similar to: Tinc doesn't respond in Windows XP.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 130 matches similar to: "Tinc doesn't respond in Windows XP."

2008 Mar 27
Problems pinging PC on tunnel
Hello! I have set up tunnel between a FreeBSD machine and Windows Vista. Tunnel is established, but when I try to ping either end ping fails. I have temporarily switched off firewalls on both machines, no luck. Here is client tinc.conf on Vista: Name = lenovo_client ConnectTo = lenovo_server Interface = tinctap Subnet = Sevrer tinc.conf on FreeBSD: Device=/dev/tap0
2010 Jan 27
Configuration of hosts
I'm probably doing something I'm not supposed to even try, but I'm trying for "proof of concept" before physically setting up a distant network because of logistical issues. Anyway, I have tincd running as a service on two windows machines on the same lan. I'm trying to establish a connection between those two computers on the vpn ip's ( and
2010 Feb 01
Bridging on windows networks
Many thanks for the help to date. I now have a working vpn with three nodes: Each machine can see each other machine 100's of miles apart from each other. Each machine is behind its own router. The machines are on their own subnets, as well, of course. The individual IP's on the lans of the nodes are: (corresponds to
2007 Jun 11
Tinc Configuration in Win XP
Hi, I have installed tinc for Windows and configured in two windows pc as per tinc document . But we are unable to ping both the pc . My Private ip address and tinc ip address is . Could you suggest . Regards Manish -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Jan 21
Service wont start
WindowsXPsp3 All of the installation steps worked fine, it seemed. But after I ran: tincd -n vpn even though I got: tinc.vpn service installed tinc.vpn service started when I look at my connections (using ipconfig /all), the "Media State" is "Media disconnected" for the "Ethernet adapter vpn:". Further, when I look at Services, I find tinc.vpn with Startup Type
2008 Feb 15
smbd daemon running as wrong user ID
Hello, I have a strange problem affecting samba-3.0.10-1.4E.12.2 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 system. We have a multi-domain configuration here at University of Verona (Italy). We use Samba as PDC for several faculties. Each faculty has its own daemon instance and its own smb config file: [root@ldapvr1 ~]# ls /etc/samba/smb.* /etc/samba/smb.conf
2016 May 03
Centos 6.7: kernel: EDAC MC0: CE row 2, channel 1, label "": (..... (Correctable Patrol Data ECC))
After update from centos 6.6 to centos 6.7 and reboot it, I have get a lot of this error into /var/log/messages: > May??3 11:27:20 s-virt kernel: EDAC MC0: CE row 2, channel 1, label > "": (Branch=0 DRAM-Bank=2 RDWR=Read RAS=6093 CAS=896, CE Err=0x10000 > (Correctable Patrol Data ECC)) > May??3 11:27:21 s-virt kernel: EDAC MC0: CE row 2, channel 1, label > "":
2018 May 02
Running ChromiumOS on libvirt
Has anyone had any success running ChromiumOS as a VM under libvirt and can provide, or point me to, a set of instructions for getting it to work? I've tried and get as far as the white boot screen with the Chromium logo, but the VM just hangs there. Regards, Tony. -- Tony Arnold MBCS, CITP | Senior IT Security Analyst | Directorate of IT Services | Desk 51, Office 2, Kilburn Building | The
2007 Oct 17
tinc on windows config error
I have tried starting tinc with this command line tincd -n vpn -d5 -D and get this error tincd 1.0.8 (May 16 2007 17:41:21) starting, debug level 5 No value for variable `MIGJAoGBAMnEdtmSs9pe+y0H4aHpQRO0GbJ3DFbEgHoaxsl1sKZ6eTHug klBJxXM' on line 3 while reading config file C:\Program Files\tinc/vpn/hosts/jenks Cannot open host configuration file for myself! Terminating ne1 help?
