similar to: Silly question of the day: "permission" vs "permissions"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Silly question of the day: "permission" vs "permissions""

2004 Nov 10
Silly question of the day:
Hi, > > Hi all, > > I noticed that I named the permission methods "get_permission" and > "set_permission". For some reason this is bugging me. Would anyone object > if I changed it to "get_permissions" and "set_permissions"? I don''t really > want to create an alias... > Following is the Result of the Google Search
2004 Mar 13
Win32-file update for FileSecurity
Hi, I''ve commited win32-file update for FileSecurity DACLs Added some constants, three singleton functions, and test code. Calling Syntax is like this: Win32::File.set_permission(''filename'',{''Everyone''=>Win32::File::FULL, ''NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM''=>Win32::File::CHANGE,
2006 Mar 25
Help with File.set_permissions port
I''ve got a (broken) version of File.set_permissions in CVS, and I need some help finishing it off please. Heesob, can you take a look? Thanks, Dan
2006 Mar 20
Need some ACL help for win32-file
Hi folks, I''ve got most everything done for the pure Ruby version of win32-file. The last thing left (since I''ll be moving the IO methods to a different package eventually) is the file security stuff. Here''s what I''ve got so far for the get_permissions method. However, I''m stuck at GetAce(). If someone could help me finish up this method, I
2005 Mar 05
[win32-file] Suggested API change
Hi all, As things stand now, to get the ACL for a file, it''s a two step process: File.get_permissions("some_file").each{ |acct,perm| p acct p File.securities(perm) } I was thinking of merging these two calls into one so that it would return a hash, with the account as the key, and the value would be an array of access rights. Or possibly an array of ACLStruct''s
2009 Dec 16
Silly question x64 vs i386
I have a really silly question... but just want to ask... I have one box on my home network that is x86_64 capable... My other boxes are all i386. As this x86_64 machine can, at most, house 4 GB of RAM (currently only has 1 GB) - is there any advantage to my running x86_64 on that machine instead of i386... Long story as to why I am asking - but before I go off and moveit down to i386 -
2004 Feb 16
wait vs waitpid
Hi, It looks like the current wait() method is actually a mix of wait and waitpid. Should we break this down into wait and waitpid for win32, just to keep the API consistent with the Unix version? Mind you, I''m not sure what flags, if any, would be valid for Win32 with regards to waitpid. Also, is wait2 a possibility? Regards, Dan
2008 Dec 01
Code formatting with VS 2008?
Hi everyone, I see that Visual Studio 2008 Pro has the ability to auto-format code. Does anyone know if there''s a way to auto-format pre-ansi C code to ANSI C? I couldn''t find anything, but there''s so many options in VS I wasn''t sure. Regards, Dan This communication is the property of Qwest and may contain confidential or privileged information.
2008 May 17
Problem reading log with win32-eventlog - buffer too small
Hi all, A user recently ran into an issue with win32-eventlog and the EventLog#read method when reading a saved log file. It seems that there''s an issue. After some experimentation I found that the problem seems to be that the initial buffer to ReadEventLog() in line 558 is too small, so it tries a second call to ReadEventLog() with a larger buffer. The problem is that, after I
2008 Sep 23
Silly answers to silly questions for a silly Noob.
OK, I'm a noob to Wine. I've figured some stuff out with Wine and it sees everything I want it to see just fine. OK, I understand why you don't want Wine to see your windows install, but I put all my program installs on a separate partition. Now with this in mind can I just have Wine look at my Program Files and run my apps from there, or do I have to reinstall all the apps I want
2001 Feb 14
silly question about spec
I'm using spec for multivariate time series, and have a question about "coh". This is probably a very silly question, but I'm a bit stumped. >From the documentation: Column i + (j - 1) * (j - 2)/2 of coh contains the squared coherency between columns i and j of x, where i > j. What's in column 1 of coh? Cheers Jason -- Indigo Industrial Controls Ltd.
2005 Sep 28
[ win32utils-Bugs-2532]Etc::Admin.configure_group problem
> -----Original Message----- > From: win32utils-devel-bounces at > [mailto:win32utils-devel-bounces at] On Behalf Of > Park Heesob > Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 3:05 AM > To: Development and ideas for win32utils projects > Subject: Re: [Win32utils-devel] [ > win32utils-Bugs-2532]Etc::Admin.configure_group problem > > > Hi,
2008 May 21
[Fwd: [PATCH]: Fix silly output for virtio devices in /proc/interrupts]
(sent to the kvm list erroneously) -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Chris Lalancette <clalance at> Subject: [PATCH]: Fix silly output for virtio devices in /proc/interrupts Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 14:51:45 +0200 Size: 4582 Url:
2008 May 21
[Fwd: [PATCH]: Fix silly output for virtio devices in /proc/interrupts]
(sent to the kvm list erroneously) -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Chris Lalancette <clalance at> Subject: [PATCH]: Fix silly output for virtio devices in /proc/interrupts Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 14:51:45 +0200 Size: 4582 Url:
2007 Sep 29
Silly question - Anything faster than rm?
Maybe this is a silly question, but i have a few million files i need to delete but i can't just reformat the volume. Right now the fastest thing i can think of is nice -20 rm -Rf /folder-i-want-to-delete is there a better or faster way to do this? Thanks, Jamie
2005 Feb 10
silly cross posts
Russ, > Sorry for the cross post, but this is an important > one potentially affecting all recipients. Why be sorry? Did you break a rule? Where is the rule? It seems that there is a rule, but the rule gives if the matter is important enough. But you have to say "Sorry"? It seems that when a matter comes up that is important enough to inform everyone, one MUST cross post
2002 Jul 11
Silly question??
Ok, so this may be silly question, but I can't find the answer anywhere I've looked. I have Samba up and running. I have manually added users and all are working great. My question is simple, whats the easiest way to add users? If they exist inthe /etc/passwd file, I suppose that running "smbpasswd -a username" is the best option to add the user... Can this be done via any
2005 Oct 26
a silly question on index of a matrix
Hi netters, This is probably a silly question,but I can't find the answer after searching the R-help archives online. ok, I have a matrix. I know there is a "10" somewhere in it. Now I want to know the index of the element "10" in this matrix. That is, if X[i,j]=10, I want to know i and j. Is there a R function to do this? Just like the "find" function in
2006 Jan 04
silly, extracting the value of "C" from the results of somers2
Sorry I have a very simple question: I used somers2 function from Design package: > z<- somers2(x,y, weights=w) results are: >z C Dxy n Missing 0.88 0.76 500 0.00 Now I want to call only the value of C to be used in further analyses, but I fail to do it. I have tried: > z$C NULL > z[,C] Error in z[,C]: incorrect number of dimensions and some other silly
2007 Oct 14
GetTimeZoneInformation question
Hi all, The following code snippet isn''t working terribly well for me. I can get the Bias, StandardName and DaylightName, but everything else is goofed up. The alignment seems ok, but maybe I''ve missed something or maybe I have to do extra work to unpack the SYSTEMTIME structures. require ''windows/time'' include Windows::Time buf = 0.chr * 172 #