similar to: win32-changejournal 0.2.0-1 compile error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "win32-changejournal 0.2.0-1 compile error"

2005 Feb 04
FW: Bug fix
Forwarded, because I don''t think he''s subscribed and I''m not getting an email notification in my Yahoo account. Dan -----Original Message----- From: CT [] Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 4:17 PM To: Berger, Daniel Cc: Subject: Re: Bug fix On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 16:53:17 -0600, Berger, Daniel
2005 Apr 21
win32-changejournal modification
Hi all, Should we make the same change for win32-changejournal that we made for win32-changenotify (i.e yield an array of structs rather than a single struct)? Any objections? Dan __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
2018 Dec 16
Build from Source on MSVC 2017 cl and MSYS2 32 bit
I am build from source on MSVC 2017 cl.exe and MSYS2 32 bit. Environment Machine OS: Windows 10 Prof Visual Studio C++ : 2017 Windows SDK : 10.0.17763.0 MYS2 32 : MSYS_NT-10.0-WOW | uname -m i686 *Building code as below and getting error:* tar xzf libtheora-1.2.0alpha1.tar.gz cd libtheora-1.2.0alpha1; cd libtheora-1.2.0alpha1; CC=cl ./configure --prefix=/d/smallgame/gaminganywhere/deps.posix
2005 Dec 21
question about changejournal
Hi, I''ve got a newbie question--sorry if this is covered elsewhere, I parsed through the archives for awhile and didn''t see it. I''d like to listen for whenever a file is renamed (e.g. foo.txt -> foo.old) and then magically change it back. This sounds odd, but I''m working with a stubborn application and this will actually make things work nice. So, if I do:
2007 May 03
[ win32utils-Bugs-10555 ] wait call in while loop generate "bignum too big to convert into long" error
Bugs item #10555, was opened at 2007-05-03 11:48 You can respond by visiting: Category: win32-changejournal Group: Code Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Dong Zhang (dzhang) Assigned to: Park Heesob (phasis68) Summary: wait call in while loop generate "bignum too big to convert into
2012 Jun 24
[LLVMdev] Problems building LLVM under Visual Studio
Hi all, I'm trying to build LLVM, synced from SVN trunk yesterday. I ran CMake and it generated VS 2008 project files, so far so good.  Then I tried to build them, by building the ALL_BUILD project. It got the first three all right, but choked on template issues in LLVMCore: 1>------ Build started: Project: LLVMCore, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Compiling... 1>Verifier.cpp
2006 Jan 19
Compile error (svn 10743)
Sorry. First error file is not "modes.c" but "modes_noglobals.c". ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of ¼Õ½Â¿ø Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 11:40 AM To: Subject: [Speex-dev] Compile error (svn 10743) Hi, I've received svn 10743 revision. But there are compile errors at
2006 Jan 19
Compile error (svn 10743)
Hi, I've received svn 10743 revision. But there are compile errors at three files with VS2005. Please check these reports. Sohn, Platform system engineer. ============================================================================= 1. modes.c - nb_mode_new() SpeexNBMode * nb_mode; nb_mode = (SpeexNBMode *) speex_alloc (sizeof (SpeexNBMode)); if (nb_mode == NULL) return NULL;
2005 Apr 24
Change to win32-changejournal
Heesob, Can you please alter win32-changejournal to return an array of structs as you did for win32-changenotify? Thanks. Dan __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
2005 May 01
win32-dir 0.1.0 compile problems
I tried to download/compile/install win32-dir, but I couldn''t get it to go. Over a private email Daniel Berger had me... "Curious. What platform are you on exactly? Try modifying the extconf.rb file. Add ''have_library("SHFolder")'' above ''have_library("shell32")''. If that doesn''t work, try uncommenting the other
2005 Jan 25
Change Journals
Hi, I''ve released win32-changenotify 0.3.0 today. Take a look. Park and I have discussed a Ruby interface to change journals a little bit: Park, would you like to do this, or did you want me to? I wasn''t sure from your RubyForge post. Also, do
2010 Feb 20
MFC Code Compile Error
Dear Friend Need in Help I created using Application wizard vc++ 6.0 single document interface .... wineg++ -c -mno-cygwin -I. -I/home/khana/mvs6/VC98/mfc/include -I/home/khana/mvs6/VC98/include -o DemoMfc.o DemoMfc.cpp In file included from /home/khana/mvs6/VC98/include/windef.h:166, from /home/khana/mvs6/VC98/include/windows.h:163, from
2007 Aug 14
[ win32utils-Bugs-10555 ] wait call in while loop generate "bignum too big to convert into long" error
Bugs item #10555, was opened at 2007-05-03 09:48 You can respond by visiting: Category: win32-changejournal Group: Code Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Dong Zhang (dzhang) Assigned to: Park Heesob (phasis68) >Summary: wait call in while loop generate "bignum too big to convert
2005 Feb 14
For future reference, it looks like we should avoid DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES in any extensions. Regards, Dan
2008 Feb 28
Can't get xapian-core 1.05 to build under windows xp
Here is the output I get from nmake. I am not a guru at getting C programs to build under windows, I never had any troubles I could not solve on OSX :-( I am using the released sources, I have Visual Studio 2005, I have the make files from lemur. I read ALL the readme.txt file before starting. And this is what I get. C:\Documents and Settings\jroberson\My Documents\DOWNLOADS\xapian-
2009 Nov 12
[ win32utils-Bugs-27425 ] win32-open3 doesn't build with 1.9.1
Bugs item #27425, was opened at 2009-11-11 21:15 You can respond by visiting: Category: win32-open3 Group: Code Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Daniel Berger (djberg96) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: win32-open3 doesn''t build with 1.9.1 Initial Comment: Windows XP VC++ 9
2010 Nov 22
Using RInside in Visual Studio 8.0 VC++.NET Program
Hello, I am trying to use Rinside package in my VC++.Net program ( using Visual Studio 8.0 environment). I have downloaded Windows binary of RInside from the following link Version of RInside - 0.2.3 While compiling the program , i am getting about 69 error. Some of them are the folllowing ones. Please me in solving the following issue
2001 Feb 22
afx.h... configure: error: Could not find the MFC includes
This is driving me nuts. I'm trying to compile an MFC application using WINE. I can specify the location of the ATL includes and configure is quite happy but it chokes when I give it the MFC includes in the same way: ./configure --with-atl-includes=/home/wade/VC98/atl/Include --with-mfc-includes=/home/wade/VC98/mfc/Include Wassup? I'm using Winemaker 0.5.5 And wine
2006 Aug 24
installing ferret
I am trying to test drive ferret on a ubuntu dapper installation. I have a ferret-test.rb file like: ----begin--------- require ''ferret'' include Ferret index = => ''/opt/search-index'') ----end----------- When i issue: ruby ferret-test.rb, I get: ferret-test.rb:1:in `require'': no such file to load -- ferret (LoadError)
2010 May 20
Hi all, I am Sahana. I am currently working on Libtheora for windows platform and very new to it. I am getting a lot of compiling errors. Since Libtheora depends on libogg and libvorbis i have added these as well to my workspace in VC++ 6. I have a doubt regarding the x86 and x86_vc folders described in the libtheora software.Since both these folders have the same set of files which one do we