describes tinc. I wanted to make sure that your opinion, as tinc authors and developers, is reflected. First, let me ask a couple of technical questions. 1. If there are two hosts, foo and bar, that are to be connected via tinc, and each host should only have _one_ IP address (i.e. nmask is /32), would the
2015 Dec 07
Tinc & moving VMs accross network
On Mon, Dec 07, 2015 at 07:32:58PM +0000, Etienne Dechamps wrote: > > When I move (hot move) a VM from a host to another, I have to restart > > Tinc on node from where VM is coming to get access to that VM again. > > I don't use tinc in Switch mode, but looking at the code (especially > the learn_mac() function) it looks like tinc is not really able to > migrate MAC
2016 Feb 02
Multiple Tinc servers HA cross multiple regions
Hi, I spend some time to investigate tinc to see how use it, Tinc is really good. I met some wired issue, maybe some guys can do me a favor. In my case, there are 3 regions, and 2 servers in each region, total 6 servers. each of servers will connect the servers in other regions, but no connection to server in same region in configuration. Region us-east Region us-west Region uk tinc.conf like:
2017 Mar 29
Timeout during authentication - connection timeout not configurable?
On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 10:14:30AM +0200, Nick Hibma wrote: > We use tincd over VSAT connections, and if the contract has been reduced to a bare minimum -and- the ship is moving, latency reaches 2 - 5 seconds (yes, seconds). Generally this is not a problem if you are patient (and most smart phones are), but tincd is slightly too fast in deciding that it is not going to work. We also use the
2017 May 24
Does the INT signal will force the tinc to re-read the tinc.conf file
I mean, if I changed pingtimeout on tinc.conf, -kHUP will force the tinc to re-read that parameter into effective? If no, any other ways to make it effective other that kill the process? for tinc 1.0.
2017 Sep 07
Packet capture to analysis the tinc connection close
On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 12:27:59PM +0800, Bright Zhao wrote: > Recently, one of my tinc client always suffer connection drop, I was suspect the connection was not stable to cause this issue, and BTW, I’ve set the PingTimeout to 10 seconds already, but this situation still happens a lot sometimes, but when the connection drop happens, the connection recovery pretty fast, normally in a minutes.
2016 Jan 22
Error starting tinc
No parameters using DNS. - tinc.conf content Name = sito1 AddressFamily = ipv4 BindToAddress = <IPPUB>:665 BindToInterface = int Device=/dev/net/tun Interface = vpndrif Mode = router PingInterval = 60 PingTimeout = 5 ProcessPriority = normal - host/sito1 content Address = <IPPUB>:665 Subnet = <IPLOCAL>/<NETMASK> Port = 655 -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- ... -----END