similar to: rdoc, ri and gems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "rdoc, ri and gems"

2005 Dec 23
Getting ri to include rdoc for my rails gems
I''ve installed Ruby 1.8.2 and Rails 1.0 on Windows XP and it''s working great. However, ri, doesn''t seem to know about any of the rdocs for the rails classes. For example if I run "ri --classes" none of the ActiveRecord classes are listed. What''s the correct way to get ri to include rails classes? Thanks, Todd -- Posted via
2006 Jan 27
Getting gem rdoc via ri?
Guys, I''m working with the new RadRails release (0.5.3), which has a very nifty inclusion of ri courtesy of RDT. Problem is, although I''ve generated rdoc for all installed gems with "gem rdoc --all", it''s not accessible through ri. I see some posts here and there about this still the necessary way to incorporate the rails rdoc into ri?
2007 Feb 07
Auto-installing Gems via boot.rb causes errors under Mongrel
Hi, I''m trying to make my Rails app auto-install my required gems, by invoking the gem installation in boot.rb. I''ll use the ActionMailer gem as an example: ... system "sudo gem install actionmailer --version=1.2.5 -y" ... Problem is that this fails on the first invocation of Mongrel - it can''t find the gem. However, if I kill and restart mongrel (with the
2008 Nov 01
query FXRuby by ri
Hi Don, Thanks for the tips. But it works on an old XP computer but NOT on the new Vista. I also notice that I can browse the classes from Fxruby when I use fxri or ri on the old computer. I see nothing about FxRuby''s stuff when I use fxri or ri on the new Vista. But I can use gem server to see the Rdoc about FxRuby''s classes on both computers. It looks Ruby doesn''t
2006 Feb 02
rails-1.0.0 gem rdoc problem
Just got a brand new install of ruby-1.8.4 and new gems downloaded, specifically rails-1.0.0. Seems rails does not generated rdoc for gem_server. Looking into the problem, it seems that there is an error when doing ''rake rdoc'' for rails-1.0.0. % rake rdoc (in /opt/local/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.0.0) rm -r doc unrecognized option `--line-numbers --inline-source
2006 Feb 22
ri docs for Rails?
I cant find ri docs for any of the Rails classes. Do I have to generate them? I do see RDoc files. john
2005 Dec 15
Instant Rails 1.0 preview7 -- with Typo!
My apologies to all who downloaded preview6, it did not contain Rails 1.0 as advertised -- I screwed up! Preview7 does, in fact, contain Rails 1.0 and as a bonus, also includes Typo 2.6.0 as a preinstalled sample app. See the Getting Started page for instructions on running Typo in Instant Rails: Also, you can thank David Morton
2006 May 18
What IDE can be used with InstantRails
What IDE can be used with InstantRails I have installed ?InstantRails-1.3a-win? on my PC. When I first started the InstantRails, an error message said something about unable to start Apache because Port 80 being used by another process. I went to change the Apache Port 80 and List 80 to Port 4001 and Listen 4001 respectively. I was ratrher pleased that ?phpmyadmin? was working at
2010 Apr 23
rails-3.0.0.beta3 install error on ri 'lib' ENOENT
Hi, I was getting an odd error installing rails-3.0.0.beta3 on a fresh Ubuntu 10.04 install. The same exact error was occurring on my Ubuntu 9.10 install, so I''m sure it isn''t something specific to the Ubuntu version (nor beta for that matter). This is the error: mike@ubuntu:~/rubygems-1.3.6$ sudo gem1.9.1 install rails --pre Successfully installed activesupport-3.0.0.beta3
2007 May 11
[Somewhat OT] Integrating RSpec and RCov results in Gem''s RDoc
I have a Gem on which the testing is done with RSpec. I would like to include the results of RSpec and the RCov html files in the RDoc. The problem is that when I have RDoc include the files, it winds up escaping all the html. Is there a way to get HTML into RDoc unprocessed? Or is there some other way I can distribute the RSpec/RCov results with my Gem integrated with RDoc? I can include
2006 Nov 04
Instant Rails 1.4 final released (with RadRails support!)
