similar to: [1122] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/PrintPreview.i: Mark the PrintOuts associated with a Preview to prevent premature

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "[1122] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/PrintPreview.i: Mark the PrintOuts associated with a Preview to prevent premature"

2007 May 04
[1010] trunk/wxruby2: PrintPreview ok method name changed to is_ok, update sample
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2007 Jul 19
[1121] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/PreviewFrame.i: Avoid double-free error on PrintPreview once attached to a PreviewFrame
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2007 May 04
[1011] trunk/wxruby2/doc/textile/printpreview.txtl: Update docs for PrintPreview ok
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2006 Aug 11
PrintPreview extremely slow with Samba network printers
I am using Microsoft .NET (2.0) PrintPreviewDialog to preview reports, and all works well when the Windows default printer is set to a local printer or a network printer on a Windows server, but if I set it to a Samba network printer, it slows down to a crawl. With a Windows server network printer, it takes about 10 seconds to render 100 pages. With a Samba network printer, it takes over 5
2006 Jun 20
How can I registrate an .ocx file?
Hi, I installed a program and an error occurred: *** ERROR: An error occurred while registering the file 'C:\windows\system32\PrintPreview.ocx' *** ERROR: (User Responded with 'Abort') *** DURING THIS ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\windows\system32\PrintPreview.ocx" Is there any way to register this file? Thanks. -- Sávio Martins Ramos - Arquiteto Rio de Janeiro
2004 Nov 24
wxRuby Print class Progress
Right now I have the following progress made with printing: - WxPrinterDC - 100% - WxPrinter, 90% - WxPrintData - 10% - WxPrintDialog - 80% - WxPrintDialogData - 10% - WxHtmlPrintout - 10% - WxPrintout - 0% (this is abstract class I need to work on so wxRuby users can subclass) - WxPrintPreview - 0% By the end of this weekend I hope to have all of the above classes completed. I do have partial
2008 May 18
[ wxruby-Bugs-20211 ] Unresolved symbol due to linkage error
Bugs item #20211, was opened at 2008-05-18 13:46 You can respond by visiting: Category: Compile/build Group: current Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Tobias Peters (t-peters) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: Unresolved symbol due to linkage error Initial Comment: While compiling wxruby
2007 Jul 19
[1120] trunk/wxruby2/lib/wx/classes/previewframe.rb: GC protection for Preview associated with PreviewFrame, fixing crashes
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2006 Oct 17
[680] trunk/wxruby2/samples/printing/printing.rb: Cleaned up to use the Ruby naming convention, added #! line, now uses Wx default ID''s in standard menu items.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2011 Nov 25
Custom printouts in reports
Hi All, I''ve started with Puppet recently. So maybe it is a simple problem, but could not find out up to now the solution. I just want to print out the debug/log message in client report. The only way I found is to use notify for this purpose like: class repo { notify {"The log message":} } In client report I see this: info: Applying configuration version
2009 Nov 11
Suppressing final spaces in data.frame printouts
When printing data.frames, R aligns columns by padding with spaces. For example, print(data.frame(x=c('a','bb','ccc')),right=FALSE) ? x 1 a? |------------------ vertical bar shows end of line 2 bb |------------------ vertical bar shows end of line 3 ccc|------------------ vertical bar shows end of line Is there some way to suppress the padding for the final column? I
2009 Jan 07
Parse-Error creates strange function calls (completely different printouts) (PR#13436)
Full_Name: Oliver Bandel Version: R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23) OS: Linux (Debian Lenny) Submission from: (NULL) ( Hello, I have written a small R-script. When I inserted one line of code, the behaviour was completely different! Instead of just printing one line more to the output, the complete call of the function in which this line was added, is different, and instead of one such
2010 Jun 25
Wine release 1.2-rc5
The Wine development release 1.2-rc5 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Many translation updates. - A lot of bug fixes. The source is available from the following locations: Binary packages for various
2010 Jan 28
Compiling problem on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit
Hello, I''m trying to compile wxruby for Ruby 1.9 on Ubuntu Karmic 64 bit, but I can''t get it to work. I''ve already done this for the 32 bit version (on another machine, of course), so I don''t see where''s the problem with that. I thought, I had all neccessary libraries installed, but maybe you know better... After compiling for a long time, rake fails
2006 Apr 14
Premature end of script headers
Hi. We install ruby, rail, rubygems, rails, mod_fastcgi and fastCGI nad we get from this URL ans everything install with no errors, but when we try to run "test" we get this: Error from apache error_log: Premature end of script headers: /home/user/public_html/rails/dispatch.cgi /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:46:in
2006 Feb 18
Premature end of script headers:....dispatch.cgi
Hi all, I have a working ruby app that I developed on Window and I am trying to deploy it on Linox with Apache. The hosting company generated for me an empty rails app and I just replaced the files that I modified in my app (only rb/rhtml/css/js files). In addition I updatd the database.yml but now I am getting either page not found or Application error Rails application failed to start
2005 Jul 04
Error: Premature end of script headers: dispatch.cgi
Hi, I''m hoping someone can help me with my setup. I''ve installed ruby (1.8.2), gems (0.8.10), and rails (whatever was current as of about two days ago). I''ve got an app (been trying the Todo tutorial) setup under a virtual host as a subdomain (httpd.conf is setup according to directions in
2011 Mar 07
setting up ror ... hitting "Premature end of script headers:" error.
Hi, I trying to setup my ror environment for the first time. system: ubuntu 10.10 server apache2 latests Ruby / Gems / ROR / Phusion Passenger .. all via *rvm* * * ** * * at the very beginning I hit the error (from apache log) [Mon Mar 07 15:17:36 2011] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: rails, referer: *http://local-url/* [Mon Mar 07 15:17:57 2011] [error]
2009 Jul 09
Premature end of script headers: upsimage.cgi
hi- i'm using version 2.4.1, courtesy of debian testing, and noticed that in the web interface, the image for the battery voltage bar graph wasn't displaying. the other images (change, input, output, load) seem to be fine. the browser reports "500 internal server error", and apache reports "Premature end of script headers: upsimage.cgi, referer:
2006 Jul 09
where do uncaught exceptions printouts go?
Hi, I have a worker, which should have thrown an uncaught exception and dumped the stack in the do_work method, however I saw no dump or indication of any error in any of the logs. This makes it very hard to debug, where does stdout and or stderr go? How canb I know if it gets some kind of error? (in this case not being able to find a class). Thanks -- Jim Morris,