similar to: Silly question of the day:

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Silly question of the day:"

2004 Nov 09
Silly question of the day: "permission" vs "permissions"
Hi all, I noticed that I named the permission methods "get_permission" and "set_permission". For some reason this is bugging me. Would anyone object if I changed it to "get_permissions" and "set_permissions"? I don''t really want to create an alias... Regards, Dan
2006 Mar 20
Need some ACL help for win32-file
Hi folks, I''ve got most everything done for the pure Ruby version of win32-file. The last thing left (since I''ll be moving the IO methods to a different package eventually) is the file security stuff. Here''s what I''ve got so far for the get_permissions method. However, I''m stuck at GetAce(). If someone could help me finish up this method, I
2006 Mar 25
Help with File.set_permissions port
I''ve got a (broken) version of File.set_permissions in CVS, and I need some help finishing it off please. Heesob, can you take a look? Thanks, Dan
2004 Mar 13
Win32-file update for FileSecurity
Hi, I''ve commited win32-file update for FileSecurity DACLs Added some constants, three singleton functions, and test code. Calling Syntax is like this: Win32::File.set_permission(''filename'',{''Everyone''=>Win32::File::FULL, ''NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM''=>Win32::File::CHANGE,
2005 Aug 11
win32-process + ruby-breakpoint = strangebehavior
> -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of > Bill Atkins > Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:39 AM > To: > Subject: [Win32utils-devel] win32-process + ruby-breakpoint = > strangebehavior > > > I''m getting really strange
2011 Aug 22
Pure Ruby TCP Daemon
Hi all, I created a "pure" branch on github that uses the code Heesob posted a while back: However, I couldn''t make it work on my Vista laptop. c:\Users\djberge\Repositories\win32-service\examples>ruby demo_daemon_ctl.rb start VERSION: 0.8.0
2005 Sep 28
[ win32utils-Bugs-2532 ] Etc::Admin.configure_group problem
Bugs item #2532, was opened at 2005-09-27 23:11 You can respond by visiting: Category: win32-etc Group: Code Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Daniel Berger (djberg96) Assigned to: Park Heesob (phasis68) Summary: Etc::Admin.configure_group problem Initial Comment: Ruby 1.8.2 Windows XP Pro
2004 Feb 06
Service pause and resume
I committed a new version of service.c and daemon_test.rb. Now you can pause and resume a Ruby service module. Regards, Park Heesob --MIME Multi-part separator--
2006 May 17
Need a little help with the pureRubywin32-eventlog
> -----Original Message----- > From: win32utils-devel-bounces at > [mailto:win32utils-devel-bounces at] On Behalf Of > Berger, Daniel > Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 12:07 PM > To: Development and ideas for win32utils projects > Subject: Re: [Win32utils-devel] Need a little help with the > pureRubywin32-eventlog > > > >
2007 Sep 27
Threads and IO (gets) still a problem for us?
Hello Guys, I''m trying to get this working: t = { while true puts "printing a line" sleep 2 end } gets t.exit puts "exiting" As you see, the idea is get multiple "printing a line" until a hit enter. The thing is this is a known problem for 1.8 on win32. I tried both mingw, VC6 and VC8 with the same results. Saw a post
2005 Nov 26
Another patch of win32-service for nice startup.
Hi, I believe this patch would be a perfect solution for a lengthy initialization application. Added hStartEvent, service_init, checkpoint increments. ============================================================ --- temp/service.c 2005-11-27 00:03:30.000000000 +0900 +++ service.c 2005-11-27 00:01:58.000000000 +0900 @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ static VALUE cDaemonError; static VALUE rbServiceStruct,
2005 Feb 07
win32-driveinfo in CVS
Hi all, I committed win32-driveinfo 0.1.0 to CVS. What is it? =========== A class for getting information of drives Synopsis ======== include Win32::DriveInfo (sectorsPerCluster, bytesPerSector, numberOfFreeClusters, totalNumberOfClusters, freeBytesAvailableToCaller, totalNumberOfBytes, totalNumberOfFreeBytes) = getDriveSpace(''c'').to_a
2006 Feb 02
Fwd: win32-clipboard and Unicode zero bytes
Hi all, I''m forwarding this message from Brian Marick. If you run this test script and then paste the results into a Unicode aware text editor, you''ll notice that it only prints one character instead of three. I tried changing the strlen to _tcslen and strcpy to _tcscpy, but that didn''t help. I mucked around a bit with the MultiByteToWideChar function, too, but
2006 Jan 05
[Fwd: [win32utils-help][6822] Eventlog problem]
Dang, I thought we solved this. Any ideas? Dan PS - I realized after reading this I forgot to bump the version number for 0.3.3 - I''ve uploaded a new zip file with the correct version number. -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: alain Fioretti <noreply at> Subject: [win32utils-help][6822] Eventlog problem Date: Thu, 5
2007 Dec 05
Fwd: win32/process problem
Any ideas? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Christian Kerth < at> Date: Dec 5, 8:28 am Subject: win32/process problem To: comp.lang.ruby I have an application that consists of serveral independent parts. I want to use the Windows Process API to spawn the different processes. e.g. require ''rubygems'' require
2008 Jul 08
Some more win32-security: SID.create
Hi all, How does this look as a general approach to a SID.create method: # Creates and initializes def self.create(authority, *sub_authorities) if sub_authorities.length > 8 raise ArgumentError, ''maximum of 8 subauthorities allowed'' end authorities =, 0) authorities.replace(sub_authorities) count ={ |e| e > 0 }.size
2008 Apr 30
Playing with NtQueryInformationFile
Hi all, I''m trying to get the allocation size of a file via a file handle (rather than its name). The example below works for FileNameInformation but I can''t get it to work as expected for FileStandardInformation. Here''s some sample code: # query_test.rb require ''windows/handle'' require ''windows/error'' include Windows::Handle
2006 Oct 06
Need some help with latest win32-mmap
Hi all, I''ve got the latest win32-mmap code checked into CVS. Unfortunately, it seems that I''m not able to open an existing mapping and retrieve set data. Below is a simple example that seems like it ought to work but doesn''t. Any ideas? # map1.rb require ''win32/mmap'' include Win32 mmap = => ''alpha'', :size
2008 Jun 10
Unraveling a FAR*
Hi all, Just looking over fole_s_connect() in win32ole.c and I noticed this bit: hr = CLSIDFromProgID(pBuf, &clsid); ... hr = GetActiveObject(&clsid, 0, &pUnknown); ... hr = pUnknown->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pUnknown, &IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pDispatch ); Using win32-api, that would be something like: IID_IUnknown =
2005 Apr 21
Screen capture, save to file
Is there anything in the utils to capture a screen ( or maybe just a window) and save to a file. I have this, but I have no idea where it came from, but it gives a corrupted image Paul # -*- ruby -*- # screen capture -- # This script runs with a Ruby/DL which is included in ruby-1.7. require ''dl/import'' module ScreenCapture extend DL::Importable dlload