This is the final release for Instant Rails 1.4. It corrects the two known problems with the preview1 release (two help menu items caused Instant Rails to crash). Instant Rails 1.4 contains the following major changes: * Upgrades Rails to version 1.1.6 (other components upgraded to current release, also) * SCGI has been replaced by Mongrel (using Apache''s mod_proxy for
2005 Jun 09
RDoc Dashboard Widget
Hi everyone - sorry if this is a bit OT, I''m not subscribed to the ''ruby-talk'' list, but if anyone wants to cross post this over there... This is just a quick announcement to let people know that I''ve built a basic RDoc Dashboard widget for Mac OS X Tiger. It''s still beta-ish, but seems to work okay for me - and it''s a convenient reference
2010 Feb 18
Error installing some gems (Ruby 1.9.2)
Hi I am testing Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3. Has anybody encountered this error: web katz$ gem install rspec-rails ************************************************** Thank you for installing rspec-rails-1.3.2 If you are upgrading, do this in each of your rails apps that you want to upgrade: $ ruby script/generate rspec Please be sure to read History.rdoc and Upgrade.rdoc for useful
2009 Nov 17
gem install rails - errors MAC OSX (snow leopard)
This produced quite a mouthful of text. I''m stuck on the error messages and wondering if I messed something up. Any advice would be very appreciated. Thank you. dust:~ Lex$ gem install rails WARNING: Installing to ~/.gem since /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8 and /usr/bin aren''t both writable. WARNING: You don''t have /Users/Lex/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin in your PATH, gem executables
2004 Nov 04
Attempt to build a gemspec
Hi all, I''m trying to build a gemspec for win32-ipc, using a precompiled binary. Here''s my gemspec file: #win32-ipc.gemspec require "rubygems" spec = do |s| = "win32-ipc" s.version = "0.3.1" s.platform = Gem::Platform::WIN32 s.summary = "A base class for Win32 synchronization objects."
2006 Jun 28
rails destroys rdoc...again
for many versions of ruby, and as many versions of rails, ive been unable to generate docs without deleting this file: lib/rails_generator/generators/components/controller/templates/controller.rb ruby just chews more and more memory until swap fils up and the system has to be reset.. m gems # rdoc --version RDoc V1.0.1 - 20041108 ruby --version ruby 1.8.5 (2006-06-22) [x86_64-linux]
2006 Nov 04
Instant Rails 1.4 preview1 released (with RadRails support!)
This release of Instant Rails contains the following major changes: * Upgrades Rails to version 1.1.6 (other components upgraded to current release, also) * SCGI has been replaced by Mongrel (using Apache''s mod_proxy for forward requests). * For the development server, WEBrick has also been replaced by Mongrel. * Automatic RadRails configuration: if
2010 Jun 25
Error installing gems for Rails 3.0.0.beta4 on MacOSx
I tried to install Rails 3 Beta in my snow.leopard machine using the command below: (w/ sudo if it requires) gem install tzinfo builder memcache-client rack rack-test rack-mount erubis mail text-format thor bundler i18n unfortunately after 12 gems installed i got an error regarding builder-2.1.2 12 gems installed Installing ri documentation for tzinfo-0.3.22... Installing ri documentation for
2008 Dec 04
ubiquity-rdoc, better rdoc searching
Hi everyone, I wrote a set of Mozilla Ubiquity commands that allow the user to search on rdocs, also featuring autocomplete, load of any rdoc hosted on the web and changing the default rdoc when searching. The project is hosted here: and GitHub. Please, let me know any bug, suggestion, etc Luis Cipriani WebCo Internet
2005 Mar 10
(Online) documentation for 1.0
With the big One-Oh on it''s way, I''m thinking we should perhaps start to work on the documentation some more. The RDoc format is perfectly fine, and does its job beautifully, but I think it doesn''t quite reflect the whizbang value that rails has, especially for newcomers. As one who has looked at the api docs almost daily for several months, I feel quite comfortable