similar to: Kernel 2.4.10 prblem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Kernel 2.4.10 prblem"

2001 Jun 19
Question about building tinc pre4
When trying to make the last version I'm getting this error (#./configure --prefix=/some/dir); #make): ============================ gcc -g -O2 -I/usr/local/openssl/include -DPKGLIBDIR=/usr/local/tinc_new/lib /tinc -DCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/tinc_new/etc\" -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/local /tinc_new/share/locale\" -DLOCALSTATEDIR=\"/usr/local/tinc_new/var\" -o tincd
2001 Nov 06
Hi, a problem
just minutes ago I upgraded one of my PC to kernel 2.4.14 and after that starting Tincd gives me the following error: " tinc.vpn1[2611]: Error while reading from ethertap device: File descriptor in bad state" Once I had this error and you advised me to recompile tinc, so I did it now, but now it hasn't helped. So any help from you would be appreciated Kosta Galabov Sysadmin Tinc:
2003 Feb 06
OpenSSL compile problem
Hi, I'm using tinc for ~ 2 years now and I'm very happy with it (thanks to the makers - this is very good program to use). Anyway everytime I build I have this odd problem and until now I always found a way to solve it but now I'm really stuck. I'm trying to build tinc-pre7 and I always reach to this error on configure: --------------------- checking for RAND_pseudo_bytes... no
2005 Feb 15
prblem in compileing asterisk-prepaid
Hello Any one using asterisk-prepaid with mysql. i want asteirsk-prepaid for fedora core 2. i have installed mysql-devel. but after that i am unable to compile the asterisk-prepaid it is giving me error for libmysqlclient. i already have this library in my /usr/lib/mysql. i am using asterisk-CVS. Here is the error given when i try to compile asterisk-prepaid. [root@kamran asterisk-prepaid]#
1999 Aug 04
No locking avaliable - Compiling prblem
Hi. I have a small network and a file and print server running on a 486 machine under Suse 6.0, kernel 2.0.36. Samba version is 1.9.18p10 that was precompiled and came with the Suse distribution pack, and it is working without any problem almost a year. Recently I have obtained a 2.0.5a source distribution and when I tried to compile the source I'm receiving the following message at the end
2009 Jan 05
prblem with NA
Hi all I have a data set with the total number of columns =ncol, and the total number of rows=nrow. I am trying to loop over the values and id the value is less than or equal to 100 to be changed to 1. if the value is greater than 100 , to be changed to 0. if NA , let X[i,j]=NA. I ran into a problem where if one row in my data set had all values =NA, then the program does not continue working
2003 Aug 19
XP Local Group add prblem - Object Picker Incomplete
Hey troops! Well, it seems that I'm the one that needs some helps this time. Here's the situation. I've got a suXP Pro box with SP1 on it that whenever I try to add any 'domain_user' to any 'local_group' it gives me the following error message: "Information returned from the object picker for object "<username>" was incomplete. The object will
2001 May 08
Config error - please help-continue
It didn't help :( When I did ping to from client machine I got the following in syslog: May 8 08:55:54 ns tinc.vpn_net[726]: Sending packet of 100 bytes to US_VPN (x.x.x.x - inetIP) May 8 08:55:55 ns tinc.vpn_net[726]: Incoming data socket error: Connection refused tcpdump -i tap0 gives this: 08:49:13.919331 > icmp: echo request 08:49:14.919323
2003 Feb 25
Samba locking problem - is this a bug ?
Hi, I asked this once and no one seem to answer. So I'm trying once again: I have the following problem: I have a linux samba server and a lot of linux clients that connect to it. What I noticed is that if one of the clients create new file and starts do some operation on it - the file is unreadable for all other clients (output od smbstatus: DENY_FCB RDWR NONE) - which is OK I
2003 Mar 17
Tinc routes ?