2019 Dec 22
2 problem with minimal (ish) chan-sip based Asterisk
Hi, For years I've been running a minimal (ish) SIP based Asterisk with the modules based on chan-sip. For various reasons unrelated to Asterisk the machine the latest incarnation of this configuration has been updated to Debian Buster and thus to Asterisk 16. Since this upgrade I have a dependency problem related to So the old config was: [modules] autoload=no load
2002 Oct 03
Autoreply to samba digest, Vol 1 #1685 - 12 msgs
Vielen Dank für Ihre e-mail. Da ich vom 30.09.-06.10 in Urlaub bin, kann ich sie leider erst danach bearbeiten bzw. beantworten. In dringenden Fällen, können Sie sich gerne an meinen Kollegen Herrn Lamotte wenden. Er hat die email-Adresse und ist telefonisch unter 07142/596-152 zu erreichen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Michael Müller G. Umbreit GmbH & Co.KG
2018 Oct 20
how to use LV(container) created by lxc-create?
hi everyone, how can I use a LV created by lxc in libvirt guest domain? You know, you lxc-create with LV as backstore for a container(ubuntu in my case) and now you want to give to libvit. That, I thought would be a very common case but I failed to find a good howto on how one: lxc-create(lvm) => let libvirt take control over it. Or it's not how you would do it at all? many thanks, L.
2008 Aug 01
file descriptor in bad state
I've just setup a simple gluster storage system on Centos 5.2 x64 w/ gluster 1.3.10 I have three storage bricks and one client Everytime i run iozone across this setup, i seem to get a bad file descriptor around the 4k mark. Any thoughts why? I'm sure more info is wanted, i'm just not sure what else to include at this point. thanks [root at green gluster]# cat
2015 Jan 24
Indexing Mail faster
Hi, I am trying to get faster search results on our webmail client(Roundcube). Besides using Lucene for FTS are there other options? Would having all mails indexed give fast results? Currently the time it takes to search 25,000mails is 4mins. If indexed how much faster are we looking at? Really appreciate if someone could advise about this. Thanks Kevin
2007 Jan 16
number of Nodes in Random Forest
I'm calculating nodes using Random Forest in R but i only get nodes for a fraction of the compounds i want to calculate, the rest is ommited and is not printed in the output file, (i'm working with 3012 compounds). What can i do to have nodes printed for all the compounds. Thanks Gon?alo
2016 Feb 16
iconv to UTF-16 encoding produces error due to embedded nulls (write.table with fileEncoding param)
If I execute the code from the "?write.table" examples section x <- data.frame(a = I("a \" quote"), b = pi) # (ommited code) write.csv(x, file = "foo.csv", fileEncoding = "UTF-16LE") the resulting CSV file has a size of 6 bytes which is too short (truncated): """,3 The problem seems to be the iconv function:
2010 Jan 28
weighted least squares vs linear regression
I need to find out the difference between the way R calculates weighted regression and standard regression. I want to plot a 95% confidence interval around an estimte i got from least squares regression. I cant find he documentation for this ive looked in ?stats ?lm ?predict.lm ?weights ?residuals.lm Can anyone shed light? thanks Chris. -- View this message in context:
2016 Feb 23
iconv to UTF-16 encoding produces error due to embedded nulls (write.table with fileEncoding param)
>>>>> nospam at altfeld-im de <nospam at> >>>>> on Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:45:59 +0100 writes: > Dear R developers > I think I have found a bug that can be reproduced with two lines of code > and I am very thankful to get your first assessment or feed-back on my > report. > If this is the wrong mailing list or I
2006 Oct 26
No address specified error
Hi, I am trying to create a vpn with tinc on three windows machines.. Tinc starts listening on port 655 Virtual adapter is connected, no problems there In the conf file are two connect to's : Name = red ConnectTo = duke ConnectTo = optimus Interface = VPN In debug mode, tinc reports: tincd 1.0.4 (May 4 2005 20:55:25) starting, debug level 5 Tap reader running
2016 Feb 24
iconv to UTF-16 encoding produces error due to embedded nulls (write.table with fileEncoding param)
On 23/02/2016 7:06 AM, Mikko Korpela wrote: > On 23.02.2016 11:37, Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>>> nospam at altfeld-im de <nospam at> >>>>>>> on Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:45:59 +0100 writes: >> >> > Dear R developers >> > I think I have found a bug that can be reproduced with two lines of code