similar to: syntax II

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "syntax II"

2007 Sep 17
Re : syntax II
Alex Fenton wrote : >1) Setting up event handlers > >In most real apps, I think the most normal way to set up event handlers >is for the event to be dealt with by a corresponding method. At the >moment this has to be done using a block: > >evt_button(AN_ID) { on_button_click } >evt_button(my_button.get_id) do | event | > on_button_click(event) >end >evt_size { |
2004 Jun 11
Handling Events that don''t take an ID
Hey Kevin, Am I correct in assuming that if I want a particular widget to respond to an event which doesn''t take an ID as an argument (like evt_size or evt_left_down), that I have to inherit a new widget and define the event handler within the inherited class? Here''s a little contrived code example to illustrate what I mean: class MyCtrl < Wx::TextCtrl def
2007 Oct 23
wxRuby 1.9.2
I''m happy to announce that wxRuby 1.9.2 is now available from Rubyforge. As usual we''ve got source and binary gems for Win32, OS X and Linux: or gem install wxruby == WHAT''S NEW == This release has a mix of new syntax features, new classes, and lots of minor fixes and additions * New shorter syntax for event handlers * New
2010 Mar 30
My first wxRuby app doesn't work, please help!
Hi, I'm trying to learn wxRuby. This is program: require 'wx' include Wx class MyFrame < Frame def initialize super(nil,-1,"Mi primera ventana Wx!") @panel = @lbl1 =,-1,"Label") @text1 =,-1,"Text Value") @combo,-1,"Combo Text") @button
2006 Oct 21
wxsugar question
I''ve only had the briefest play with wxSugar and already I like it a lot. One small question - have you considered some more ''convention over configuration'' like they do in rails, in particular for event connectors? So instead of listen(:button, my_button, my_button_pressed) you can leave it out entirely and rely on the convention that a button has a _pressed
2007 Mar 22
[916] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282: More Wx::AUI classes, event hooks and sample
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2004 Apr 21
Resizing a ListCtrl
Hi Guys, I''m having serious troubles resizing a dialog with a ListCtrl. The ctrl will not resize horizontally no matter what I''m doing. I''ve attached a sample code below. Any help will be greatly appreciated, as I really like wxRuby :) I''ve also tried to copy from the example from listtest.rbw, but that also doesn''t seem to work. Another thing
2006 Sep 07
A little bit of sugar
Hi Do a search on ''wxruby'' and you''ll see that people''s main gripes are 1) stability 2) development progress 3) documentation and 4) syntax. We''re making great progress on 1-3 so thought it seemed like a good time to start looking at 4). So here''s announcing a first release of WxSugar. It can be downloaded via gems (gem install wx_sugar)
2010 Mar 20
Tab key traversal
Below is my attempt at changing the focus from one text control to the next control after a person presses the tab key. The wxTE_PROCESS_TAB style property has been selected for each of the controls. What corrections do I have to make? Thanks. #!/usr/bin/env ruby require ''rubygems'' require ''wx'' require ''tp1.rb'' class MainFrame < TPSC
2006 Apr 10
ActiveRecord: Behavior not doumented
Hello everbody, doing a #find(:first,an_id) with Rails 1.1.0 I expected that find returns the record which id mathches the given parameter an_id or nil if it couldn''t be found. This behaviour is documented on But the find returns the first available object and not nil if an_id is not in the db. Is the doc on out of sync? Greetings, -- Daniel
2004 Jun 19
FlexGridSizer question
=begin I am trying to understand how FlexGridSizer works and I have written a small test application using the latest wxRuby 0.4.0 on Win XP (Home). I cannot get static text ''Week'', ''Day'' and ''Date'' line up above the OK button. I have tried all combinations of ALIGN flags, but I either got the text sticking far too close to the left edge of
2007 Nov 02
xrcise tutorial, undefined method ''upper_bt''
Hi I''m trying to follow the tutorial on xrcise at But I keep getting the following error when I try to run the example; tutorial.rb:21:in `initialize'': undefined method ''upper_bt'' for #<CaseChangeFrame:0x2d610f8> (NoMethodError) from tutorial.rb:28:in `new'' from
2007 Dec 04
REST bug with form_for
Hi all, I am running on Windows XP sp2 with ruby 1.8.6, and rails 1.2.3 I am using REST, and have this in my view <% form_for(:project, :url => project_path(:user_id => @project.my_user, :id => @project), :html => {:method => :put}) do |f| %> The browser correctly gives <form method="post" action="/users/2/projects/1">
2004 Aug 07
end_modal question
Really stupid question, but have you wrapped this all in an App class? If you don''t have a wxApp subclass driving your applications then all sorts of badness would happen. > I''m writing a custom little application for my boss''s high school > football team to track there stats play by play. > > My problem is that when I start the application, it
2008 Nov 14
GenericDirCtrl#re_create_tree behaviour
Hi When GenericDirCtrl#re_create_tree is called in order to refresh the tree with any possible changes made to the file system since it was loaded, it doesn''t re-expand all the tree items that were expanded prior to calling re_create_tree. I''m working on a solution to note all open tree items and after re_create_tree manually expand the items that are still present in the tree.
2006 Dec 18
unit testing wxruby GUIs
paul.allton at wrote: > I''m a big fan of automated UI testing (i.e. driving the UI from some robot API). I appreciate this > is potentially a whole new project, but does wxwidgets provide a method of clicking buttons, > typing into components ... if so, would it be technically possible to expose this in wxruby. I like automated UI testing too, but
2010 Aug 19
Composite primary keys and :joins=>
I have a legacy db with the following simplified structure: Table-A: type_key, code_key, name, ... # PKs are type_key and code_key, there is no id col and I cannot alter this db Table-B: # each row has only the code as a foreign_key, the type_key is hard-coded to "FOOKEY" an_id, code, ... Models: class TableB < AR::Base set_table_name ''table_b''
2004 May 12
New tutorial added!
Hey guys, It''s been awhile, but I''ve put up a new tutorial page on Wx::Frame. It''s the first half of the tutorial on Frame, the rest will come a little later. Let me know what you guys think. Any comments or criticisms are welcome. Let me know what was good and what could have been better, so that future tutorials will be able to incorporate those improvements.
2009 Jan 29
Help understanding EVERYTHING
Team, I am trying to learn a GUI for Ruby and I picked wxRuby. The problem is that I am kind of slow learning this and I now feel frustrated after trying for about at least 7 hours. I am trying to design a simple Sudoku 9x9 grid to display numbers, 1 - 9, using buttons. I posted a question on Ruby forum ruby-talk and a gentleman, Alex Fenton, answered my questions. Alex gave me what appear to be
2005 Aug 19
Patch for listbook.rb
Attached is a patch file for listbook.rb 1) Message box scrolls properly now 2) Blank lines are skipped when adding pizzas and ice cream _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list