Hi, this is not a problem, but more explaination. I have four networks connected via tinc - A, B, C and D. B, C and D connect to A. What is odd to me is that B and C communicate directly (without going to A); while all communication to D network goes via A. When I turned more verbose logging on tinc, I show a line like this: "adding route to VPN_NAME vi MASTER_VPN_NAME". Why does it
2003 Jun 17
Hi, a config question
Hi all, I have the following question. If the master tinc dies (the one that clients have ConnectTo option), does clients conntinue to communicate with each other ? I noteced the following. If there is some traffic between the clients and the master tinc dies - there is no problem. But if there is no traffic between clients and the master dies, then when I try to access some different than master
2001 Dec 10
tinc dies after some days/weekes of normal activity
Hello, I successfully use tinc for one year in a configuration with several subnets (about 5-7 subnets) and one main server. Sometimes tinc dies with the error message: Error while waiting for input: Bad file descriptor If it happens, this happens immediately, when one subnet has disconnected. tinc (on the main server) tries then to disconnect all currently connected subnets and while
2019 May 20
Second VPN network fails to start
Hello Lars, Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately I made an error in writing the network I expected to connect to. I meant The one I wrote in fact was one network of the already established VPN. I have included full details of my relevant files below. Background: I am trying to set up a second VPN between two servers: gtdb and db2. Both servers are already part of separate
2019 May 23
Second VPN network fails to start
Hi Lars, Appreciate all your help, unfortunately the problem remains. I've marked up below: >>> Lars Kruse <lists at> 22-May-19 4:02 PM >>> Hello Robert, Am Mon, 20 May 2019 11:11:39 +0700 schrieb "Robert Horgan" <Robert at>: > These are my files: > > On server 1: db2 > > /etc/tinc/nets.boot > # >
2005 Nov 25
Can't bind to port 655/tcp: Permission denied
Hellou I found a interesting problem with my tinc instalation: Log messages from main router. tinc.vpn1[1959]: tincd 1.0pre7 starting tinc.vpn1[1959]: /dev/tun is a Linux tun/tap device tinc.vpn1[1959]: Can't bind to port 655/tcp: Permission denied tinc.vpn1[1959]: Unable to create any listening socket! tinc.vpn1[1959]: Unrecoverable error #cat
2017 May 01
How to set Subnet in a node which act as both server and client role?
Hi, Tinc experts Diagram as below, A is trying to access host X behind C: A >> B >> C — “host X" B is the tinc server for A, but also B is the tinc client to connect to C. My question is, if I only use one VPN (/etc/tinc/myvpn), then the host configuration for B will be tricky. As the tinc server to A, B’s host config (/etc/tinc/myvpn/hosts/B) needs have the Subnet = X/32,
2008 Jan 27
Reporting Analisysing program
Anybody knows some graphic reporting/analysing program for shorewall 4.0.7 or i have to do it by accounting? -- Javier Martínez Technical Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: Microsoft Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
2001 May 07
Config error - please help
I installed Tinc and started on two mashines. both connect and say everything is OK. But then when I try to ping through the VPN I get the following errors in syslog: on server: rtr-us tinc.vpn_net[911]: Metadata socket read error for BG_VPN (x.x.x.x - inet ip of client): No such process and on client ns tinc.vpn_net[301]: Incoming data socket error: Connection refused what does it mean as on my
2019 May 15
Second VPN network fails to start
Hi, I have a small problem and any help appreciated. Tinc 1.0.33 Ubuntu 18.04 at Digital Ocean I need VPNs between 1 database server and two servers on separate networks: VPN0 works OK DB2 connects to Web1 Here is my ip r result: default via x.x.x.x dev eth0 proto static dev tun0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope
2006 Nov 27
Tinc-up and Windows...
Hello, I've used tinc successfully for a long time, all with Linux hosts. No problem there. Unfortunately I now have to add a Windows host to the VPN. What a fight Winblows is! Probably just my ignorance. The VPN works and tinc says that tinc-up is run (and a debugging statement proves it) but I can't get an extra route added. tinc-up.bat contains: ------------------- netsh interface